Anonymous ID: ba331d May 17, 2019, 3:46 p.m. No.6524161   🗄️.is 🔗kun













(Sir) Richard Branson and the "Virgin Group (et al)" is a False/Front Illegal Offshore Company @ Virgin Mobile, including but not limited to:


Virgin Mobile, Latin America - VMLA

Virgin Mobile, Middle East + Asia aka Friendi Group

Tribe Mobile Inc


President: Peter Gordon Macnee


Co-conspirator - Walter Minnes Macnee (brother). Former VP of Cash Management Systems at TD Bank (important), CIBC = British Crown Banks, President of MasterCard Worldwide.


Carlos Slim is a suspected drug trafficking "kingpin" in Mexico, along with his telecom empire (similar to Richard Branson). Rand Corp is a known CIA/DS Front Company along with the NYT - CIA Operation Mockingbird.


IN 2010 Richard Branson received loans from O.P.I.C. (Overseas Private Investment Corp) during the tenure of Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State as a 'pay-back' - pay to play scheme for his 'support' of HRC, CF and CGI.


Also in October 2010 Peter Macnee became the signatory of a Credit Suisse Account (FBAR - FACTA violation) for "The Virgin Group/SRB" : Tribe Mobile Inc (BVI) c/o Trident Trust (BVI). Nominee = Russell Case of Case Corporate Counsel, Idaho. Wife, Donna Case is a 'consultant' to Tribe Mobile Inc (BVI), a potential conflict of interest and/or there may be bank accounts in HER name to conceal criminal acts. At the time he signed the signatory and opened the account he indicated that his Nationality/ Country was Canada. But in Oct 2010 he was a US Permanent Resident and not on his tax returns along with other offshore bank and brokerage accounts.


Peter Macnee falsely registered "Tribe Mobile Inc" using a false business address with the New Jersey Dept. of Taxation. He used the address of his marital home in Ridgewood, NJ in June of 2011. He no longer resided at the address, there was no business operating there since he was removed from the home by the Ridgewood Police in March of 2011 for domestic violence.


"Tribe Mobile Inc" is NOT a US company, it is an illegal, offshore shell company in the British Virgin Islands (BVI), which is used by the 'Virgin Group', et al and Richard Branson along with a criminal network to conceal crimes, launder money and finance terrorism.


"VMLA" is a false company used for illicit activities, Fraud(s) against the US Government (Qui-Tam type), Money Laundering of criminal/covert proceeds, possibly from Global Child Sex Trafficking and Drug Trafficking, in Colombia and Mexico where VMLA is an MVMO (Mobile VIRTUAL Network Operator), obtained its first (2) MVMO licenses. The money laundering scheme uses illegal, unreported offshore shell companies, corporate inversion and corruption of US entities; persons, to conceal Virgin's true covert, criminal activities and to hide beneficial ownership and to protect the criminal network, perpetrators, co-conspirators, 'agents', partners, investors, etc and their complicit ness and the cover up and obstruction of justice - CORRUPTION.


Virgin Mobile is an MVNO - which is only a RESELLER of airtime and they do NOT invest in infrastructure and employ in-country personnel - which is the OPIC / USAID Mandate to receive US loads and guarantees. This is the first indicator of FRAUD.


Virgin Mobile has to obtain a license to operate, then ship into the country "Virgin" branded cell phones and then they simply pass on most of the charge per minute to the end-user aka the Customer. There is little to NO in-country investment in Colombia or Mexico or where Friendi Group operates. All in countries that are high-risk for corruption, money laundering, narco-terrorism and terror funding.


Virgin Mobile (LATAM) has only 1.9% share of Mexican market. They are reselling airtime from Telefonica (Spain) also a CF donor company.