Meeting ya at the dough, baker
handoff confirmed?
thx, friend.
Planning on returning later?
gotcha, anon.
deju vu all over again….see ya if I see ya….
notes @250
>>6525087 Obama announces DNC's unity fund to back party nominee
>>6525176 Anon on unfolding of FISA apps (Horowitz), leaks (Huber) & collusion delusion (Durham)
>>6525181 Gen'l Flynn files new financial paperwork disclosing pmts from Russian firms
>>6525186 Retired FBI Agent Battles DOJ For McCabe’s Texts re HRC's server (FBI is fighting)
>>6525203 What's habbening at Catalina Island? Avalon Ball? Elites in danger?
Nom for this, anon? let me know
>>6525184 Q's flag GIF posted this today?
same as before, with better spelling? want an update in notables?
sauce, plz anons
thanks, anon. Posted but not notable yet, I'll add.
Notes @435
>>6525087 Obama announces DNC's unity fund to back party nominee
>>6525319 Anon on unfolding of FISA apps (Horowitz), leaks (Huber) & collusion delusion (Durham)
>>6525181 Gen'l Flynn files new financial paperwork disclosing pmts from Russian firms
>>6525186 Retired FBI Agent Battles DOJ For McCabe’s Texts re HRC's server (FBI is fighting)
>>6525203 What's habbening at Catalina Island? Avalon Ball? Elites in danger?
>>6525352 Tom Hanks on red Hanks-kerchiefs: Bespoke perfection and gorgeous. Colin Hanks know his kerchiefs Hanx."
>>6525359 Papadopoulos: FBI Tried To Get My Wife To Wear a Wire ‘To Try To Entrap Me’
>>6525368 Companies selected to study lunar landers for Artemis program
>>6525393, >>6525435, >>6525482 Boatfag reports
>>6525399 Barack Obama 'approved tapping Angela Merkel's phone 3 years ago' (from 2013)
>>6525352 Tom Hanks on red Hanks-kerchiefs: Bespoke perfection and gorgeous. Colin Hanks know his kerchiefs Hanx."
>>6525426 Sibel Edmonds tweet on Idlib, Syria & Turkey
>>6525485 Comey just can't shut up: "AG should stop sliming his own dept"
>>6525503 US stopping aid to El Salvador and China giving aid to El Salvador
Noms, anons?
Baker would prefer handoff NB, lurking bakers?
deleted dup
sauce, plz
never mind, another anon posted it
notes @600
>>6525087 Obama announces DNC's unity fund to back party nominee
>>6525319 Anon on unfolding of FISA apps (Horowitz), leaks (Huber) & collusion delusion (Durham)
>>6525181 Gen'l Flynn files new financial paperwork disclosing pmts from Russian firms
>>6525186 Retired FBI Agent Battles DOJ For McCabe’s Texts re HRC's server (FBI is fighting)
>>6525203 What's habbening at Catalina Island? Avalon Ball? Elites in danger?
>>6525352, >>6525593 Tom Hanks on red Hanks-kerchiefs: Bespoke perfection and gorgeous. Colin Hanks know his kerchiefs Hanx."
>>6525359 Papadopoulos: FBI Tried To Get My Wife To Wear a Wire ‘To Try To Entrap Me’
>>6525368 Companies selected to study lunar landers for Artemis program
>>6525393, >>6525435, >>6525482,>>6525573 Boatfag, planefag reports
>>6525399 Barack Obama 'approved tapping Angela Merkel's phone 3 years ago' (from 2013)
>>6525426 Sibel Edmonds tweet on Idlib, Syria & Turkey
>>6525485, >>6525638 The eloquent James Comey: "AG should stop sliming his own dept"
>>6525503 US stopping aid to El Salvador and China giving aid to El Salvador
>>6525538, >>6525541 Comey again: "President claiming the FBI's investigation was "TREASON" reminds me that a Russian once said, "A lie told often enough becomes the truth…" (he ought to know)
>>6525578 AG Barr's interview on Fox: Steele Dossier "jejeune"
>>6525613 Report: Facebook Has Struggled to Hire Talent Following Data Scandals
>>6525629 Dan Scavino on de Blasio: "Largest crowd of the day" (maybe 20, kek)
>>6525638 Ron DeSantis: Dumping Migrants in Florida is Unacceptable
Sounds good, see you then, o7
glad that wasn't a jpeg, really needs to be seen to be appreciated!
notes @650, last call
>>6525087 Obama announces DNC's unity fund to back party nominee
>>6525319 Anon on unfolding of FISA apps (Horowitz), leaks (Huber) & collusion delusion (Durham)
>>6525181 Gen'l Flynn files new financial paperwork disclosing pmts from Russian firms
>>6525186 Retired FBI Agent Battles DOJ For McCabe’s Texts re HRC's server (FBI is fighting)
>>6525203 What's habbening at Catalina Island? Avalon Ball? Elites in danger?
>>6525352, >>6525593 Tom Hanks on red Hanks-kerchiefs: Bespoke perfection and gorgeous. Colin Hanks know his kerchiefs Hanx."
>>6525359 Papadopoulos: FBI Tried To Get My Wife To Wear a Wire ‘To Try To Entrap Me’
>>6525368 Companies selected to study lunar landers for Artemis program
>>6525393, >>6525435, >>6525482,>>6525573 Boatfag, planefag reports
>>6525399 Barack Obama 'approved tapping Angela Merkel's phone 3 years ago' (from 2013)
>>6525426 Sibel Edmonds tweet on Idlib, Syria & Turkey
>>6525485, >>6525638 The eloquent James Comey: "AG should stop sliming his own dept"
>>6525503 US stopping aid to El Salvador and China giving aid to El Salvador
>>6525538, >>6525541 Comey again: "President claiming the FBI's investigation was "TREASON" reminds me that a Russian once said, "A lie told often enough becomes the truth…" (he ought to know)
>>6525578 AG Barr's interview on Fox: Steele Dossier "jejeune"
>>6525613 Report: Facebook Has Struggled to Hire Talent Following Data Scandals
>>6525629 Dan Scavino on de Blasio: "Largest crowd of the day" (maybe 20, kek)
>>6525659 Ron DeSantis: Dumping Migrants in Florida is Unacceptable
>>6525688 Was Lyme disease created by William Burgdorferi as part of a US bioweapons research program?
>>6525717 Blacklists Blogs Critical of Islam
>>6525087 Obama announces DNC's unity fund to back party nominee
>>6525319 Anon on unfolding of FISA apps (Horowitz), leaks (Huber) & collusion delusion (Durham)
>>6525181 Gen'l Flynn files new financial paperwork disclosing pmts from Russian firms
>>6525186 Retired FBI Agent Battles DOJ For McCabe’s Texts re HRC's server (FBI is fighting)
>>6525203 What's habbening at Catalina Island? Avalon Ball? Elites in danger?
>>6525352, >>6525593 Tom Hanks on red Hanks-kerchiefs: Bespoke perfection and gorgeous. Colin Hanks know his kerchiefs Hanx."
>>6525359 Papadopoulos: FBI Tried To Get My Wife To Wear a Wire ‘To Try To Entrap Me’
>>6525368 Companies selected to study lunar landers for Artemis program
>>6525393, >>6525435, >>6525482,>>6525573 Boatfag, planefag reports
>>6525399 Barack Obama 'approved tapping Angela Merkel's phone 3 years ago' (from 2013)
>>6525426 Sibel Edmonds tweet on Idlib, Syria & Turkey
>>6525485, >>6525638 The eloquent James Comey: "AG should stop sliming his own dept"
>>6525503 US stopping aid to El Salvador and China giving aid to El Salvador
>>6525538, >>6525541 Comey again: "President claiming the FBI's investigation was "TREASON" reminds me that a Russian once said, "A lie told often enough becomes the truth…" (he ought to know)
>>6525578 AG Barr's interview on Fox: Steele Dossier "jejeune"
>>6525613 Report: Facebook Has Struggled to Hire Talent Following Data Scandals
>>6525629 Dan Scavino on de Blasio: "Largest crowd of the day" (maybe 20, kek)
>>6525659 Ron DeSantis: Dumping Migrants in Florida is Unacceptable
>>6525688, >>6525755 Was Lyme disease created by William Burgdorferi as part of a US bioweapons research program?
>>6525717 Blacklists Blogs Critical of Islam