Hussein decode: "Nobody would ever suspect a President pushed by fake news as an angel, could be as evil as they say."
Luciferianism decode: The path to total power over humanity is to play act as angels better than the rest of the population, in order to be 'free' to engage in the worst depravities in human experience.
Think of the worst evil imaginable being a PURPOSEFUL goal of people who have had a form of political power over us and everyone that hardly anyone would believe was a real possibility let alone really real?
Brennan and Comey conspiring with foreign intel agencies to circumvent national laws re: domestic spying?
Why 5 eyes?
These people are sick.
Evil at front door all along.
Great Awakening.
Fall out is enormous.
Imagine it 'leaked' should Hillary have won that Brennan and Comey conspired with foreign intel agents to POLITICALLY SPY on the population ILLEGALLY.
Why Q? Because social media was powerful enough to withstand attempts to censor anyone. Banning from Twatter/Fakebook is a movie taking place.
Has Q controlled Twatter at least since Q allowed glimpses here and there of top rated retweets with Q followers as #1 retweets?
What if the population's conception of reality has been so misled than any of us may be open to possibly applying to ourselves in at least some positive way kind of true acceptance but not in a defeatist way but a simple realization that all it took was 'seeing' the truth of it for the first time ever.
If we agree that should the thought lf Satan existing and being worshiped in secret while outwardly act as angels for humanity, these 'philanthropists' who seem to enjoy the misery of others they can bring about intentionally by warping their sense of reality through deception, pathologically lying at levels that would make the world's best psychologists to even coherently describe to the great bulk of humanity.
What if "We caught 'em" needed a plan so incredibly powerful to even detect as actually being manifested into the human race, what type of mindset to fight back could possibly not see this as a war taking place worldwide between literal devil worshipers who strangely went unpunished for the worst crimes?
What does that tell me?
It tells me that if the war worldwide now is between a globally "I've found you, you found me" mirror of depravity among themselves so bad it had taken control over every fed org save the military and military intel?
Was there was a war going on that everyone alive today you me everyone worldwide, were all born into, and the war was bloodline based in its origin?
What would the thought of Satan look like in human society as a whole?
If it really was taking place.
Would the worst 'fallen angels' need to be projected as the biggest victims who are supposed to be but not actually the most persecuted 'tribe' in human history?
What if Satanists who say they are Jews but are not, have by playing fake movies and fake wars with real deaths purposefully tried to overturn history as it actually happened/happens and replaced by a deceptive political propaganda arm of one political party not just unbiased support but WILLING PARTICIPANTS IN A SATANIC TAKEOVER OF AMERICA.
Did they trick many Jews.
Hitler was a puppet of a small group of "crime families" that played both sides of the war as a golden age of Fakewood showcase GUSHED over in cinema and 'pop culture'.