do you even know who we are - get Rekt faggots
– pain coming - fuck you
do you even know who we are - get Rekt faggots
– pain coming - fuck you
Original Q thinks you are all fagots and you are all getting doxed . Have a nice day
Oh it's coming faggot. All the players are already doxed and if you want to be fucked in the ass and have it wiped off on your moms mouth you can be next homo
You are dumb nighers larping on 8ch who are about to be reported to the FBI as domestic terrorists I know exactly who you fags are.. 8ch logs ips
412 anon just ruined his whole fucking life.. keep acting like a faggit on 8ch. Get fucked homo
posting about pepe - get the fuck off my chan boomer fag - I'll drop 10 more doxes for you acting like a Niger
this isnt reddit fag
You think be smart anons is my name ?
Fuck you moron
literally fuck you and get the fuck off 8ch
I've been on 8ch almost 4 years you Qtard boomer faggit
Larping grifter homo Qfard faggit you will be doxed
I already did
Niggers if you push Q larp we have your dox..
You all get doxed.. and can explain what you did
Remember when you fags tried to dox me ?
Now I dox you all
Too late homo you all will pay for what you did… I've spent 6 months collecting your doxes.. get fucked faggits
Be back later
Yes - rdd you think your posts here were anonymous .?
Everything is traceable fucking retard.
Learn to internet
You fucking boomer