You sound like a dejected Hillary clinger. Are you? Or are you a disappointed Q follower?
You're either a dejected Hillary clinger or you got owned by Q. Either way, you lose.
At times I got sucked in, yes, but I always realized it didn't matter if Q was real or a LARP. The only thing that matters is that the facts surface and justice is served so our nation is no longer compromised by traitors. That seems like it may be happening, so I'm cautiously optimistic, and not the least bit concerned with Q, who seems irrelevant to what's happening. So you are acting out of anger over being disappointed by Q then? Just trying to understand where you're coming from.
You're the only one here who seems obsessed. Like I already said, the saga of Q is entirely irrelevant to the success or failure of our nation.
Let it go, dude. You're only torturing yourself. Whether the soulless hag let you down or if Q crushed you, you need to let it go.
Are you genuinely unaware of how inane your statements are? You really are lost, aren't you? Sorry you're struggling so much. Hope you find a way to move past your disappointment.
Dude, step back and see what's obvious - if you had 10 people read this thread that know nothing of Q, they'd all pick you to be the loser on this board. Try it if you don't believe me.
You're too stupid for this. He's showing the malicious intent of the FBI. They weren't concerned with the welfare of our nation. Get it?
Another inane response. See what I mean about how obvious it is that you're the loser here?