Didn't we determine that 8ch is owned by the US Navy as of early 2017?
OIL FF coming?
A magnitude 3.4 earthquake struck 1.24 miles west of Cushing, OK on Thursday May 16, 2019 at 5:53 pm. "Several earthquakes ranging from 2.5 to 3.4 were recorded May 16 ranging from 1.5 miles to 2.1 west of Cushing, Okla. and all at a depth of 5 kilometers (3.1 miles)."
Cushing, OK has largest oil storage facility in the world and is a major enemy target. If a major earthquake should strike Cushing and rupture these tanks, it would bring our nation to knees in an instant from an energy standpoint.
Then yesterday, 21 hours later - at 3:30 pm, a 4.5 magnitude earthquake in Medford, OK. Medford is 72 straight miles from the Cushing oil storage facility.
"How Man-made Earthquakes Could Cripple the U.S. Economy"
https:// www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/09/14/earthquakes-oil-us-economy-fracking-215602
To this article, I say "define manmade". Yes fracking. But could something more sinister be going on here?
I am as serious as a heart attack. There was a big dig tracing the ownership of 8ch and the military was somehow involved just prior to Q entering the scene. I am searching the breads - I'll find it. Does NOBODY Remember this?