Q is irrelevant at this point. Totally and completely irrelevant.
Has not posted anything we didn't already know in months.
Q is irrelevant at this point. Totally and completely irrelevant.
Has not posted anything we didn't already know in months.
If you don't want to see the truth, it's on you. Doesn't really matter anyway.
The habbenings will come with or without Q
They probably blocked it because you were sitiing there for hours and hours while others were waiting behind you.
Says the drunken Irish guy……kek
Where did you leave your sense of humor?
Calm down. Every single group of people who have come to the US has been accused of being not suitable.
The Irish, italians, any Asian group, Mexicans, etc.
The only people I have a problem with are the radicals among us. Sharia law is not compatible with our constitution or society.
My point is, that you throw ALL people of certain groups into the same basket. I'm not going to ask why you do that. I already know.
Jesus Christ you are misinformed. Did you know that less than 1% of circumcisions are performed that way and 0% involved chewing?
Do your fucking homework and stop relying on extremists to tell you how to think.
What is, is. You calling me a jew for pointing out actual facts. Then when anon cannot counter, but threatens me, I am also a shill.