Last night it dawned on me that we are years/decades from normies waking up. Anons will most likely never be vindicated in our lifetime. Went on a double date with my friend and a couple hot 26 yr old college educated professional women. Having a great time, laughing, joking, beers etc. etc. Until my friend asked them how they felt about Trump. They at first thought we were joking about being supporters, but when they realized we weren't they became visibly upset and completely shut down effectively ruining the night. They basically called us nazi's and we were evil blah blah. We asked what exactly they were upset about, and they refused to explain a single reason they were upset, saying they shouldn't have to and we should know better.I am 28 and have been a die hard Trump/Q supporter since day 1. I have lost friends, girlfriends, I have been screamed at in bars, had drinks thrown at me, lost a job, and can't seem to meet a girl that isn't a complete fucking nut. This war is taking it's toll on me, and I am sure most of you too. In the end it will be worth it, but damn is it hard to live a normal life supporting POTUS. I won't stop supporting him, and carrying on this fight but WE NEED A MASSIVE PUBLIC REDPILL ASAP, or we will never rebuild this country.