Anonymous ID: 737d25 May 20, 2019, 11:48 p.m. No.6549091   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Beast System that runs the world

  1. Monarchs and control over the narrative (keep up appearances while in public hide the truth of the beast and his system).

  2. Religious subversion, take control of the religion of Christ, water it down

  3. Hidden in plain sight, Hide the beast system, make it cool and hip, up is down, left is right

  4. Connected world, connect everyone so you can influence them easily.

  5. Normalize sin, make it cool and hip to the point where you no longer see it as wrong.

  6. Subvert governments, consolidate absolute power over all people.

  7. Manufactured sin, find new ways to introduce sin(see #5)

  8. Ruthlessly destroy all governments who oppose you, use subverted governments to do it

  9. Persecute all Christians, subtly squeeze them till it is dangerous to be one.

  10. Destroy all sense of god instilled morals, remove the moral road blocks.

11 Destroy the family structure, leave them no where to turn to.

  1. Poison. Slowly poison all the people, this can be with drugs (legal or non) GMO's, etc

  2. Remove land ownership(price them out). Make all people reliant on the Beast System.

  3. Remove all races. Race is the same as family structure. Remove it. (Promote interracial couples only, especially with incompatible religions and peoples, the christian will give up their religious views in the name of inclusion)

  4. Erase all the history. This will hide the beast from view.

  5. Slow war. The opposite of blitzkrieg, move slow, calculated, squeeze them.

  6. Blame everyone else. Make them fight each other while you squeeze them.

  7. The internet. The greatest tool in the destruction of the christian(and non) world. Simplify access to sin, make legitimate usage harder to access then said sin;distract them.

  8. All seeing eye. I am your eyes, I am your ears, I am your mouth. Control everything they see, everything they repeat, everything they hear. Instill everything with satanic symbolism. This will help normalize sin(see #5)

  9. Your wealth is my wealth. Take their wealth, make them reliant on the Beast System, use their own money to develop new ways to normalize sin. Destroy them with their own wealth.

  10. Scoffield Bible. Subtly alter the christian bible to look favorable for our existence. Trick the Christians into helping us destroy them.

  11. Blackmail. Everyone has something to hide, find it and bend them to our will. The most destructive weapon is a trusted enemy from within their own fold.

  12. Patience. Slow war, victory with time.

  13. Never sacrifice our own. Make them die for the beast, not us.

  14. Protection laws. use their judicial systems to enact new laws to protect us, make it illegal to question or expose us.

  15. Divided eyes. Divide continents from each other further, control what each continent sees and how they see it (information control), do not promote or show what other continents are seeing(hide information).

Anonymous ID: 737d25 May 20, 2019, 11:48 p.m. No.6549093   🗄️.is 🔗kun
  1. Use divided eyes. Make each continent that is further along (in their destruction) think of themselves as progressive, upright, on the right side of history. Portray others as backwards, uneducated and foolish.

  2. Never miss a opportunity. Never miss a free opportunity to ridicule a christian as they fall, they will not get back up again.

  3. Unequal exposure. For every uplifting and positive story promote 10 times more evil. Especially if it involves Christianity. Don't give them hope.

  4. Indoctrination. Infiltrate the education of all occupied countries. Promote hedonism at every opportunity. Make all education secular. The beast is all they will know from birth.

  5. Overpriced. Take control of the worlds financial institutions, drive the price of all goods up while holding wages down.

  6. No one is home. Make it both parents have to work to afford to survive. This will help with indoctrination of the children when no one is home to teach the children of moral standards.

  7. Musical spell. Use the power of music to ease the mind and spirit that knows it is at enmity with god. As David plays the harp to calm Saul.

34 Music to indoctrinate. Repeat the sin enough and it will become acceptable.

  1. Willing participants. If they want to help the beast, let them. Thrown them out when their value is no more.

  2. What genocide? As Christians are murdered and persecuted call it anything but. Hide it, and let them all boil in the pot slowly.

  3. The god of love. Use a Christians commitment to love against them whenever and where ever possible. Love = inclusion, if you don't include you aren't a christian. Use their hearts against them.

  4. Smear Christ. Make it cool and hip to make fun of Christ and Christians. The more afraid people are of becoming Christians the better.

  5. What inclusion? You don't include everyone in your church you are guilty of X. Remove tax free benefits, further persecution.

  6. Mental illness. Disguise sin as mental illness. Disguise sinful choices and involuntary impulses. Promote Pedophilia is not choice, etc.

  7. Women's rights. Promote till the woman subverts the man, the opposite of what god intended (Genesis 3:16 …. and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.)

  8. Always sow division. A house divided against itself can not stand.

  9. Friends in high places. If you cant buy the influential company, bribe them. Bring them into the beasts system "For a better more inclusive world"

  10. Eliminate free speech. Make them afraid to tell the truth of who runs the world, and who the true stewards of the world are. (#25 related)

  11. Promote the flesh. There is no after life, this is it, do what feels good now.

  12. Impossible to disconnect. Make it so they cant hide from the beast, even the woke need the system to survive. In time they will be lost in the system again.

  13. Medical for all? Take control of the medical system. A person will do anything to preserve their own life. Break it and make it unaffordable.

  14. Women's reproductive health. Promote abortion as "women's reproductive health", turn it into a civil rights movement. Under no circumstances remind people that it is a sacrifice to the beast.

  15. Muddy waters. Applies to all, if you can break a moral standard all at once, break it piece by piece to the point where people no longer see the point in trying to resist.

  16. Remove Christ. The ten commandments on display is a direct threat to beast, remove it, replace it with nothing but the beast system. Promote the destruction as progress, make people feel excited for their own destruction.

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