Reposting, minus the Apostrophe Curse
Faux continues to ignore Rosemont Seneca/China, Ukraine…
Time to stop citing FAUX as "news" at all costs (Q included, please) except to EXPOSE it, and go full-force getting the word to Conservatives that it's not "news". At ALL.
As much as Communist Mockingbird has done to suppress his entire history now, luckily some people DO remember his many interviews throughout the decades, starting with this one from 1980 - at a mere 34 years old.
Why Hannity wasn't blasting this instead of that ridiculous madonna rant is proof of how Controlled msm gag-orders Truth Tellers.
She has worse skeletons than Weinstein. Look at TIMING of the Michael Jackson rubbish with her buddy, John of God's arrest.
Notice how "NVIXM" isn't even mentioned by Mockingbird, either?