Anonymous ID: a3a33b May 18, 2019, 12:17 p.m. No.6529916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9933 >>9968 >>0154 >>0194

Sure would be nice if companies went back to putting 'now hiring' signs out front of their business like the good ol' days.

When you went straight in and talked directly to the boss and they let you know if you're hired or not.

Now you have to fill out 5+ page long apps just to maybe get called in then you have to have your personal rights violated by being forced to piss in a cup while someone stands there and looks at your dick.

What a fucking joke this world has become.

The time for being an hero is rapidly approaching for this anon because this is not the world I wish to live in.

Anonymous ID: a3a33b May 18, 2019, 12:26 p.m. No.6529960   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The way I see it is if someone shows up to work and does their job then it doesn't make two fucks what they do in their private time.

Alcoholics can get jobs no problem but smoke a little bit of weed to ease the pain from a long hard day and "you're the worst kind of person there is".

Absolutely sick of it.

So many people smoke marijuana(bosses included) yet it's just another way to save money for the (((insurance companies))) and the (((worker's comp))) companies.

Not to mention if someone is a coke-head or pill popper, that is out of your system in 3 days(as opposed to the 30 days the mj stays in), then it's perfectly okay to let them get a job.

Pretty sure they want all your info to see if you're part of the bloodlines or not.

Anonymous ID: a3a33b May 18, 2019, 12:33 p.m. No.6529989   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0004


Yea they can stand on their street corners at 3am, selling crack to teens and junkies, making $5k+ a week and not be touched because of "stereotyping & profiling" then go get a bs part-time job to cover their tracks on how they have $10,000 rims on a hoopty.

I personally know of people who do that.

Anonymous ID: a3a33b May 18, 2019, 12:43 p.m. No.6530044   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Then you have niggers like pic related driving lambo's and shit, holding stacks of cash, and they have 0 talent.

Millions and millions of dollars for spitting into a microphone from studio time paid for by drug money.

Then those like us who bust our ass day in and day out get shit on.

It's going to reach a breaking point sooner or later.

Glad this one is dead though. Should check out the hotel video where he's slinging around his g/f and then she covers for his ass saying "oh that's just how we play".

Disgusting nogs.

Anonymous ID: a3a33b May 18, 2019, 1:06 p.m. No.6530212   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Indeed anon. Lawniggers are one of the main problems in America & the world for that matter.

If the SHTF we know who and what(towers) to take out first.