Since there are always doubts about the phenomenon "Q", I took a closer look at the intention behind it, and this can easily be deduced from the first Q-posting. Since it is always relevant when something begins, we even have the correct time on the second! Since Q is in the immediate vicinity of the president, I take the place Washington D.C. as a basis.
So far, it has only become known that Q probably consists of a group of secret service agents who have the greatest interest in reinstating the original constitutional rights of the USA, and the disastrous and globally distributed felt of betrayal, corruption and lies is finally exposed.
So let us see what Q's intentions and goals are.
GZ = Galactic Center, SP = Mirror Point, DC = Descendent
It is basically about a people's movement of liberation (moon H1 in Aquarius), i.e. the intention arose through loyalty to the people, to the nation, and for the basic values of family and security (cancer in 1+2), and has then become a people's movement, at times already a people's movement, because what Q has to communicate, will follow globally. Q wants to achieve an expansion of consciousness by understanding connections better (Moon in 9). He has emphasized again and again that he wants to do his own research and to form his own picture. In addition, liberation is something that became necessary or still has to be done (moon at the southern knot), and at the same time should benefit the foreign country (moon in 9).
This secret service group knows everything ! about all serious and worst cases of abuse that have occurred (house top 12 Konj. Sedna-Algol), and it fights predominantly out of love for the children, and sees it as a holy service to protect children (Venus H12 Konj. Vesta in 5), who are also our future. Then there seems to be an internal group of the secret service (Gemini included in 12) who decides which information is allowed out when (Mercury in 5).
The liberation pushes (Uranus in 11) are directed deep into the respective country structures (Mars H11 in 4), and find every cellar, every psycho detail that was used. The whole Q-enterprise fits perfectly, it is crowned by royal success and finds its way of expression by communicating in an unusual way (Son- ne H3 Konj. Jupiter in 5). This communication is mostly cryptic in nature (Mercury in Scorpio) and it has to be, because the ruling system like a poisonous spider is not to be underestimated. Q is quasi a Nostradamus of modern times, which has to be deciphered, and many Anons contribute to this worldwide! Thanks to all of you!
Where is the adversary now? They are the ones who still dictate the rules (Capricorn at DC), and they are determined to force us into adaptation and control by betrayal (Saturn H7 + H8 Konj. Ixion in 6). This also includes authorities and military, which are interspersed by them. It is a downright compulsion to conform (Scorpio in 6), which also delivers completely false images into our consciousness (Pluto H6 in 7). In addition, even the Creator energy is suppressed and pushed back (Saturn-Ixion Konj. GZ), which is an outrage against heaven! Thus the control by betrayal also belongs to the characteristics of the adversaries (Saturn-Ixion SP DC).
We find the energy of the liberators directed against this control, and it is a fight to life and death (Mars SP-Qu. Saturn). A lot of pain is released when we realize how badly the system and the politicians who are in bondage or blackmail to it have played along with us (Chiron in 10 Qu. Saturn, SP-Opp. Mars).
That's why it's all about now,
for this false control and the great betrayal of the nations must be exposed.
Also bear in mind that the present EU structure and many governments in Europe are puppets of the system.
Q's intention is also to create areas of security where the Divine Laws and Justice can enter (Varuna + Ceres in 2). His 'soul goal' is a living communication (north node in the lion in 3), which would be free of censorship. There should be movement soon (Mars t Konj. AC on 23.05., working from 20.), and it should be cleaned up in the coming months (Saturn t Pluto 1 July half + 2 November half), so it is a process all the time. We should not get impatient because this is the most difficult work that has ever had to be done.
The great goal of Q is that the truth can come back in time (Neptune in Pisces at MC), bringing back into our lives the source of life, the Divine, as the most important part of heaven. There is no greater act. And Q has the blessing of President Trump who pursues the same goals. A shaman wrote about him some time ago:
"The old king is back, and the world doesn't recognize him."