That is the worst poetic bullshit I have ever been subjected to in my entire life.
Agreed… I want every traitor who has stolen votes via fraud and stolen from the citizens of CA to have the full force of federal authorities coming in and arresting them and flying them all to gitmo! And if federal authorities wont do it then we the citizens of CA are obligated to take our state back by force!
There is a thing called RECALL!!!
"Procedure for Recalling State and Local Officials
Recall is the power of the voters to remove elected officials before their terms expire. It has been a fundamental part of our governmental system since 1911 and has been used by voters to express their dissatisfaction with their elected representatives.
This publication examines the law of recall as it applies to state and local officials. In some ways, the procedures that apply to the recall of state officials are different from those that apply to local officials. Therefore, this publication is divided into separate parts to help avoid confusion. Be sure to check the Table of Contents to ensure you are referencing the proper procedure.
Please note that the procedures described herein do not apply to federal officers. Federal officers are not subject to recall. The removal of U.S. Representatives or U.S. Senators is governed by the United States Constitution, Article 1, Sec. 5 (2), which states "Each House may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member." The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States are removed through the process of "impeachment" which is governed by the United States Constitution.
This Guide is designed to reflect all current laws, regulations, and rules that pertain to recall, but it does not have the force and effect of law, regulation, or rule. Therefore, in the unlikely event there is a conflict between the Guide and a law, regulation, or rule, the law, regulation, or rule shall take precedence. Before beginning any recall effort, the proponents should obtain the most up-to-date information available."
Chapter I — General Recall Provisions
Recall in General
Recall is the power of the voters to remove an elective officer.
(Cal.Const., Art. II, Secs. 13-19; Elections Code § 11000 et seq.)
Any state officer may be recalled. These include the elected offices of Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Controller, Attorney General, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Insurance Commissioner, Members of the State Board of Equalization, State Legislators, and Justices of Courts of Appeal and the State Supreme Court. A State officer appointed in lieu of election or to fill a vacancy in one of these offices may also be recalled. (Elections Code §§ 11001, 11006)
The State Constitution requires that the Legislature must provide for the recall of local officers. This provision, however, does not affect counties and cities whose charters provide for recall. (Cal. Const., Art. II, Sec. 19)
A "local officer" is defined as an elective officer of a city, county, school district, community college district, or special district, or a judge of a trial court.
(Elections Code §§ 11001, 11004)
For the purpose of recall of local officers, the term "clerk" refers to the appropriate elections official for the jurisdiction in which the recall is being sought, in particular:
The county elections official (the County Clerk or Registrar of Voters) in the case of the recall of elective officers of a county, school district, county board of education, community college district, or resident voting district, and judges of trial courts.
The city clerk in the case of the recall of elective officers of a city; or
The secretary of the governing board in case of the recall of elective officers of a landowner voting district or any district in which, at a regular election, candidates’ nomination papers are filed with the secretary of the governing board.
(Elections Code §§ 307, 311, 11002)
"Governing Board" includes a city council, the board of supervisors of a county, the board of trustees of a school district or community college district, or the legislative body of a special district. In the case of the recall of a trial court judge "governing board" means the board of supervisors.
(Elections Code § 11003)
Recall proceedings may not be commenced against an officer of a city, county, special district, school district, community college district, or county board of education if:
The officer has not held office during the current term for more than 90 days,
A recall election has been determined in the officer's favor within the last six months, or
The officer's term ends within six months or less.
These limitations do not apply to an officer appointed in lieu of an election pursuant to Elections Code section 10229(a)(2).
(Elections Code § 11007)
The “proponents” of the recall are those voters who initiate the recall proceedings and have control of circulating and obtaining signatures to the recall petition. All of the required proponents of a recall must be registered voters who, based on their residence, are qualified to vote for the office of the officer they seek to recall.
Chapter II — Recall of State Officers
Preliminary Steps
The Notice of Intention
To begin recall proceedings against a state officer, the recall proponents must serve, file, and publish or post a notice of intention to circulate a recall petition.
(Elections Code § 11006)
Prepare the Notice of Intention
The proponents should ensure that the notice of intention complies with California law. If a notice of intention is found to be deficient, the proponents will be required to prepare a new notice of intention, including the collection of signatures. The notice of intention must contain:
The name and title of the officer sought to be recalled.
A statement, not over two hundred words in length, of the reasons for the recall. A reason must be provided, but under Article II, Section 14(a) of the California Constitution, the sufficiency of this reason is not reviewable.
The printed name, signature, and residence address of each proponent of the recall. If a proponent cannot receive mail at his or her residence address, the notice of intention must also contain a mailing address for the proponent. The number of proponents that sign the notice of intention must be at least 10 or equal to the number of signatures required to be filed on the nomination paper of the officer sought to be recalled, whichever is greater.
The text of Elections Code section 11023, which describes how the officer sought to be recalled may file an answer.
[See Exhibit A] (Elections Code §§ 11020, 11041(a)(2))
Serve and File the Notice of Intention
A copy of the notice of intention must be served by personal delivery or by certified mail on the officer sought to be recalled. In addition, the original of the notice of intention, along with an affidavit of the time and manner of service, must be filed with the Secretary of State within seven days of being served. A separate notice of intention must be filed for each officer sought to be recalled.
[See Exhibits B and C] (Elections Code § 11021)
Publish the Notice of Intention
A copy of the notice of intention (including addresses and signatures) must be published at the proponents' expense at least once in a newspaper of general circulation. The publication need not include the text of Elections Code section 11023. If there is no newspaper of general circulation in the jurisdiction of the officer whose recall is being sought, the proponents may satisfy the publication requirement by posting the notice of intention in at least three public places within the jurisdiction.
(Government Code § 6000, et seq.; Elections Code § 11022)
Obtain and File Proof of Publication
The proponents must file proof of publication at the same time that they file two blank copies of the proposed recall petition with the Secretary of State.1 Proof of publication is obtained from the newspaper publisher after the notice of intention appears in print.
(Elections Code § 11042)
Answer of Recallee
Within seven days after the filing of the notice of intention, the officer sought to be recalled may file with the Secretary of State an answer of not more than two hundred words.
(Elections Code § 11023(a))
The answer must be signed and accompanied by the printed name and business or residence address of the officer sought to be recalled.
(Elections Code § 11023(c))
If an answer is filed, the officer must, within seven days after the filing of the notice of intention, serve a copy of the answer, by personal delivery or by certified mail, on one of the proponents named in the notice.
(Elections Code § 11023(b))
Prepare the Recall Petition
The next step in the recall process for state officials requires the proponents to prepare the recall petition for circulation. The Secretary of State is required to provide a format for the petition, which is included as Exhibit D to this publication; may also be obtained from any county elections official. The recall petition format prepared by the Secretary of State is mandatory and must be used.
(Elections Code §§ 11041, 11043.5)
All petition sections must be printed in uniform size and darkness with uniform spacing.
[See Exhibit D] (Elections Code § 11041)
Noncomplying petition forms will be rejected as invalid.
The recall petition must include a margin at least one inch wide across the top of each page and a margin at least one-half inch wide along the bottom of each page.
(Elections Code § 11043)
Each side of a sheet of paper on which signatures appear must include, in no less than 8-point type:
A request that an election be called to elect a successor to the office.2
A copy of the notice of intention, including the statement of reasons for recall, and the names (no addresses) of at least ten proponents.3 The text of Elections Code section 11023 does not need to be included as part of the language of the notice of intention on the petition.
The answer, if any, of the officer sought to be recalled. If the officer has not answered, the petition must so state.
(Elections Code § 11041)
Signature Space
Each signer must personally place his or her own information on the petition and must personally sign it (unless prevented by disability, etc.). The petition must be designed so that each signer can personally affix his or her:
Printed name
Residence address, giving street and number, or if no street or number exists, an adequate designation of the residence so that its location may be readily determined.
The name of the incorporated city or unincorporated community.
(Elections Code §§ 100, 11043)
Pursuant to the California Supreme Court's decision in Assembly v. Deukmejian (1982) 30 Cal.3d 638, 180 Cal.Rptr. 297, the petition form must direct signers to include their "residence address" rather than "address as registered" or other address.
Signature spaces must be consecutively numbered commencing with the number one for each petition section.
(Elections Code § 100)
A space at least one inch wide must be left blank along the right margin of the page, after each name and address, for the use of the elections official in verifying the petition.
(Elections Code §§ 100, 11043)
Declaration of Circulator
Each section of the petition must have attached to it a declaration signed by the circulator (person soliciting signatures) of that section of the petition, setting forth in the circulator's own hand all of the following:
The printed name of the circulator.
The residence address of the circulator, giving street and number, or if no street or number exists, an adequate designation of the residence so that its location may be readily determined.
The dates between which all signatures to the petition section were obtained.
That the circulator circulated that section and witnessed the appended signatures being written.
That according to the best information and belief of the circulator, each signature is the genuine signature of the person whose name it purports to be.
That the circulator is 18 years of age or older.
That the circulator certifies to the content of the declaration as to its truth and correctness, under penalty of perjury. The circulator shall state the date and the place of execution on the declaration along with his or her signature.
The circulator must personally affix his or her printed name and residence address and the specific dates of circulation of each petition section in the circulator's affidavit. Preprinted dates, or generalized dates other than the particular range of dates on which the petition section was circulated, are not authorized.
(Elections Code §§ 104, 11046)
Number of Sections
Petitions to recall state officers may consist of any number of separate sections which must be duplicates except as to signatures and matters required to be affixed by signers and circulators. The number of signatures attached to each section is left up to the discretion of the person soliciting the signatures. Each section may consist of any number of separate pages. One page is one side of a sheet of paper on which any signatures appear.
(Elections Code § 11040)
Interesting because I never heard of any attempt to recall Jerry Brown… I fully agree they need to be arrested but what are we as AMERICAN CITIZENS and as CA citizens going to do if they are not. Are we going to continue to be victims or will we finally organize and meet in Sacramento in mass and take our state back?
The power of a citizens arrest is much more lax then that of a police officer. We still have to follow law but WE AS CITIZENS can arrest criminals!
How to Make a Citizen's Arrest in California
A citizen's arrest is an arrest made by a citizen who has no official arrest authority because he is not a law enforcement personnel or a governmental agent.
Penal Code 837 PC is the California statute that authorizes a citizen's arrest in certain circumstances. These include when a perpetrator:
commits a misdemeanor in a citizen's presence; and/or,
commits a felony and a citizen has reasonable cause for believing the perpetrator committed it.
A few examples of lawful citizen's arrest include:
Mark grabs a guy at a bar, after he unsuccessfully throws a beer bottle at a patron, and tells him he is arresting him for assault (per PC 240).
upon seeing a prostitute solicit services on a street, Lou calls 9-1-1, stops the prostitute, and informs her she is under arrest for solicitation (per PC 647(b)).
while shopping in a department store, Riley stops another woman after observing her put a blouse in her purse and tell her she is arrested for shoplifting (per PC 459.5).
If a citizen decides to make a lawful arrest, there are certain procedures California law recommends the citizen to follow. Some include for the citizen to:
inform the arrestee that he is under arrest,
give the reason for the arrest, and
express the authority for making the arrest.
Citizens should exercise care if they decide to make an arrest. A wrongful arrest could lead to civil and/or criminal charges. Possible criminal charges include:
assault and battery, per PC 242;
false imprisonment, per PC 236 and 237; and/or,
kidnapping, per PC 207.
Our California criminal defense attorneys will highlight the following in this article:
1.The legal definition a citizen's arrest under Penal Code 837
Procedures a citizen should follow when making an arrest
Safety considerations when performing a PC 837 arrest
3.1. Avoid use of force
3.2. Consider the safety of the perpetrator
3.3. Don't be a hero
Consequences of a wrongful citizen's arrest
4.1. Civil liability
4.2. Criminal liability
yeah yeah yeah Always someone has an excuse on why it CANT be done!!! What a bunch of pansys. The creators of this great country would be laughing at all you weak asses!!!
okay then it's a waste of time top even be here if everyone is crying that we the people are weak and have no authority against a corrupt government. Have fun with losing your country and playing on the chans thinking you are all making a real difference.!!!!
I guess I will just leave this fucking communist state because everyone making excuses on what can't be done but no solutions on fixing the issue just crying for the federal government to correct it SMDH!
It sucks being a woman who has always fought for things which are right because everyone talks a good gosh darned game but when it comes to a real fight… I usually look around to see everyone retreating whil;e I go in to battle alone and nobody gives a shit what you do or what you lose on behalf of whats right. Thats the difference between a fighter and a cryer!!! AND WEAK ASS PUSSY'S!!!!
Who gives a flying fuck aabout CHER look at her poor daughter!!! THATS THE FUCKING CRIMINAL CHILD ABUSER RIGHT THERE! Imagine having such a fucking abusive life that you want to be a man because yoru fucking mother whored you out on TV!