Anonymous ID: 8bdbc7 May 18, 2019, 8:12 p.m. No.6532988   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3029 >>3163 >>3298 >>3569

Anons lawfag here with a report on an important case/step in the war vs the DS and restoration of the RULE OF LAW AND THE CONSTITUTION - first a short context intro on the concept of STARE DECISIS - which is Latin for “to stand by things decided.” In short, it is the doctrine of "legal precedent" and is so ingrained in our legal system it is nearly a sacred cow. BUT should it be? Is this a good thing or another cabal device?


The stated goal of this doctrine is certainly rational: deciding cases according to consistent principled rules, so that similar facts will yield similar and predictable outcomes. Sounds good right? But is there something wrong here? IMO yes. As with most govt. practices it has been MIS-used as both sword and shield to acheive and maintain govt, power. Surprised? Doubt it. (I could give plenty examples but then anon would post the "you wrote so much text" meme)


But just consider this: wikipedia states: "…precedent is a third kind of law, on equal footing with statutory law… and regulatory law " OH REALLY?


Now - with the restructuring of the court system under POTUS and THE PLAN that question is now front and center and showing results. In their writings and nomination hearings, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh both saluted the flag of "stare decisis" but it now appears they are very willing to depart from this to correct basic wrongs in the system - good for them! Heres this weeks example:




No. 17–1299. Argued January 9, 2019—Decided May 13, 2019

THOMAS, J., delivered the opinion of the Court, in which ROBERTS,

C. J., and ALITO, GORSUCH, and KAVANAUGH, JJ., joined. BREYER, J.,

filed a dissenting opinion, in which GINSBURG, SOTOMAYOR, and KAGAN,

JJ., joined. - YUP - 5-4 AGAIN OUR WIN


In all honesty anons the case is BORING and technical and that matters not. In fact I wont even bother to summarize the particular facts and law cuz that is not the point of My post. if you want read it link provided KEK…


NOPE: here is the takeway direct from the opinion: "Stare decisis is “‘not an inexorable command,’” and is “at its weakest” when interpreting the Constitution. The Court’s precedents identify, as relevant here, four factors to consider: thequality of the decision’s reasoning, its consistency with related decisions, legal developments since the decision, and reliance on the decision. The first three factors support overruling (precedent in this case) As to the fourth, case-specific reliance interests are not sufficient to persuade this Court to adhere to an incorrect resolution of an important constitutional question."

THE KEY ITEM: "Stare decisis is “‘not an inexorable command,’” and is “at its weakest” when interpreting the Constitution."




Anonymous ID: 8bdbc7 May 18, 2019, 8:12 p.m. No.6532994   🗄️.is 🔗kun

scrolling the top of this board now is no bedder than strolling the streets of san francisco

human shit all over the streets = muhjoo shitposts all over the bred


attacks will intensify - YUP - massive muhjoo shitposting still every bread - waves of trash pouring in under multiple UID's - and we know where POTUS stands - with Jews and Israel - so the shitposters latest goal post move was to attack POTUS! - yes along with the NY Times - would any US patriot commit or condone this attack on our beloved POTUS? NO.


Any mystery where all the muhjoo shilling comes from? Nope - its the left, the globalists, the corrupt media who have all adopted muslims as their spearhead to destroy western civilization - and the tip of the spear is the MUHJOO narrative - that is why it is shilled so relentlessly by useful idiots doing the bidding of the cabal - by belief or by payment.


But - as Q has posted - this will not succeed - in fact we are watching them destroy themselves with this hysterical nonsense which is why Q allows it to continue - never interfere with an enemy destroying themselves - KEKS abound. Anons know.

Anonymous ID: 8bdbc7 May 18, 2019, 8:14 p.m. No.6533007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3148

jesus learned from and quoted Talmud and the Torah

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.—Matthew 5:7 He who is merciful to others, shall receive mercy from Heaven.—R. Gamaliel Beribbi, 3rd century A.D.,Shabbath 151b

Let what you say be simply yes or no.—Matthew 5:37 Let your yes be yes, and your no be no.—R. Abaye, died 338 A.D., Baba Metzia 49a

Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the beam that is in your own eye?—Matthew 7:3 Do they say, take the splinter out of your eye, he will retort: “Remove the beam out of your own eye.”—R. Johanan, surnamed Bar Napha, 199-279 A.D., Baba Bathra 15b.

Do not be anxious, saying, “What shall we eat?” or “What shall we drink?”—Matthew 6:31 Whoever has a piece of bread in his basket and says, “What shall I eat tomorrow?” belongs only to them who are little in faith.—R. Eliezer, died 117 A.D., Sotah 48b

Anonymous ID: 8bdbc7 May 18, 2019, 8:16 p.m. No.6533017   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The political purpose of anti-Semitism is to galvanize support for a movement during times of social and political upheaval. Anti-Semitism in America today is a variation on the deflection theme because it is not President Trump's administration that supports anti-Semitism. It is Obama's Leftist/Islamist axis legacy that is trying to depose President Trump. Obama's eight year radical socialist, anti-Semitic, anti-American, pro-Muslim term encouraged Leftist/Islamist and Anti-Semitism.

The current Anti-Semitism in America is being fomented to solidify the Leftist/Islamist axis and deflect public attention from the movement's anti-American platform and their intention to destroy American democracy. The concurrent restrictions on freedom of speech in the United States is being instigated by the Deep State's attempt to further destabilize and destroy President Trump's government."

Anonymous ID: 8bdbc7 May 18, 2019, 8:18 p.m. No.6533041   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3073

The plight of the Palestinian people is truly tragic. But their woes are not traced to Israel or the Jews. No - full culpability lays at the footstep of so-called Palestinian "leadership", which has consitently sacrified its own people for selfish political and financial gains.

This has been the case since the massive propganda campaign that persuaded ordinary Palestiians not to return to their homes after the Six Day War. They were told Jews would burn them alive, rape their women, and torture and kill their children. The intent of this evil lie was to keep political leverage for the terrorist "leaders."

This was proven over and over again - most recently by the efforts to block a water treatment plant in Gaza. Gaza has no clean water. The Gaza population has relied on humaitarian support, and access to Israel. This is no different than the famous "Samaritan Crossing" on the border with Lebanon. For years, IDF border personnel permited pregnant women to enter Israel for their deliveries. However, as terrorists took advantage of any gap in security to commit atrocities in Israel, these crossing were shut down.

Such was the case in Gaza, where acts of terror delayed the completion of the sewage treatment plant. Even an article by the World Bank could not omit the role of terror in stopping this much needed project:

"For years, the Gaza population has endured an environmental disaster due to sewage pollution. Despite the extremely volatile environment, the long-awaited construction of the new North Gaza Wastewater Treatment Plant is now complete and ready for operation. It will provide a long-term, sustainable wastewater management solution for over 400,000 Gazan citizens.

The project faced numerous challenges, including years of blockade, restrictions on the entry of critical materials and equipment, damages from war and conflict to existing infrastructure, and suspension of works due to hostilities." - 3-12-18.



Anonymous ID: 8bdbc7 May 18, 2019, 8:21 p.m. No.6533073   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The plant is an excellent example of the humanitarian efforts of many nations - opposed only by Hamas, the "leaders" of the very group that will benefit from the project. Hamas officials boycotted the opening ceremony for the new plant - demonstrating their utter disregard for the needs of the people they purport to represent.

Hamas is the Palestinian Sunni-Islamic fundamentalist organization that currently operates mostly in Gaza. Many consider Hama a terrorist organization with a political party under their control.

Fatah is a related group representing Palesinians, now centered in the West Bank. Fatah and Hamas had been allied until a falling out in 2006. Each now controls half of the Palestinian territory. Hamas promotes the destruction of the State of Israel and genocide of the Jews. Fatah - with the Palestinian Authority as its political arm, began as a purely terrorist organization but since has moderated its position and does not promote genocide.

The Palestinian Authority (Fatah) Prime Minister made the trip to Gaza to mark the opening of this new water treatment facility. On his way on March 13, he was the target on a failed assassination attempt in northern Gaza. Someone is still sending a message, and the meaning is clear - death to moderates - no peace with Israel - ever.

This has been the stalemate for decades. Now, however, it appears that Palestinian terrorists have been completely outmanuvered. This was accomplished under the watchful eye and carefully laid out plans of the new American Commander in Chief - Donald J.Trump.


All of this can be reconciled by recognizing the brilliant manuever President Trump pulled off. He has in effect irrevocably exposed the dead end bad faith obstacle inherent in the Palenstinian role in a peace solution. Trump has set the stage for a multi-national coalition of all parties other than the extreme Palestinian factions.

This is precisely the same strategy the President used with North Korea - once the multi-national coalition was in place there was nowhere to go and NK was hopelessly outnumbered. The exact same scenario is now playing out in Palestine. In both cases ordinary people living in these embattled places were desperate for peace.

The globalist agenda kept these and many other groups powerless over their own fates - captive for these many years. The NWO forces have held such factions as strategic pawns in their agenda of domination always dangling the threat of WW3 over the world should they not get their way.

Palestine includes the crown jewel of international conflict - the Holy City of Jerusalem - the virtual center of tree major world religions. As such it has been the key in the globalist plans. They created it out of the ashes of WW1, and have, until now, manipulated it with skill and determination.

President Trump has cut through the fog of war and lies, straight to a real solution. One that has eluded many before him - it will indeed be historic.

Watch for it. PEACE IN PALESTINE is closer than you think.

Anonymous ID: 8bdbc7 May 18, 2019, 8:48 p.m. No.6533288   🗄️.is 🔗kun



dint trust em except Q said to

but what does that mean now?

we all know lots of intentional lies

tho i cant imagine POTUS screwing up like that

Anonymous ID: 8bdbc7 May 18, 2019, 8:51 p.m. No.6533311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3354


this is fake and gay


cuz china OWNS the largest pork producer in the USA

yeah they bought it during hussein here see


On May 29, 2013, WH Group, then known as Shuanghui Group or Shineway Group, the largest meat producer in China, announced the purchase of Smithfield Foods for $4.72 billion, a sale that was first suggested in 2009. … It was the largest stock acquisition by a Chinese company of an American company.