Anonymous ID: 1e3566 May 18, 2019, 10:11 p.m. No.6533894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3952


NB, GYB here. Last night's bread went on for close to 5.5 hours! So I think you got the better end of the deal re splitting the bread. The last half seemed to be…hmmm….a bit s l o w e r than the first! And it would have gone on another 45 mins to an hour without a bit of encouragement to pick up the pace, ha-ha. I was gonna have to go. The 3:30 am PT baker would have been baking the 10 pm PT bread–three bakers for one bread. Kek. Pleasure working with you, o7.

Anonymous ID: 1e3566 May 18, 2019, 10:20 p.m. No.6533957   🗄️.is 🔗kun


It's not us, read the digs in the past few breads. It could be that Amash has financial interests he's worried about (evident) but could also involve some kind of blackmail. Or a combo. Weird shit.

Anonymous ID: 1e3566 May 18, 2019, 10:34 p.m. No.6534046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4222


Aren't you glad you didn't take the whole shift? Ha-ha.


There was a lot of great work done, but around 1 am PT, the bread just slows to a total crawl. One reason I sometimes stick around is to try to keep things going, to get the bread wrapped up. It's not like people aren't doing serious work, it's just that it's hard in the middle of the night. Anons can collect notes but posts don't get quite the same attn as when a baker's there, so people (I suspect) don't post as much. And fewer people stick around. That's what I think, at least.


Boy, do we need one or two moar graveyard bakers! One anon said he'd bake if he had decent equipment; I'm gonna starting praying he (and others) get what they need to bake. Young guys don't mind working late but something don't have much of an equipment budget.

Anonymous ID: 1e3566 May 18, 2019, 11:38 p.m. No.6534297   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4322 >>4359 >>4426 >>4510



MSM ignores story of Jim Watkins' break-in by reporters from VICE--a pub now shored up by George Soros, who recently financed a major anti-Q report


An anon just posted this Gateway Pundit acct of the breakin at >>6533904


But the MSM has not said ONE WORD about this story. There is literally NOTHING on this break in except the above story from GP, 4 chan's /pol/ and Great Awakening on VOAT, see below.


'''BUT guess who just bailed out Vice? George Soros. The same George Soros that paid the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) to do a report on QAnon movement as a negative right-wing influence on Bavarian politics. See >>5497569 PB in Information Warfare thread for moar or the article below for an intro:



Elle Reeve, known for Vice’s documentary about the Charlottesville rally apparently broke into Jim’s house and bedroom trying to get the scoop on "eight chen".

twatter dot com infinitechan /status/1129674534775209985

VICE/HBO’s elspethreeve and Lani_Levine broke into the home of Jim Watkins

"The punishment for B&E in the Philippines is a Level 2 punishment resulting in 1-6 years imprisonment. Good luck!"

Discussion of break in plus a link to the story about how George Soros just helped keep Vice solvent:


Soros Investment Helps Bail Out Flailing Vice Media

By Julia A. Seymour | May 8, 2019 1:07 PM EDT

Vice Media just got some help from the biggest funder of the left: billionaire George Soros.


The edgy and controversial liberal media company raised $250 million in debt from a group of investors including Soros Fund Management LLC, 23 Capital, Fortress Investment Group LLC and Monroe Capital, according to the May 3, Wall Street Journal.


The debt financing is meant to help a “turnaround strategy” under new CEO Nancy Dubuc who took over in 2018. The same week as the investments from Soros and others were announced, Vice Media combined several of its websites including Munchies, Motherboard and Vice News into a revamped single site:



Also have a little material on both reporters, which I hope to post soon, kek.

Anonymous ID: 1e3566 May 18, 2019, 11:50 p.m. No.6534322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4324


Mini-Digg on Lani Levine & Elspeth Reeve


Lani Levine has erased her presence on social media–her Linkin profile is gone, twitter is private and FB has nothing of note that I saw. So she's at least aware of the need to disappear from public view (meaning she's probably scared of what's happening as a result of her actions re Jim Watkin's home). I imagine there is some moar info to be dug on, but it's not right on the surface. All I found was a nasty little tweet about Kavanaugh that shows she's no fan.


Elspeth Reeve

There's more material on her like her Linked-in profile which is brief but at least exists. There are some article she's done for New Republic, a sharp critique on her work for New Republic by National Review, and of course the weird pizza pic on her twitter account.


Call for a DIGG on both of these "reporters" and on VICE, Soros' new media project

Anonymous ID: 1e3566 May 19, 2019, midnight No.6534354   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4365


Hello baker, I've been digging so I just got back on the board. Let's see, this bread should finish up sometime in the next hour. Morning baker (one of them) should arrive by four hours from now. That means that at least there won't be an e-bake needed, because the next bread will go at least 5 hours.


I do graveyard sometimes but can't every night, need sleep too. If it's not too late, might take if to 200 to get some traction, so the bakerless gap isn't too long. I'll check in with back with ya a little later. GYBaker.

Anonymous ID: 1e3566 May 19, 2019, 12:08 a.m. No.6534379   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm not technical either, anon, but I looked it up and found a basic article that should help:


The short answer is that yes it will change. Apparently, IP address can change very easily, like when you turn your router off. Take a look at the article and see if it helps. o7

Anonymous ID: 1e3566 May 19, 2019, 12:12 a.m. No.6534388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4395 >>4402


It's an interesting shift if you're ever up then. LOTS of breaking news from Europe and the Far East. Second time I baked, Q posted at 2:30 am PT (from China, I think).

The 8chan break-in story also came in at that time last night, along with the story on the Austrian vice chancellor resigning (seems like FF right before the elections).

Anonymous ID: 1e3566 May 19, 2019, 12:13 a.m. No.6534390   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Found her books about a year before she died. Wow. You can read them over and over. What a gift she had, easy not to notice because she is so unassuming.

Anonymous ID: 1e3566 May 19, 2019, 12:51 a.m. No.6534482   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4491


Missed the earliest days, must have been exciting. I came when Q wasn't posting. So I guess I'm used to "chop wood, carry water" as the norm. The best thing about Q posting in the middle of the night is that it doesn't get too chaotic. When the bread gets "fast," it's like 2 hours long, ya know??

Anonymous ID: 1e3566 May 19, 2019, 1:12 a.m. No.6534506   🗄️.is 🔗kun


One of the things I've been thinking about is how many people we all connect with who are…hmmm…not that savory. Like DJT–he's mingled with a lot of different people. Most people, in fact, have associated with controversial individuals. They may even be family members, school acquaintances, whatever.


This makes it very easy for someone to look at another person's associates and call their reputation into question. Fertile ground for shills, I'm afraid. If you go digging into anybody's life, you'll find weird stuff, because people have peculiarities. You have to really delve into the details to figure out what's actually going on (and even then, you could be wrong).


That's why my threshold for calling someone a shill, or a paytriot, or any other derogatory term is really high. It's definitely "innocent til proven guilty." And even then, most people can change. Most people are NOT evil but just ignorant. Those who have no interest in changing make it pretty obvious, especially these days.

Anonymous ID: 1e3566 May 19, 2019, 1:15 a.m. No.6534508   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes, but a person can't live like that forever. In the depths of the rabbit hole. The anguish needs to move, so it can become resolve. (But it's still hard to sleep, kek).

Anonymous ID: 1e3566 May 19, 2019, 1:43 a.m. No.6534539   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Graveyard baker here

It's pretty late but I'd like to stay for long enough to get some posts notabled and just kind of get things moving. But I'll probably jet outta here by 200 at the latest. So if you have anything to post,

please post your diggs early

and we'll get a bundle together for the am baker in one place.

If somebody can collect notes after that, that would be great. We gotta keep Graveyard alive and well, and when a baker isn't there, it's good to have someone doing at least a little oversight, helps anons to feel like their work matters.

Please think about stepping up, you can really help support QResearch just by note-taking when a baker isn't there.


If you want to learn to bake, bakers will always help you. It's not always easy but really rewarding. The other side of digging–helps you understand how to do better diggs when you bake.