Anonymous ID: 86ebf8 May 19, 2019, 1:48 a.m. No.6534556   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Was waiting to drop this in next bread but it could take a long time.


Anyway, thought I'd share this just for the KEKS.


PIERS MORGAN: The next book America’s self-appointed ‘superhero’ James Comey writes may be his prison diaries, from a cell shared with his fellow Trump-hating FBI villains


James Comey’s had a very lucrative year since he was fired by President Trump.


He’s sold several million books, made myriad highly paid speeches, and appeared on all the big talk shows.


In doing so, he’s become household name.


Comey’s now a multi-millionaire celebrity living the American dream.


He even has his own Oprah-style one-name Twitter account: @Comey.


And he’s achieved this newfound fame by constantly attacking his old boss, acting in the process like a brazen, politically motivated opponent.


There’s just one problem I have with all this: Comey was Director of the FBI, supposedly a top-secret intelligence agency.


His job was to KEEP secrets, not to spill them to anyone with a large check.


And what the hell does Comey have to boast about anyway?


This is the guy who screwed almost everything up while holding one of the most prestigious and important jobs in federal government.


So much so that he is universally loathed and distrusted on both sides of the political aisle.


Yet here he is, strutting around like he’s a Marvel superhero sent to save America from the bad guys, whilst conveniently overlooking the increasingly likely fact that he himself is one of the very worst of those bad guys.


The breath-taking irony of Comey’s self-promoting new angelic persona is not lost on former colleagues.


Yesterday, former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein finally went public on his real thoughts about Comey who recently sneered that Rosenstein’s soul had been ‘eaten’ by Trump.


‘The former director seems to be acting as a partisan pundit,’ Rosenstein retorted, in an address to the annual Greater Baltimore Committee Dinner, ‘selling books and earning speaking fees while speculating about the strength of my character and the fate of my immortal soul. I kid you not. That is disappointing.’


As zingers go, this ice-cold back-slicing riposte was right up there with being mauled by a Polar Bear in the Arctic.


Rosenstein also emphasised his own comparative neutrality.


‘People spend a lot of time debating whose side I was on, based on who seemed to benefit most from any individual decision,’ he said. ‘But trying to infer partisan affiliation from law enforcement decisions is what you might call a category error. It uses the wrong frame of reference.’




Rosenstein’s legal assessment of Comey is that he deserved to be fired by Trump because of his inept handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation, and especially the public way in which he announced both the results of the investigation and the reopening of it just 10 days before the 2016 election.


In a memo used by Trump to justify Comey’s firing, Rosenstein said the director was ‘wrong to usurp the Attorney General’s authority’ by holding the press conference where he announced the initial closure of the investigation, and made comments to the press that were ‘inappropriate, derogatory and unfair’.


In a damning conclusion, he said it was ‘a textbook example of what federal prosecutors and agents are taught not to do.’


But it is Comey’s treatment of Donald Trump that may lead to far more serious consequences for him and some of his former FBI team.


Today it emerged that Attorney General William Barr has appointed a U.S. attorney, John Durham in Conneticut, to examine the origins of the Russia collusion investigation and determine if intelligence collection involving the Trump campaign was ‘lawful and appropriate’.


Remainder here: