Anonymous ID: 09827d May 19, 2019, 6:39 a.m. No.6535272   🗄️.is 🔗kun

moar and moan news outlets are being forced to report the ObamaSpy ring to frame Trump!


Mueller – Weissmann: Destroying Trump with the fruit of the Poisonous Tree


Written by L.J. Keith May 18, 2019

WASHINGTON, DC: It is little wonder that the Mueller inquisition found that there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. They knew all along that it was a hoax. Many of the principal actors in the origins of the Mueller investigation, like Andrew Weissman, were instrumental in framing Trump in the first place. They used the fruit of the poisonous tree to try to destroy Donald Trump and his Presidency.


Andrew Weissmann was the insurance policy


Andrew Weissmann was not only a central figure in incorporating the Steele Dossier in the original FISA warrant on Carter Page. Working hand in hand with Peter Strzok, he was part of the team launching the counterintelligence investigation of Trump.


Weissmann was ultimately the vehicle to implement the “insurance policy” Strzok was texting about.


Robert Mueller, Russia Hoax, Special Counsel, Weissman, Trump, Coup, Russia, Mueller


How convenient that 8 months later, in May of 2017, Robert Mueller chooses Weissmann to lead and staff the Special Counsel investigation of the Russia Hoax. Or that the Inquisition team is full of rabid anti -Trump Democrats. A team who spends the next two years giving a public colonoscopy to President Trump and the far reaches of much of the Trump administration.


Obama Clinton Coup Attempt: Decimating the “peaceful transition of power”


Using the Russia hoax to attack Trump


But there is a dirty little secret. The same people behind the initial counterintelligence investigation and the Mueller Inquisition are the same people who conspired with CIA and State Department operatives to concoct and disseminate the phony Steele Dossier in the first place.


The same people who sent a string of CIA and foreign intelligence operatives to set up George Papadopoulos. In a nutshell, the same people who perpetrated the Russia hoax were the ones investigating the Russia Hoax.


John Brennan, James Clapper, Jim Comey, Peter Strzok and Andrew Weissmann knew the Steele dossier was a total fabrication.


Derived from Russian sources close to Putin. Unreliable. Unverified. Kremlin disinformation. A political hit job pushed hard by Brennan and Clapper.


Paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC.


All of it in coordination with many of the players ultimately involved in the investigation.


The fruit of the poisonous tree


But they used it anyway. Because that was the point. They all knew the Russia collusion story was a hoax. They were the ones creating the fiction they would use to destroy Trump.


So they launched the conspiracy onto the American public. Deliberately. With a vengeance. The Liberal cabal lying to the FISA court, the media and all Americans. They put Mike Flynn in their crosshairs. Leaked classified information to the press, including the Steele dossier to Michael Isakof at Yahoo News and David Corn at Mother