Anonymous ID: 926f95 May 19, 2019, 7:50 a.m. No.6535547   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5628

Europe is love, Europe is life: EU Commission takes heat for ‘Orwellian’ tweet ahead of elections


As Europeans prepare to vote in the EU Parliament elections, the European Commission has raised some eyebrows with a tweet extolling the virtues of the union, in true George Orwell style.


“The EU is peace. The EU is freedom. The EU is solidarity. The EU is diversity. The EU is human rights. The EU is opportunities,” read the Commission’s tweet, posted on Saturday. The message ended with a simple instruction: “Vote.”

Anonymous ID: 926f95 May 19, 2019, 7:54 a.m. No.6535588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5610 >>5618


You act is Satan didn't exist until Trump was elected and Q appeared on the Chans…What the FK kinda dummy are you ..The world is run by the occult and has been ever since the fall of man


Matthew 4 8-9

Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;

9 And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.

10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

Anonymous ID: 926f95 May 19, 2019, 8:02 a.m. No.6535635   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5658



>To over throw and kill me..


Who the FK do you think you are that you think your the only one they want to do that to…ever read a history book or even paid attention to recent events world wide..

Anonymous ID: 926f95 May 19, 2019, 8:12 a.m. No.6535699   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Israeli NSO Group Linked To WhatsApp Spyware Attack Hit With Amnesty Lawsuit


Earlier this week, Facebook-owned WhatsApp announced it had rushed to patch up a security hole in its messaging service, which it believed had been exploited by the Israeli-owned NSO Group.


Israeli cyber intelligence company NSO Group, reportedly implicated in this week’s WhatsApp hack attack, is facing a lawsuit backed by Amnesty International.


The human rights group reportedly fears its staff may be under surveillance from Pegasus spyware installed via the messaging service, and laid out its concerns in a lawsuit filed in Israel by about 50 members and supporters of Amnesty International Israel.


Amnesty called on the Israeli Ministry of Defence to ban the export of NSO’s Pegasus software, which is able to covertly infiltrate a mobile phone, steal its data and turn on the microphone for surveillance.

Anonymous ID: 926f95 May 19, 2019, 8:15 a.m. No.6535720   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5758


Your a FKing idiot and you prove it with your every post ..not to worry you can vote of Hillary again in 2020


Does Bill Clinton Run Murder Inc.?


Last week on TheToday Show, Linda Tripp declared that she had received “threats to my life, threats to the lives of my children” from the president (via Monica Lewinsky). Similarly, Dick Morris referred last month in the Washington Post to “the list of the 25 people who have died in mysterious circumstances in connection with [the Ken Starr] investigation.” Does the president’s scandal-management team include a hit squad? Who allegedly has been bumped off? Are any of the charges true?


Lists of supposed Clinton victims have circulated on the Internet web for the past few years. (Click here to see one list.) The lists may have originated with The Clinton Chronicles, a video produced in 1993 and since hawked by conservatives such as Pat Robertson, Rush Limbaugh, and Jerry Falwell. The Chronicles explain that as governor of Arkansas, Bill Clinton supervised a drug-smuggling and money-laundering enterprise that stretched from Central America to the Reagan-administration’s CIA to west Arkansas. The video alleges that eight people were killed because they knew too much about the operation.

Anonymous ID: 926f95 May 19, 2019, 8:19 a.m. No.6535746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5800


Father knows best,,, do you know your Bible and the God your claim to speak for


Amos 8:11

“Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:”


Romans 8:16


“The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:”

Anonymous ID: 926f95 May 19, 2019, 8:28 a.m. No.6535802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5832


It;s been a scam since the days before Al Capone…. Every election we are ALWAYS given the choice between the lessor two evils and every election cycle we move further and further to the progressive lefts NOW agenda… Wake UP…. Trump and Q-Team is/are this countries last chance …. your last change to drink from life's well



Anonymous ID: 926f95 May 19, 2019, 8:47 a.m. No.6535931   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Progressives Socialist Anti-Science on Abortion


The Alabama state legislature has found the trigger for even more “moral outrage” from our supposed betters in Hollywood. According to the self-centered narcissistic celebrities, this group of men has coerced their state into passing one of the strictest abortion bills in the country. Over the last few days, the roar of victim hood from the delicate flowers in Hollywood and the halls of Congress have covered subjects from slavery to medieval torture to show just how offended they are.


The vilification of white males as the sole perpetrators of this heinous act has been, once again, rolled out to the forefront of our everyday lives. If men are the ones that are the evil in this country, how do you explain that Roe s. Wade was decided by a Supreme Court that consisted only of men?


Let’s look at a few examples of just how out of touch the pro-choice brown shirts have become. We have heard in the words of Ratajkowshi that these men are “imposing their will onto the bodies of women of low income the right not to choose to reproduce. The state is trying to ban abortions in areas where the highest proportions of black women live. Spoken like a faithful acolyte of Margaret Sanger, she has put forth the idea that we must kill black children before they grow up to become black criminals.


Dr. Alveda King, who is the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. set the record straight for the eugenics in the progressive socialist party:


“The leading cause of death in the African-American community is not gang violence, gun violence, heart attacks, stroke, HIV or high blood pressure. It’s abortion. Planned Parenthood intentionally moved into our community and claimed, “We are here to help you. Let’s kill your baby so you can have a better life.”


In 1983, Alveda King became born again and became a voice of the pro-life movement. She had undergone her abortions in secret in the 1970s and understood the damage done both to her and her family.


Or what to make of the word salad put forth by Alyssa Milano that women should go on a “sex strike” and used the royal collective “we” in an attempt to demand all women agree with her immoral ideas on abortion. Even going further, a columnist for the Guardian demands that women stop doing anything. Don’t take the children to school, don’t do the wash, don’t interact in any way with the day to day living of the family. She claimed it is time to stop caring. These women and the other insane feminists seem to think that women only have sex to keep men happy. That sex is nothing more than a commodity to be bartered or traded for what they want.

Anonymous ID: 926f95 May 19, 2019, 8:53 a.m. No.6535970   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6082


This is the problem they WANT to believe a lie and are easy to fool



In this witty, erudite, and thoroughly researched book, art historian John Moffitt discusses the popular iconography depicting alleged extraterrestrial (ET) visitors and the widespread appeal of this New Age craze as a mass cultural phenomenon. A thorough skeptic, Moffitt is interested in kitschy ET portraiture, not as evidence of aliens among us, but for what this imagery reveals about contemporary culture. By brilliantly placing the present cultural moment in historical context, he demonstrates how typical portrayals of aliens reflect long-running (even ancient) cultural motifs.


Whether we realize it or not, among ET's precursors are the ecstatic maenads of ancient Greek art, early depictions of Christ in Byzantine icons, the religious visions shown in 15th-century Spanish paintings, and the popular images of witches and incubi from the 18th and 19th centuries. Today, in our postmodern space age, these timeless figures of imagination and art have taken on the otherworldly trappings of alien creatures. By the same token, centuries-old beliefs, whether in nature gods and goddesses, demons, witches, Satan, or saints, have evolved into the current New Age mythology that often surrounds the stories and pictures connected with aliens. Fueled by a huge entertainment industry, mass media, and the relentless profit drive of capitalism, alien imagery has become ubiquitous, and in the process the line between fantasy and reality ever harder to discern.


This sweeping and above all entertaining perusal of popular culture presents a sophisticated yet very accessible and often funny dissection of our current obsession with the possibility that "we are not alone."

Anonymous ID: 926f95 May 19, 2019, 9:05 a.m. No.6536043   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The 8 House Republicans Who Sold You & The Constitution Out By Voting For The Equality Act


Don't you love how politicians write their bills with pleasant sounding titles only to completely violate your rights and the law? Such was the case with The Equality Act, and though it is expected that the party that supports the depravity of sodomy, lesbianism, transgenderism and bi-sexuality would support this bill, there are at least eight Republicans that supported the measure and they need to be called out.