Anonymous ID: 902bfb May 19, 2019, 11:20 a.m. No.6536823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6842


>BODY IS TOO LONG all the fucking time now

it's the amount of notables, baker

make buns if you can, I see multiple lines about the same thing and making buns will condense the notables. These notables seem good, but sometimes too many not really notable posts are added.

Thank you for baking baker.




just got here, had to do a bunch of shit

We always need moar bakers

We have about 12 right now for every day, every hour, every bread.


I agree, but we carry on anon.



no one is saying to leave, just talking about the current state

Anonymous ID: 902bfb May 19, 2019, 11:25 a.m. No.6536859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6881



We should probably stop importing them.

That'd be a good start, then deport the illegals, not bus, fly, and distribute them around the country.

And yea, "minorities" is a part of the marxist tactic of victimization to divide and conquer.


>We have to fight.

yezzir, and we are

Anonymous ID: 902bfb May 19, 2019, 11:28 a.m. No.6536874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6879 >>6889 >>6906 >>6927


A few nights ago, anons were discussing the idea of having a website specifically for presenting notables clearly and organized so they could be read, spread, and archived.

An anon got a url ready to go, and is working on this great idea. It currently just provides a link to the bun of the discussion on the notables website idea (pic1): and >>6503187 (pb)


This website would epitomize how /qresearch/ and anons Are The News.

The basic ideas of the website are:

  • Archive the posts that are notable, per bread or per day

  • Show the pics of the post

  • Show the text of the post

  • Hyperlink the sauce

  • Hyperlink the post numbers and bread titles to the bread

  • Ability to spread the notables

  • Have relevant links to the board, welcome page, and other /qresearch/ related links

  • Have relevant links to,,, and other Q related links

  • Have a place for twitter feeds of POTUS, WH, journalists, news outlets, etc

  • And likely other features


*Note: these graphics might not be like what is ultimately produced, it is just meant as a visual.

I used the layout for a visual of an index of notables per bread (pic2), and used bread #8271 as an example to show a visual for an index of a bread's notables (pic3, accessed from the bread index) and what it'd be like to see notables presented clearly with links to the bread and sauce (pic4/5 is light/dark version of all the notables from a bread accessed from the bread index). The homepage would be interactive, full of links to the basic ideas above, and organized so a viewer can access all the information easily.

Notables, of course, include digs, research, graphics, news, discussion, theories, and other relevant information.

Notables, posted by anons and collected by bakers, would show up neatly and presentably with their title, text, sauce, pics, and links to the bread so anons, bakers, and normies could read, review, and spread them.

In my opinion, what Q meant by saying "You are the news now" 13 times so far is that anons' posts are spread from /qresearch/ all around the internet. Anons aggregate, dig on, and summarize in graphics information that contributes to the Great Awakening of the United States of America and the World.

A website like this would exponentially increase the reach, presentability, and effectiveness of these efforts.

So, keep digging, researching, making graphics, posting news, discussing, theorizing, and contributing with other relevant information like this website doesn't exist and like we have been; because a website like this would make it much easier for all those efforts to be read, spread, and archived.


Anonymous ID: 902bfb May 19, 2019, 11:39 a.m. No.6536940   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6954


>Notables should not be used to represents anons qresearch

what should they represent, butthurt-over-one-notable-not-being-added anon?

repost next bread ffs, I'll nominate myself.

Anonymous ID: 902bfb May 19, 2019, 11:44 a.m. No.6536969   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Notables legitimately, besides the rest of the posts in the bread, represent anons' research, digs, graphics, theories, discussion, etc.

Bakers add nominated and non-nominated posts to reflect what anons were doing in the bread so anons and others can get a good amount of info if they missed the bread.

Do you have a better way of representing it?

And yea, didn't ID you correctly, not the anon bitching about the notable, my bad.