Anonymous ID: a39812 May 19, 2019, 9:35 a.m. No.6536222   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6230 >>6501 >>6639 >>6760 >>6820 >>6869

Hollywood Holds Abortion Rights Demonstration on Cannes Red Carpet


CANNES, France (AP) — Ahead of Saturday’s premiere of an Argentine documentary on abortion, dozens of women demonstrated for abortion rights on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival in France.

Women, including the filmmakers and activists seen in the film, waved green handkerchiefs and carried a large banner while walking the Cannes carpet at the premiere of Argentine director Juan Solanas’ “Let It Be Law.” The documentary depicts Argentina’s battle to legalize abortion.

Argentina’s Senate last year rejected a bill to legalize abortion, prompting protests in Buenos Aires streets. Green handkerchiefs have come to be symbol of the movement. A modified version of the bill is to be presented to Congress on May 28.

The film’s debut comes as abortion rights are also being fiercely contested in the U.S. On Tuesday, the Alabama Senate passed a bill that would outlaw almost all abortions in the state, including those involving pregnancies from rape or incest.


Many in the movie industry in Cannes have followed the developments in the U.S. with concern.

“What’s happening in Alabama is so important in the world,” Eva Longoria, who produced the Netflix documentary “Reversing Roe,” said Friday at a “Women in Motion” event in Cannes. “It’s going to affect everybody if we don’t pay attention.”

Anonymous ID: a39812 May 19, 2019, 9:44 a.m. No.6536286   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6300 >>6501 >>6639 >>6760 >>6820 >>6869

McCarthy dismisses Amash impeachment comments: 'He wants to have attention'


House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy does not appear to be taking Rep. Justin Amash's recent tweets about President Trump very seriously, claiming that the Michigan Republican simply "wants to have attention," and questioning his GOP bona fides.


Amash tweeted his take on the Muller report on Saturday, claiming that President Trump "engaged in impeachable conduct," specifically obstruction of justice, and that Attorney General Bill Barr "deliberately misrepresented" Mueller's findings.

"This is exactly what he wants, he wants to have attention," McCarthy said on "Sunday Morning Futures." He went on to express doubt over Amash's Republican leanings in general.


"You've got to understand Justin Amash. He's been in Congress quite some time. I think he's asked one question in all the committees that he's been in. He votes more with Nancy Pelosi than he ever votes with me. It's a question whether he's even in our Republican conference as a whole."


Amash criticized Republicans and Democrats for rushing to judgment over the Mueller report, accusing his colleagues of speaking out based on which side of the political aisle they are on, and not the facts.


"Few members of Congress even read Mueller’s report; their minds were made up based on partisan affiliation," Amash tweeted, "and it showed, with representatives and senators from both parties issuing definitive statements on the 448-page report’s conclusions within just hours of its release."

McCarthy, meanwhile, accused Amash of simply being contrarian, saying, "You could have a bill with 400 votes all supporting it, there will always be one opposed and that is Justin Amash."


Amash stated earlier this year that he was considering running against Trump in 2020 as a third-party candidate.

Anonymous ID: a39812 May 19, 2019, 10:12 a.m. No.6536442   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6463 >>6525 >>6772


she said she is doing another video today if she can…


Morgellon's Disease:

Morgellons disease is an uncommon, poorly understood condition characterized by small fibers or other particles emerging from skin sores. People with this condition often report feeling as if something were crawling on or stinging their skin.


Some doctors recognize the condition as a delusional infestation and treat it with cognitive behavioral therapy, antidepressants, antipsychotic drugs and counseling. Others think the symptoms are related to an infectious process in skin cells. Further study is needed.


Signs and symptoms

People who have Morgellons disease report the following signs and symptoms:


Skin rashes or sores that can cause intense itching

Crawling sensations on and under the skin, often compared to insects moving, stinging or biting

Fibers, threads or black stringy material in and on the skin


Difficulty concentrating

Short-term memory loss

Depressed mood

The intense itching and open sores associated with Morgellons disease can severely interfere with a person's quality of life.


What do researchers know about Morgellons disease?

The research on Morgellons by multiple groups over decades has yielded conflicting results. Multiple studies report a possible link between Morgellons and infection with Borrelia spirochetes.


These results contradict an earlier study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which concluded that the condition isn't caused by an infection or parasites. The CDC study of 115 people with Morgellons, which the CDC refers to as an unexplained dermatopathy, showed that most of the fibers in the skin wounds were cotton. The CDC report noted that the condition is most often seen in middle-aged white women, and its symptoms are very similar to those of a mental illness involving false beliefs about infestation by parasites (delusional infestation).


Small research studies have tried to determine the cause and effective treatment for Morgellons disease. But there is still no proven guidance on diagnosis and treatment. Further research is needed.


A contested diagnosis

Common attitudes of health professionals toward Morgellons disease include:


Thinking that Morgellons disease is a specific condition that needs to be confirmed by research

Thinking that signs and symptoms of Morgellons disease are caused by another condition, often mental illness

Not acknowledging Morgellons disease or reserving judgment until more is known about it

Anonymous ID: a39812 May 19, 2019, 10:22 a.m. No.6536496   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6519 >>6588


I am SO fucking SICK of this low-life POS maggot and his ugly cunt wife. Who really gives a flying fuck what he has to say!!??

Does he even know what he is talking about??!!


Stick to muzak John….actually no, find another fucking hobby. You are nothing but a 1 hit wonder who is intertwined with the Clintons and the other corrupt politicians. Only reason you and that hag get work is bc you are fucking SATANIC CABAL TOOLS! GTFO

Anonymous ID: a39812 May 19, 2019, 11:09 a.m. No.6536770   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6800



>They also have really off putting doughboy faces.

kek…you are so right! The only song I know of is "All of Me" from about 4 years ago or so. (and this fucker is a G.O.A.T. Grammy, Oscar, Academy, Tony) And where is the talent??



and she is a nasty pig to boot.

Anonymous ID: a39812 May 19, 2019, 11:21 a.m. No.6536831   🗄️.is đź”—kun


my thinking when I read about it is, they all have "something" but don't know what it is (imaginary illness to get rx drugs….idk??)

Could be what you are saying too, but woudln't we all have it then?

also, don't drug addicts get the skin crawling, bugs inside them feeling when they need more drugs? Just thinking….