Anonymous ID: a44d95 May 19, 2019, 9:32 a.m. No.6536205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6221 >>6296 >>6350 >>6542 >>6662

Baker SUPER Notable


The NYTimes ran a piece a few days ago trying to discredit the use of stem cells to rehabilitate severe trauma:


"But there is no clear evidence that these treatments work, and their safety has yet to be established. Most researchers, including those at the National Institutes of Health, think that efforts to sell therapies involving adult stem cells, which can develop into different types of cells to replenish tissue, have gotten way ahead of the science."




The fact of the matter is that stem cell treatments work incredibly well. I used to race motorcycles and in the mid 2000s it became common practice for the guys in the international championships to get stem cell treatments for badly damaged areas. In one case, a Spanish rider named Sete Gibernau had broke his left collar bone and had it plated so many times it was like paper mache. After receiving stem cell treatment he was able to regain functionality on what would have otherwise been a completely crippling break.



Anonymous ID: a44d95 May 19, 2019, 10:31 a.m. No.6536542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6570

Baker, are you seriously going to ignore the post I made about the MSM protecting the profits of the medical industry by burying anecdotal evidence of stem cell treatments working?

