Anonymous ID: 79ad58 May 19, 2019, 11:51 a.m. No.6537017   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Al Jazeera pulls video that links Zionism with Nazism & calls Israel ‘biggest winner’ of Holocaust


An Al Jazeera video which accused Israel of exploiting the Holocaust to carry out a Nazi-like policy of “annihilation” against the Palestinians has been deleted following accusations of anti-Semitism.


Posted on the Arabic version of Al Jazeera’s popular current events channel, AJ+, the short commentary video argued that while the Holocaust did in fact happen, the total number of Jews killed by the Nazis was “inflated by the Zionist movement” to create international support for the creation of Israel.


“The annihilation of any people because of their race, sex or religion is an unacceptable thing that deserves to be strongly denounced. Denouncing the Holocaust is a moral obligation,” video's presenter, Muna Hawwa, said. “But Israel is the biggest winner from the Holocaust, and it uses the same Nazi justifications as a launching pad for the racial cleansing and annihilation of the Palestinians.”

Anonymous ID: 79ad58 May 19, 2019, 11:54 a.m. No.6537049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7064 >>7169 >>7198 >>7243 >>7357 >>7640 >>7708

‘We’ve Lost Control of the Border,’ Says Border Patrol Agent


A U.S. Border Patrol agent warned that our nation has “lost control of the border,” during an interview on Fox News Channel.


During an interview with Fox News Channel’s Outnumbered, U.S. Border Patrol Agent Hector Garza, in his role as vice-president of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC), told Harris Faulkner, “We’ve lost control of the border, as we are right now.” He continued saying we must come up with a new plan to correct the problems that led to the loss of control of the border.


Garza’s comments came as President Donald Trump prepared to announce his plans for new immigration policies on Thursday. The NBPC vice-president said that his organization’s president, Brandon Judd, would be having a phone conference with the White House to discuss the plan’s potential impact on the border.


“As it is right now, we are having a very hard time at the border,” Garza explained in recognition of the massive numbers of Central American migrant families being apprehended by Border Patrol agents after illegally crossing the border from Mexico.


Faulkner reacted to Garza’s comment about the condition of the border. “You said, ‘We’ve lost control of the border,'” Faulkner challenged. “That is different from what reporting I’ve seen. What do you mean when you say you’ve ‘lost control?'”


“Our Border Patrol chief has mentioned that over 50 percent of our agents are not securing the border and they’re now actually processing, transporting, and carrying for some of these asylum seekers,” Garza explained. “But I would challenge that percentage. I would put that percentage somewhere in the range of 75 percent.”


“What we’re seeing is that we’re not securing the border,” he emphasized. “We’re not out there catching those drug seekers or those drug smugglers or human smugglers.:


Garza cited an example from his own Laredo Sector where agents assigned to an interior checkpoint discovered a tractor-trailer smuggling 120 migrants from five different countries. “We’re getting overrun at the border,” Agent Garza explained. “So yeah, we’ve lost control of the border, Harris.”


Watch the full interview in the video above.

Anonymous ID: 79ad58 May 19, 2019, 11:55 a.m. No.6537053   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7243 >>7357 >>7361 >>7640 >>7708

Merkel: “Germany’s future depends on immigration”


German Chancellor Angela Merkel told a crowd in Berlin that Germany’s continued success depends on how successfully it manages immigration and integration, The Local reports.

Speaking to young people from an immigrant background to mark the 70th anniversary of the passing of the German Constitution, Merkel said that the “economic and social viability of our country” depends on the country’s successful management of these challenges.

The crowd was assembled as part of the ‘Go Your Own Way’ initiative, a program of the German Immigration Foundation (DSI) which promotes integration of younger people from immigrant backgrounds into the German job market.

During the speech, Merkel reminded the audience that 19 million Germans – just under one quarter of the total population of 83 million – have an immigrant background.

One of the major features of the German Constitution is the way in which it promotes integration and diversity, while also ensuring that these processes adhere to core German values.

Referencing the recent migrant influx, particularly from Middle Eastern countries like Syria and Iraq, Merkel said that while there have been and will continue to be difficulties, this represented the continued changes that have taken place since the country emerged from the ashes of World War Two.

“We have painstakingly understood that. (We continue to understand) how immigration is changing our country and how it will continue to change our country”, she said.

“We have learned that our country must be a country of immigration and of integration.“

Anonymous ID: 79ad58 May 19, 2019, 11:58 a.m. No.6537073   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7113 >>7188

Democrat Tulsi Gabbard fends off ‘fake news’ accusations of Russian support


Democratic presidential hopeful Tulsi Gabbard’s anti-war stance has seen her slammed in the media for over-friendliness to Moscow. After this week’s hit piece the Hawaiian Congresswoman called these accusations “fake news.”


Speaking to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on Sunday, Gabbard repeated several of her core foreign policy messages: Regime change operations are “counterproductive and wasteful,” and escalating military tension with Russia and China is a “dangerous” game for the US.


A combat veteran and foreign-policy focused candidate, Gabbard launched her presidential campaign in January. From the outset she was lambasted by both parties and the mainstream media for meeting with Syrian leader Bashar Al-Assad, and was branded a “Putin puppet” for suggesting that the US improve relations with Russia, at a time when most of her party was consumed with ‘Russiagate’ hysteria.


Stephanopoulos kept the theme going on Sunday, pressing Gabbard on a recent Daily Beast article accusing her campaign of taking a shocking THREE donations from “Putin apologists,” and one from actress Susan Sarandon – who committed the mortal sin of supporting the Green Party’s Jill Stein in her 2016 election bid, and not Hillary Clinton, as the Hollywood consensus demanded.


Save for one returned contribution from a businessman involved in some unlicensed transactions, no donation mentioned by the Daily Beast amounted to more than $1,000.

Anonymous ID: 79ad58 May 19, 2019, 12:01 p.m. No.6537093   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Sweden: Security Service Arrest Several Islamists Including Leader of Muslim School


Swedish security service Säpo say they have arrested five radical Islamists in a short period of time, with one of those arrested being one of the main leaders of an Islamic school in western Sweden.


The principal of the school said that the arrest of the man, whose identity was not published in a report by Swedish broadcaster SVT, would not affect the functioning of the school itself, refusing to comment further on the matter.


Lawyer Lars-Erik Olsson, who previously represented the arrested man, said, “We have not had any contact now, and I also do not know if he will have the opportunity to contact me,” adding, “It does not take much for you to be designated when you are a Muslim.”


Gabriel Wernstedt, press secretary at Säpo, was also tight-lipped on the case, saying, “We never comment on individuals when it comes to our intelligence work.”


Wernstedt did not comment on the fact that several radical imams in Sweden have also been detained.


One of the Imams detained is Riyad Al-Duhan, also known as Abo Raad, who was arrested last month and served as imam for a mosque in the city of Gävle. The imam is known as a proponent of the strict Salafist school of Islamic thought and has been in Sweden for 20 years, but has been rejected for citizenship twice.


The spread of Islamic radicalism has been a major issue in Sweden for several years, with reports showing huge growth in the number of radicals. Swedish researcher Peder Hyllengren of the Swedish Defence College claimed the country had become a base for international jihadists.


Another report from Sweden’s National Centre for Terror Threat Assessment (NCT) released in March 2019 acknowledged that Islamic terrorism was still the number one security threat to Sweden despite victories against the Islamic State terror group in the Middle East.

Anonymous ID: 79ad58 May 19, 2019, 12:06 p.m. No.6537128   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7139 >>7140 >>7209 >>7268 >>7391

Papadopoulos: Intel agents tried to get my wife to wear a wire


Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos reveals new details about intelligence agencies spying on him.

Anonymous ID: 79ad58 May 19, 2019, 12:08 p.m. No.6537134   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Amazon Tribe Wins Lawsuit To Save Half A Million Acres Of Rainforest


We all need to do our bit to save the rainforests, as they are super important to all life on the planet. They create so much oxygen to help keep us alive. The trees also use carbon dioxide, thereby reducing global warming. The Amazon Rainforest is the biggest in the world, but destruction happens at a faster rate each year. Luckily, people are starting to take notice and do something about its destruction. The latest people to do so are an Amazon tribe.


The Waorani people are native to Ecuador and have lived there for centuries. In recent years, they have been fighting a legal battle against big oil that nobody thought they could win.


The Ecuadorian government was planning to drill for oil over an area of seven million acres of rainforest. However, the Amazon tribe who live in Pastaza, an area that would have been affected, has put an end to this.


They have stalled the auction of the area, which 16 oil blocks would have been put there. What’s more, they have protected half a million more acres of their territory from potential drilling. A spokesperson for the Waorani of Pastaza, the Amazon tribe in question, Oswando Nenquimo, made a statement.


“Today we have protected our forest from oil drilling; we have protected our water from contamination; we have protected our children from sickness. This is a legal precedent for indigenous rights,


“But the fight is far from over. The government will appeal because they still want the oil beneath our land. Indigenous Nations across the Amazon and the world must band together to protect our homes.”

Anonymous ID: 79ad58 May 19, 2019, 12:10 p.m. No.6537155   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7585

Fire the Nutcases Leading Us to War


President Donald Trump claimed this week that he does not want war with Iran. If he really believes this, the president ought to look into what his subordinates are doing.


Among their bellicose actions are deployment of the ‘Abraham Lincoln CVN-72’ carrier task force to the coast of Iran, massing a strike package of B-52 heavy bombers in Qatar, just across the Gulf from Iran, positioning more US warplanes around Iran, readying a massive cyber attack against Iran, and trying to stop the export of Iranian oil, upon which its economy depends.


Plus repeated attempts to overthrow the government in Tehran – something the US already did very skillfully in 1953.


If all this is not war, according to Trump, then what is? It’s war by another name. Just what the US did to Cuba, Iraq, Sudan, North Korea, Nicaragua, Syria, and, since 1979, Iran. Like a shark, the US warfare state has to keep moving. So it finds threats popping up all over.


The latest alleged grave ‘threat’ to America’s security was an ancient wooden dhow. Spotted by US satellites, this decrepit old sail-powered tub was claimed by Washington war promoters, led by the enragé John Bolton, to be carrying Iranian missiles. What unbelievable rubbish.


Many moons ago, I used to oversee dhows based in Dubai smuggling expensive Western luxury goods and small gold ‘ten tola’ bars into India and Iran. They would dodge Indian and Pakistani patrol boats; if caught, ‘baksheesh’ (bribes) were paid. Some of the smuggled goods even found their way into the Soviet Union, via caravans through Afghanistan.


All this was worthy of Sinbad the Sailor and the Arabian Nights. Great fun and profitable, but hardly of any strategic consequence. But now, Washington’s war-mongers claim the dhows will threaten ‘US interests’ in the Gulf region. ‘US interests’ are, of course, whatever and wherever Washington says they are.


This is yet another charade that will be amplified by the tame US media, and gobbled up by the credulous public unsure if the Gulf is off Texas or Iran. It joins the huge lies about World War I – ‘Belgian babies spitted to German bayonets’ – Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, anthrax attacks, and Saddam’s ‘drones of death.’ Some cynics would add 9/11 and Osama bin Laden to the cast of manufactured villains.


We now know that all the reasons cited for attacking Iraq in 2003 where false. Pure lies. War propaganda. President George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Tony Blair led us into a war by a campaign of lies that fed off one another. Media that supported the war with false news was equally guilty.


Yet we still see, for example, the Murdoch-owned media, New York Times and Washington shamelessly promoting more war in the Mideast. US media has made little progress since the yellow journalism era of William Randolph Hearst. As the great Mark Twain said, ‘if you don’t read the daily newspapers you are uninformed. If you do read them, you are misinformed.’

Anonymous ID: 79ad58 May 19, 2019, 12:13 p.m. No.6537177   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7222 >>7262

Judge refuses to toss suit over Pepe the Frog poster sales by Alex Jones


A federal judge will let a jury decide whether conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’ Infowars website had a legal right to sell a poster featuring the image of Pepe the Frog, a cartoon character that became hijacked by far-right extremists.


U.S. District Judge Michael Fitzgerald refused Thursday to throw out a copyright infringement lawsuit that Pepe’s creator, California-based artist Matt Furie, filed against Infowars over its poster sales.


Lawyers for Furie and Infowars both said they were pleased by the ruling, which clears a path for a jury trial to begin July 16 in Los Angeles.


Louis Tompros, one Furie’s lawyers, said his client looks forward to asking jurors to hold Infowars accountable for misappropriating Pepe, the anthropomorphic frog he created in the early 2000s.


“This is a case about making sure nobody (else) is making money off Pepe the Frog,” Tompros said today.


Infowars’ attorney, Marc Randazza, said the decision preserves his client’s key free speech defenses against Furie’s claims and limits any possible award to a maximum of roughly $13,000.


“We are fighting this case because we think it’s a free speech issue,” Randazza said. “(Jones) is doing it as an act in the public interest instead of his own interest.”


Jones faces other costly litigation. Relatives of children killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre filed defamation suits against Jones after he questioned whether the shooting rampage was a hoax.


Jones livestreams his show on Infowars’ website, but he has lost access to other platforms. Twitter and Facebook have permanently banned him.


Jones also uses his website to sell a diverse range of products. Furie’s lawsuit says he didn’t authorize the site to sell a “MAGA” poster that depicts Pepe alongside images of Jones, President Donald Trump, far-right agitator Milo Yiannopoulos and other right-wing figures.


AJ trying to profit off Pepe

Anonymous ID: 79ad58 May 19, 2019, 12:16 p.m. No.6537197   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Democrat Gillibrand Says She Would Not Detain ANY Illegal Aliens Amid Reports That 30% of Border Crossing ‘Families’ Are Not Related


Democratic senator and 2020 presidential hopeful Kirsten Gillibrand has announced that she would not detain any illegal aliens that cross our southern border.


Her promise comes amid reports that DNA testing at the border has found 30% of migrants with children were not actually related to their custodians and were being used as props to aid in their asylum cases. It is unclear where the children are coming from or how the majority of these people are obtaining them.


Speaking to Margaret Brennan on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” Gillibrand said that “as president of the United States, I wouldn’t use the detention system at all.”


“They don’t need to be incarcerated,” Gillibrand added. “If they are given a lawyer and given a process, they will follow it. They can go into the community in the way we used to handle these cases under the Department of Justice.”


“As president of the United States, I wouldn’t use the detention system at all. In fact what I would actually do is fund the border security measures that are anti-terrorism, anti-human trafficking, anti-drug trafficking and anti-gun trafficking.”


.@SenGillibrand on how she’d handle the thousands of migrants crossing the border: “As POTUS, I wouldn't use the detention system…They don't need to be incarcerated…They can go into the community the way we used to handle these cases under DOJ.”


— Face The Nation (@FaceTheNation) May 19, 2019


Her comments come after shocking headlines announcing that 30% of people tested by ICE are not related to the children they are dragging across the border. Officials have said that these aren’t cases of adoptive or step parents, but people completely misrepresenting their relationships as asylum is easier to obtain for people with children.


‘Those were not the case. In these cases, they are misrepresented as family members,’ the official said.

The US Border Patrol has said that they have apprehended 535,000 migrants for crossing the border illegally so far this year, with “no sign of it getting better.”

Anonymous ID: 79ad58 May 19, 2019, 12:18 p.m. No.6537207   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7243 >>7357 >>7640 >>7708

Nellie Ohr Destroyed Spouse’s Government Email Records on Russian Influence Operations


Nellie Ohr, wife of former Deputy Associate Attorney General Bruce Ohr and analyst working for the opposition research firm Fusion GPS, deleted messages about Russian influence operations from her husbands’ government email account, according to documents obtained by Judicial Watch.


“Thanks! I’m deleting these emails now,” Nellie Ohr told her husband in an April 20, 2016, email at the end of a thread of exchanges between the Ohrs, Bruce’s Department of Justice (DOJ) assistant Lisa Holtyn, and Stefen Bress, a first secretary at the German Embassy in Washington.


The subject line of the emails was “Analyst Russian Organized Crime – April 2016” in which Bress offered to provide two Russia analysts for an “analytical exchange” discussion with Ohr, Holtyn, and other unnamed DOJ officials of multiple topics, including the “Impact of Russian influence operations in Europe (‘PsyOps/InfoWar’).”


During the email exchange, in addition to the hour-long meeting at DOJ, Holtyn, on behalf of the Ohrs, invited Bress, his wife, and the analysts to the Ohr’s home for dinner.


Bress responded that his wife was unable to attend the dinner but said he “would be happy to eat her portion of food and drink her glass of wine.”


Nellie Ohr was copied on the exchange from her husband’s DOJ email account.


“This email is disturbing and suggests documents relevant to the improper targeting of President Trump were destroyed,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement Friday.


The email thread was included in 339 pages of documents released by DOJ as a result of a lawsuit filed by Judicial Watch when the government failed to respond to the non-profit’s December 2017 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for “(1) communications between former Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr and named individuals and entities, (2) travel documents pertaining to Mr. Ohr, and (3) all calendar entries of Mr. Ohr, dating since January 1, 2015.”

Anonymous ID: 79ad58 May 19, 2019, 12:24 p.m. No.6537241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7250

SWAMPgate: You won’t believe how ALL the perps are connected…as in joined at the hip!


The Swamp Identified — This Should Blow You Away!




Let’s follow the trail ….. Everyone needs to read this ….. Slowly, and patiently, because it’s very important!


Here’s what it looks like when all the pieces are sewn together.

It smells like conspiracy and treason.

From 2001 to 2005 there was an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation.

A Grand Jury had been impaneled.

Governments from around the world had donated to the “Charity.”

Yet, from 2001 to 2003 none of those “Donations” to the Clinton Foundation were ever declared.

Hmmm, now you would think that an honest investigator would be able to figure this out.

Guess who took over this investigation in 2002?

None other than James Comey.

Guess who was transferred in to the Internal Revenue Service to run the Tax Exemption Branch of the IRS?

Your friend and mine, Lois “Be on The Look Out” (BOLO) Lerner.

It gets better, well not really, but this is all just a series of strange coincidences, right?

Guess who ran the Tax Division inside the Department of Injustice from 2001 to 2005?

No other than the Assistant Attorney General of the United States, Rod Rosenstein.

Guess who was the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation during this time frame?

I know, it’s a miracle, just a coincidence, just an anomaly in statistics and chances, but it was Robert Mueller.

What do all four casting characters have in common?

They all were briefed and/or were front line investigators into the Clinton Foundation Investigation.

Now that’s just a coincidence, right?

Ok, lets chalk the last one up to mere chance.

Let’s fast forward to 2009…..



Anonymous ID: 79ad58 May 19, 2019, 12:25 p.m. No.6537250   🗄️.is 🔗kun



And, although Barsoomian has been involved in hundreds of cases representing the DC Office of the US Attorney, her email address is Lisa Barsoomian at NIH gov. The NIH stands for National Institutes of Health.


This is a tactic routinely used by the CIA to protect an operative by using another government organization to shield their activities.


It’s a cover, so big deal, right? I mean what does one more attorney with ties to the US intelligence community really matter?


It deals with Trump and his recent tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum imports, the border wall, DACA, everything coming out of California, the Uni-party unrelenting opposition to President Trump, the Clapper leaks, the Comey leaks, Attorney General Jeff Sessions recusal and subsequent 14 month nap with occasional forays into the marijuana legalization mix …. And last but not least Mueller’s never-ending investigation into collusion between the Trump team and the Russians.


Why does Barsoomian, CIA operative, merit any mention?


BECAUSE … She is Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s WIFE!


That’s why!


Get this information out to everyone you can!


It is jaw dropping, shocking and extremely sad that this info has never been exposed!


Do your part in plastering this information everywhere … it’s bullet proof and cannot be blown off by leftists … and will convince many not paying attention that we have a soft coup happening now.



Anonymous ID: 79ad58 May 19, 2019, 12:28 p.m. No.6537258   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The Flynn Conviction Clearly Proves Collusion with Israel, NOT Russia


Michael Flynn’s Indictment Exposes Trump Team’s Collusion With Israel, Not Russia


But you wouldn’t know it from reading most mainstream coverage of the revealing affair


When Congress authorized Robert Mueller and his team of lawyers to investigate “links and/or coordination between the Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump,” opponents of the president sensed that sooner or later, hard evidence of Trump’s collusion with the Russian government would emerge.


Seven months later, after three indictments that did little, if anything, to confirm the grand collusion narrative, Mueller had former National Security Council advisor Michael Flynn dragged before a federal court for lying to the FBI. The Russia probe had finally netted a big fish.


As the details of the Flynn indictment seeped out into the press, however, the bombshell was revealed as another dud. To the dismay of many Trump opponents, nothing in Flynn’s rap sheet demonstrated collusion with Russia. Instead, the indictment undermined the Russiagate narrative while implicating another, much more inconvenient foreign power in a plot to meddle in American politics.


According to plea agreement Flynn signed with Mueller, Flynn admitted to lying to the FBI about a phone call he placed to the Russian ambassador to the US, Sergei Kislyak, during the transition period between the election and inauguration — not during the campaign. Flynn’s first order of business with the Russian diplomat was to beseech him not to retaliate for sanctions imposed by Obama on Russia for still-unproven allegations that Russian intelligence agencies hacked the Democratic National Committee. In other words, Flynn was caught trying to influence Russia, not the other way around.


The only area where Flynn proposed any form of coordination with Russia was in defeating ISIS and Al Qaeda in Syria. The Trump administration’s attempts to collaborate with its Russian counterparts in Syria have been the target of relentless sabotage from an opportunistic media and Obama era national security officials who considered the catastrophic semi-covert operation to arm Syrian insurgents a part of their legacy. Thanks to stifling Cold War atmosphere these elements have cultivated in Washington, the US has been reduced to an impotent bystander while Russia, Iran, and Turkey have joined together to impose an end to the proxy war that has ravaged Syria for the past five years.

Anonymous ID: 79ad58 May 19, 2019, 12:34 p.m. No.6537293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7337 >>7357 >>7640 >>7708

Trump Admin Kicks Off Plan to Foster Israeli-Palestinian Peace


First step of plan will aim to boost Palestinian, Middle East economy


The Trump administration has started to implement its multi-faceted plan to foster peace between Israel and the Palestinians, a process that will begin in June when Bahrain hosts a forum to promote economic development in key Palestinian territories, according to senior administration officials.


The Trump administration's long rumored peace plan is just beginning to spill into public view, with senior officials organizing a June 25 business forum in Bahrain that will bring together a range of political and business officials in the region to develop methods to spur growth in the Palestinian economy.


The economic aspect is just one piece of the plan, officials said, explaining that a political component includes specific details on what peace would look like. Officials were mum on Sunday about specifics regarding that portion of the peace plan.


The forum, dubbed "Peace to Prosperity," will bring together top business leaders with their political counterparts and include workshop sessions with Trump administration officials in which they will present a roadmap to help bolster the perpetually ailing Palestinian economy. The goal, U.S. officials say, is to reform the Palestinian economy so that it can support itself as a functioning state.


"The people who have seen the product we put together so far think it's very thoughtful," a senior administration official, speaking only on background, told reporters Sunday afternoon.


The economic portion of the administration's plan, which is being spearheaded by Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, has been "met with very, very good feedback," the senior official said. "Everyone liked it and asked that we come present it in the region."


A subsequent statement issued by the White House said that the forum would seek to promote investment and stability in the region. U.S. officials see this as key to getting both the Palestinians and Israelis to the negotiating table to they can hash out specific details of future statehood.


"‘Peace to Prosperity' will facilitate discussions on an ambitious, achievable vision and framework for a prosperous future for the Palestinian people and the region, including enhancements to economic governance, development of human capital, and facilitation of rapid private-sector growth," the White House said. "If implemented, this vision has the potential to radically transform lives and put the region on a path toward a brighter future."

Anonymous ID: 79ad58 May 19, 2019, 12:38 p.m. No.6537315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7322 >>7390 >>7440

The Income Tax is Destroying the World Economy


It is imperative that we MUST eliminate the income tax. It is a purely a Marxist development that is destroying the world economy. The income tax has become such a tyranny that our liberty, freedom of movement, and world economic growth are all at great risk. Never before in the history of human civilization do we find an income tax. It is true that Ben Franklin once said that the two certainties in life were death and taxes. It is equally true that taxes, in general, have been around since the beginning of civilization. We do know that the earliest recorded tax was implemented in Mesopotamia over 4500 years ago, where people paid taxes throughout the year in the form of livestock, which was the preferred currency at the time. The ancient world also had inheritance taxes, also known as estate taxes or death taxes. The earliest recorded evidence of a death tax came from ancient Egypt (700 BC), where they charged a 10% tax on property transferred at the time of death.


The most serious crisis we face is that with the dawn of Marxism (Communism/Socialism) the way we pay taxes has changed significantly. Yet, one for the record took place in 2006 when China eliminated what was the oldest existing tax in history. The agricultural tax was created 2,600 years ago and was eliminated in 2006 to help improve the well-being of rural farmers in China.

Anonymous ID: 79ad58 May 19, 2019, 12:41 p.m. No.6537334   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7357 >>7640 >>7708

Obama’s Corrupt AG Eric Holder Viciously Attacks Bill Barr For Launching Massive Investigation Into Spygate, “He is Not Fit to Lead DOJ”


Barack Obama’s corrupt officials are all lashing out at Attorney General Bill Barr because he launched a massive investigation into the origins of Spygate.


Obama’s corrupt Attorney General Eric Holder lashed out at Bill Barr this weekend.


Holder accused Barr of protecting President Trump and asserted that the Attorney General started his probe of the Intel/FBI for political reasons.


“He is not fit to lead the DOJ,” Holder said.


HOLDER: “AG Barr has deliberately misrepresented the Mueller report. He has started examinations of the conduct of Intell/FBI personnel without a predicate-for political reasons. He is protecting the President. He does not stand up for the good people he leads. He is not fit to lead DOJ.”


AG Barr has deliberately misrepresented the Mueller report. He has started examinations of the conduct of Intell/FBI personnel without a predicate-for political reasons. He is protecting the President. He does not stand up for the good people he leads. He is not fit to lead DOJ.


— Eric Holder (@EricHolder) May 18, 2019


Attorney General Bill Barr launched a sweeping investigation into Spygate and stunned the Democrat-media complex when it was revealed he appointed US Attorney John Durham to probe abuses at the highest levels of Obama’s intel and law enforcement agencies.


It was recently revealed Barr’s investigation into Spygate is much broader than previously known.


Barr and Durham are working closely with CIA Director Gina Haspel, Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats and FBI Director Christopher Wray on surveillance issues related to Trump’s 2016 campaign.


This suggests a broader inter-agency effort is underway.


Obama’s officials from Holder, to Comey, Brennan and Clapper have gone into overdrive attacking Barr on Twitter and in various media appearances because they know they are in serious trouble.


Former AG Eric Holder ran an illegal gun running operation (Fast and Furious) and was held in criminal contempt of Congress so he has no room to speak on Barr’s leadership.

Anonymous ID: 79ad58 May 19, 2019, 12:45 p.m. No.6537353   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7453

Saudi king calls for urgent meetings of Arab leaders


Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz has called for emergency meetings of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council ([P]GCC) and the Arab League, following mysterious “sabotage” attacks on Saudi and Emirati oil tankers as well as drone strikes targeting Saudi oil pumping stations.


The official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported on Saturday that Salman had invited Arab leaders to convene urgent summits in the city of Mecca on May 30 to discuss ways to “enhance the security and stability in the region.”


An official source at the Saudi Foreign Ministry said that the Saudi monarch had called the meetings due to “grave concerns” about recent attacks on commercial vessels off the coast of the United Arab Emirates and drone strikes on oil pumping stations in Saudi Arabia as well as the effects of those incidents on supply routes and oil markets.


The summits are meant “to discuss these aggressions [sic] and their consequences on the region,” the source said.


The Emirates’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation has welcomed the Saudi call for the emergency meetings.


“The current critical circumstances entail a unified Arab and [Persian] Gulf stance toward the besetting challenges and risks,” the ministry said in a statement.


On May 12, four oil tankers, including two Saudi ones, were purportedly targeted near the port of Fujairah, in what the Emirates described as “sabotage” attacks. While Riyadh and Abu Dhabi failed to produce evidence of the attacks on their vessels, pictures emerged of a Norwegian-flagged tanker at the port having sustained some damage.

Anonymous ID: 79ad58 May 19, 2019, 12:56 p.m. No.6537417   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7640 >>7708

Xenobiotics In Vaccines: The Place To Start REAL Scientific Investigations


Since vaccine issues are ramping up on both sides of that unique ‘political spectrum’, i.e., legislation introduced almost daily at both state and federal levels, which specifically mandate vaccines while adding penalties for not submitting oneself or one’s children to “poison darts” called vaccinations, AND consumer push-back more evident now than ever, I thought it might be helpful to understanding and to discussing intelligently the topic of toxic vaccines and their ingredients [Xenobiotics] IF there were broader or more comprehensible information, including definitions of just what is in most, if not all, vaccines.


Thanks, and a big hat tip to Eileen Dannemann for sharing recent information wherein I found a most significant file titled “Vaccine Ingredients” published online by WAVE (Worldwide Association For Vaccine Education) embedded wherein vaccine ingredients are listed alphabetically along with their chemical signatures; possible/probable adverse health effects and/or reactions; and even their common industrial uses.


However, I think the list, for as extensive as it is—220 entries, probably is not complete since no recombinant DNA [DNA that has been formed artificially by combining constituents from different organisms (online Dictionary)] per se are listed; no growth mediums, e.g., vaccine growth “broths” per se, as listed in the CDC pink book of “Excipient and Media Summary”; nor what probably could be termed “trade secrets ingredients,” which are certain elements that gain or guarantee U.S. patents as “proprietary secrets.” Even FDA and CDC may not know what they are!


WAVE’s alphabetical chemical listing includes the following number of entries:


# 1; A 21; B 6; C 8; D 14; E 4; F 6; G 8; H 13; I 8; K 1;

L 7; M 24; N 4; O 2; P 25; R 3; S 30; T 12; V 20; X 1; Y 2

[It’s a great resource to save and introduce as part of any vaccine discussion.]


To my way of thinking, an in-depth, analytical science discussion—not consensus science as practiced by the CDC, FDA and Big Pharma—must become the basis for considering ANY legislative actions regarding vaccines/vaccinations since they, by their very chemical natures, violate basic human rights, regardless of “herd or community immunity,” an impossibility since diseases have ways of outsmarting and morphing into other organisms.


No one—not even governments, as the Nazis in World War II found out—can get away with using humans as guinea pigs to determine ‘science research data’, even for national security projects! Wasn’t that what the Nuremberg trials after World War II were supposed to have established?


However, I really don’t think so. The United States government, under Project Paperclip, for all intents and purposes, performed and still is carrying on ‘weaponized medicine’ experiments.

Anonymous ID: 79ad58 May 19, 2019, 12:59 p.m. No.6537435   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Nigerian Christian Leaders: ‘The Terrorists Are in Charge’


Cardinal John Onaiyekan, the archbishop of Abuja, has sharply criticized Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari this week over the country’s notorious lack of security.


“Is it until the President himself or a member of his immediate family is kidnapped before the government will do something about kidnapping?” the cardinal asked.


“How come kidnapping is going on consistently on specific roads and the security agents can’t do anything?” he added. “Does it mean there are collaborators among them and the people at the top levels of government?”


Onaiyekan went on to suggest that despite promises the government has effectively done nothing to restrain the lawlessness that reigns in much of the country, which suggests a lack of political will to seriously address the problem.


“The government and police have told us several times that they have put up high-level security checks and that they have cleared the roads but the criminals are still operating on the roads,” he said.


“It is sad that the kidnappers operate regularly on the highway and demand ransom and go to the extent of collecting the ransom without being arrested. It seems some people are doing business with the nation’s insecurity,” he said.


Another Nigerian Christian leader, Pastor Tunde Bakare, had even harsher words for the president, insisting that the country is under siege.


“It is evident that the bandits, criminals, killing people every day; those kidnapping people all over the place; and cattle rustlers and killer herdsmen terrorising the people are in charge in this country; they are the commander-in-chief,” Bakare said. “Nobody seems to know what to do anymore.”


“The terrorists are in charge,” Bakare continued. “They have even extended their regime to these areas. They now kidnap lecturers; doctors are no longer safe. The whole nation is under the control of terrorists.”


“But in the name of the Lord, Nigeria shall be delivered. I shall witness the deliverance and greatness of Nigeria,” he said.


Emeka Attamah, spokesman for the Ohanaeze Ndigbo cultural group, expressed his agreement that “terrorists are really in charge of whatever is happening now in Nigeria.”


“If terrorists are not in charge, why should officials of this government negotiate with leaders of Miyetti Allah who are demanding N100 billion to enable its members to stop killing Nigerians?” he said.


“I never knew that Nigeria would descend to this level of open brigandage. It has never happened before,” he added.


“There is nowhere in the world where the government is in tacit understanding with terrorist organisations,” he concluded. “Governments usually fight to eliminate terrorists and not to encourage them. The Nigerian government should face terrorists and treat them as such and not to eat or dine with them.”

Anonymous ID: 79ad58 May 19, 2019, 1:10 p.m. No.6537498   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7640 >>7708

More Footage Discovered From Bernie Sanders' 1988 'Honeymoon' In The USSR


Politico has viewed three-and-a-half hours of footage from Bernie and Jane Sanders' 1988 'honeymoon' to the Soviet Union, and judging by their description, it looks like the footage might make it difficult for Sanders to distance himself from his support for Communist regimes both the USSR and the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, where he also visited.


In the footage, Sanders, often seated under or near portraits of Vladimir Lenin, would extol the virtues of Soviet life.


The hours of footage include a scene of Sanders sitting with his delegation at a table under a portrait of Vladimir Lenin. Sanders can also be heard extolling the virtues of Soviet life and culture, even as he acknowledges some of their shortcomings. There are flashes of humor, too, such as his host warning the American guests not to cross the KGB, or else.


Sanders and his entourage visited three cities, Yaroslavl, Moscow and Leningrad as they worked to establish a 'sister city'-type relationship between Yaroslavl and Burlington. The trip happened in 1988, as Sanders was nearing the end of his second term as Burlington's mayor.


The video also paints a fuller picture of why Sanders ventured to the land of America’s No. 1 enemy in the midst of the Cold War, the anti-war idealism that fueled his journey, and what he found when he got there.


Over the course of 10 days, Sanders, who was then the mayor of Burlington, and his dozen-member delegation traveled to three cities: Moscow, Yaroslavl and Leningrad, now known as St. Petersburg. Their goal was to establish a “sister city” relationship with Yaroslavl, a community along the Volga River home to about 500,000 people. At the time, the Soviet Union was beginning to open itself to the world, if only slightly — and Sanders was a self-described socialist with an unusually large interest in foreign affairs for a mayor.


"It wasn’t as outlandish as it looks in the pictures," William Pomeranz, the deputy director of the Wilson Center’s Kennan Institute, said after hearing a description of the footage. "It’s the height of Glasnost and Perestroika, where there are genuine efforts by Americans to reach out to Soviet cities and try to establish these relationships."


One of the Sanders' handlers at one point jokingly warns them to behave or face exile to Siberia, as Sanders discussed his efforts to establish more Russian language programs in Vermont schools.


Later, he tells a Russian man, "I’m not very happy about this, but there are not many people in the state of Vermont who speak Russian. In fact, one of the things that we want to do is to see if we can develop a Russian studies program in our high school."


At another point, one of Sanders’ hosts jokingly warns the delegation to not upset the KGB: “Those who don't behave move to Siberia from here."


At one point in the footage, Sanders acknowledges that the quality of the housing stock in the US was superior to that in the Soviet Union, after visiting some shabby Moscow apartments.


"It’s important to try to translate this,” he says. “In America, in general, the housing is better than in the Soviet Union.”


At one point, Sanders acknowledged other shortcomings of Soviet Society and said he was impressed with how the Soviets handled these discussions.


At the same time, they admit the poor choices of available food. Sanders says he was impressed by the beauty of the city and Soviet officials’ willingness "to acknowledge many of the problems that they had."


"They’re proud of the fact that their health care system is free," he says, but concede that the medical technology is far behind that of the United States.


Of course, the Soviets were known for showing their foreign guests only the best side of Soviet life, feeding them delicious food and allowing them to visit only the most well-apportioned subway stations.

Anonymous ID: 79ad58 May 19, 2019, 1:23 p.m. No.6537583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7599 >>7640 >>7708

==Something is Terribly Wrong With the “Pepper.Pics” Instagram Account


Pepper.Pics is a disturbing Instagram account containing over 1,600 pics of a young girl posing in various situations.==


The main theme of the pics: The sexualization of a child and occult elite symbolism.


Pepper.Pics is an Instagram account that showcases over 1,600 “fashion pics” of a 9-year-old Belgian girl named Pepper. Maintained by her mother Bonnie van Geel, the account has been active for several years (since Pepper was a toddler) and boasts over 30,000 followers. Following the success of that account, Pepper was recruited to pose for several brands and magazines such as Stella McCartney Kids, Mini Maven Magazine, Mimi & Lula and Daniel Wellington. While that might sound all well and good, a look at pics on the IG account leads to an uneasy feeling … for several reasons.


First, there is something cringe-worthy and exploitative about social media accounts created by parents for children who are too young to consent or even understand the implications of such online exposure. As if that wasn’t enough, a disturbing number of these pics feature the child in “revealing” clothing and suggestive positions which leads us to wonder: Who actually follows these accounts and why?


Before going any further, here’s a pic from that account which has a comment that sums up the entire situation at hand.


Adding to the disturbing factor, a great number of these pics contain symbolism relating to Monarch mind control and the overall exploitation of children. As you’ll soon realize, that entire account is basically a Vigilant Citizen 101 course.


Appropriately enough, Pepper often wears clothing by fashion brands NUNUNU and Caroline Bosmans. Both of these companies were discussed on this site because their IG accounts feature revolting pictures involving children. Indeed, NUNUNU’s IG account promoting its “genderless” clothing collection contains overt satanic symbolism combined with the sexualization of minors. The IG account of Caroline Bosmans is a sickening collection of pictures involving unhappy children in traumatizing situations.

Part 1