>Posting this again ~ hope to get traction on the "St. Louis Univ. & Lyme Disease" note Kappy left for his friends to Research…
>…chemtrails [do not] have anything to do with the modalities used to induce in shattering folks. it has literally nothing to do with it.
If nanobots / smartdust can pass through the blood-brain barrier, then what? And how close to the head does tech have to be to affect it?
>…The blue and red fibers are everywhere and on everything nowadays.
I've lived in two major cities in the Northeast along the East Coast. In both of them the place I've lived in gets a layer of blue dust, like something that might be generated in a textile factory making blue jeans. In both places it's especially noticeable on the porcelain fixtures in the bathroom, one bathroom with a window, the other without.
>Oroville = Goldtown
Yes, there's gold in them there floodplains.