Anonymous ID: f5cfd3 May 19, 2019, 3:50 p.m. No.6538499   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Soundtrack for tonight, "This is Keks FM from Kiev", I kid you not:

"Electro House dance", not too damn shabby.

What Kek wills cannot be unwilled. Evidently.

Anonymous ID: f5cfd3 May 19, 2019, 3:59 p.m. No.6538573   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>8592 >>8798

Trust: The Plan


This is my best somewhat despairing effort to make sense of Donald Trump and 5G.




Once upon a time, there was "Trust: The Plan." You will struggle to find anything about this online. Here is a quote from a 1997 book called Mind Control, World Control by Jim Keith. He quotes a Radio Moscow broadcast from December 12, 1996, featuring Boris Belitzky, their science correspondent. Boris has been talking about plasma weapons, directed particle beams. The interviewer says:


YAKIMENKO: Boris, I hate to ask this question, but still… The generals and scientists who speak of this weapon–they couldn't be bluffing, could they?


BELITZKY: Oh no. This is evident if only from the fact that a few years ago in 1993, at the Russian-American summit in Vancouver, the Russians proposed a joint experiment in testing such generators–or plasma weapons, as they are called here–as an alternative to the strategic Defense Initiative, SDI. In such an experiment, which it was proposed to code name "Trust", the system would be used to repulse a missile attack. In this way, Russia hoped to strengthen the new climate of post-Cold War security of the world.


Code name: "Trust". Apparently the US delegation had no clue what the Russians meant by "Trust: The Plan." Maybe Trump does. Maybe Q do. Code words are carefully chosen. They send messages.


The book says elsewhere:

"On October 1, 1996, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin on a visit to Tokyo announced that Russia would participate with Japan in the creation of a joint missile defense system. Boris Yelsin had earlier proposed a joint defense system to the Americans. The overall plan was, in fact, a tripartite defense system aimed at countering the Chinese threat."


The Russians and the Japanese definitely got up to major mischief. In the link below, you'll see that Gorbachev had proposed a "Vladivostok to Vancouver" missile shield back in 1990, leaving out Japan. This led to the Japanese, including the weird Aum Shinrikyo sect, "freelancing" with Russian electromagnetic weaponry:


Now: Trump's uncle was the very man who collected Nikola Tesla's papers when the mad genius died. All of this weaponry is based on Tesla principles. Donald Trump was allegedly briefed by Richard Nixon on how the deep state executes a coup and how it hides the secrets of free energy, etc. Donald J Trump is The Source.


Maybe a secret defensive US/Russian/Japanese alliance is being forged, with China emerging as a vast threat on all fronts. China is facing total social implosion, full meltdown, don't think China can't change overnight. They need to keep expanding, and there's nothing like a war when you've got people to burn. Interestingly, in 1934, the New York Times described Tesla's shield as a "Chinese Wall":


Is 5G a bubble? Does Trump have a better strategic plan up his sleeve, a proper Tesla shield? Is this his real Wall? Is this what the Space Force is about? Or are we going to be at the surveillance mercy of the 5G drones, Google Loons, and high-altitude pseudo-satellites, the HAPS? Not to mention the thousands of 5G satellites which that idiot Elon Musk is planning to launch?


Read this US Air Force assessment, and you'll see America is totally vulnerable to electromagnetic attack:


The Air Force punts 5G as the solution. 5G is fine for population control and surveillance; but one EMP blast, and it's all gone. Strategically, it's a disaster asking to happen. All your self-driving vehicles will be literally up the pole. 5G is lose-lose-lose for human beings, they are the ultimate "things" in the Internet of Things. Save your children from being raised by Alexa.


With 5G, very evil forces are breaking cover and exposing themselves. At last, you can really and truly fight "Them". You have very little time.

Anonymous ID: f5cfd3 May 19, 2019, 5:01 p.m. No.6539057   🗄️.is đź”—kun

If you have any doubt about the possible dangers of 5G, and the harm being done to kids' brains by their devices, you have to watch this segment on 60 Minutes. I can't watch the full episode any more outside the USA.


The NIH found that 9- and 10-year-old kids who used "devices" for more than 7 hours a day showed significant thinning of the cerebral cortex. The screenshot shows abnormal thinning on the left (red) and normal brains on the right. The findings appear to be strikingly clear and obvious. This is from:


Anderson Cooper describes this finding as "fascinating" and the NIH researcher says "very fascinating". And she stresses it's going to take years before we can be sure what is causing this damage, with the big smile of someone who's just seen a decades-long gravy train pull in at her platform.


Check it out: thinning of the cortex like this occurs generally in 60-year-olds who are going senile. Your brain starts dying. We are seeing 9-year-olds with the brains of senile senior citizens, and the researchers say: "We don't know yet if it's a bad thing."


"The interviews and data from the NIH study have already revealed something else: kids who spend more than two hours a day on screens got lower scores on thinking and language tests."


We don't know yet if this is a bad thing either, I guess.


A Dr. Dimitri Christakis says: "In many ways, the concern that investigators like I have is that we're sort of in the midst of a natural kind of uncontrolled experiment on the next generation of children."


A "sort of" "natural" "kind of" "uncontrolled experiment" on the next generation of kids? What about the present generation, whose brains have already been destroyed?


But yes, it is an overt experiment on children. The Nuremberg Code, signed by the USA after WW2, is a binding international treaty forbidding human experimentation without the full informed consent of the subject.


Did they warn you that your kids are going to be subject en masse to a microwave irradiation experiment? Do you remember giving consent?


The Swedish neurosurgeon Leif Salford found that two minutes of ordinary cellphone radiation opens the blood-brain barrier and allows toxins into the brain (he thought this might help deliver drugs to the brain during surgery). He found that just two hours of cellphone radiation caused serious lesions and brain damage in rats.


In 2004, fifteen years ago, he issued a warning that "teen dementia" was a risk, if kids used phones too much.


Check out this incredibly important, game-changing paper, Friedman et al. (2007):


This paper showed that 2 minutes of cellphone radiation floods living human cells with free radicals (reactive oxygen species, ROS). This is a known cause of DNA damage, neurological damage, metabolic disorders, you name it.


There are literally thousands of papers showing that low-level microwaves cause oxidative stress. However: Friedman et al. showed the exact biochemical chain that is invoked, the "ERK" cascade.


Check this out: the ERK cascade is centrally involved in "long-term potentiation" of the brain. This the hard wiring of the cerebral cortex. The ERK cascade is found in the glial cells, brain cells.


Friedman et al. traced the cascade back to a single enzyme, NADH oxidase (ubiquitous in cell biology) that reacts to the cellphone radiation. This is a brilliant bit of biochemical detective work. It is as complete a mechanism as you could hope for. It has been quoted and replicated by nearly 300 other studies, all of which confirm its findings. This is now standard, everyday lab reality around the world.


I wrote to Friedman a couple of years ago, pointing out that this ERK cascade was centrally involved in brain restructuring. I said, this radiation is going to affect the development of the cortex. This is what his team is researching now.


However: we can now see, without doubt, that something is damaging, if not destroying, the cerebral cortexes of our kids. The average time on devices of teens in 2015 was 9 hours a day. This entire generation of kids has, without doubt, had their brains permanently damaged. It's no joke. Just take a look around you.

Anonymous ID: f5cfd3 May 19, 2019, 5:25 p.m. No.6539218   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Not entirely true. I count Keith Raniere, Clare Bronfman, Lauren Salzman, Alison Mack, as genuine scalps. Remember, the Bronfman sisters and Salzman were on the Clinton Global Initiative board. This is child trafficking, one step away from HRC. Don't forget Q saying, Alison Mack is singing like a bird. A clear call.


However: for me, it all falls down on the single issue of 5G. I'm a one-issue monomaniac. So this is how far I find my mind bending, when I try to "Trust The Plan."


Just trying to shake the tree a bit here.