Anonymous ID: 306fee May 19, 2019, 6:47 p.m. No.6539746   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Crazy Eyes Losing Support, AOC Unpopular


AOC Could Soon Be Back Tending Bars After What Her Constituents Told Pollsters


Democratic socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York might have to return to bartending after her first term, at least if recent polling data is any indication.


The Stop The AOC PAC recently surveyed residents in New York’s 14th Congressional District, which Ocasio-Cortez represents, about their congresswoman.


“My family came from Russia when I was a baby, and I grew up hearing what they went through. And I have a strong dislike for that ideology,” the PAC’s founder, Dan Backer, told The Daily Caller, explaining why he believes it’s so important to fight Ocasio-Cortez’s policies.


But not everybody was celebrating the loss of jobs — even liberal New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio was upset at Ocasio-Cortez for spoiling the Amazon deal.


And Stop The AOC PAC’s canvassing data suggests that only 9 percent of voters agree with Ocasio-Cortez’s position on Amazon.


Another 36 percent support Amazon, while 55 percent of respondents said they were “unsure.”


Moreover, only 20 percent of respondents said they hold a favorable opinion of their democratic socialist congresswoman, compared to 44 percent of voters who have an unfavorable opinion of her.

Anonymous ID: 306fee May 19, 2019, 6:56 p.m. No.6539814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0034

Obama Completely Incoherent: Voice Cracking, Stammering, Sweating During ‘Relaxing’ Mid-Term Speech



Depending on whom you ask, former President Barack Obama either comes off as cool and collected or smug and arrogant.


Not to overgeneralize, but that difference of opinion is usually based on political affiliation.


That being said, even the most committed liberals on the left will have a hard time defending one of Obama’s latest public appearance as either cool or collected.




WATCH: Obama’s voice is cracking, he’s stammering, his pits are sweating, and his eyes are bugging out of his head.


Just another “relaxing day” on the campaign trail


— Amy (@RightHook99) November 2, 2018


Obama was giving this particular speech at a political rally in Milwaukee in late October.


Try listening to that video again. What exactly is the former president trying to say? I’ve listened to it several times and still struggle to make out the exact words Obama tried to put together.


That, that the thing that is most important in this elect,” Obama said, stammering. “Not health care… Not… uh…


Obama attempted to continue his screed, to an almost comical degree.


Whether or not folks are… able to retire,” he continued. “Not… not doing something about higher wages or rebuilding our roads and bridges and putting people back to work.”


The incoherent rambling took another comical turn when Obama’s voice began to get unusually high-pitched. He alluded to the migrant caravan working its way up through Mexico, and mocked it as even being important to American voters.


“Suddenly, it’s this group of folks we don’t even know where they are,” Obama continued. “They’re way down there.”


The crowd erupted in laughter, though there was a definite forced quality to it.


Obama continued to stammer and sweat through the rest of the clip, with each word somehow being less coherent than the word before.


Look, I’m not here to peddle conspiracy theories. Was something wrong with Obama during this speech, be it mentally or physically? I certainly can’t provide any concrete answers.


But what I can attest to, however, is that Obama seems like a man pushed to the very limit while watching his legacy get destroyed piece by piece by the Trump administration.


Obama’s cool and collected demeanor has melted away to expose a man who looks beaten, both mentally and physically, as the midterms near. It looks like a man who seems painfully aware that this 11th hour push towards the midterms may still not be enough in a rapidly polarizing political climate


Republicans need to turn out at the polls to make sure Obama’s efforts to swing the election aren’t enough.