Anonymous ID: 5a1e8c May 19, 2019, 6:27 p.m. No.6539629   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9706 >>9824 >>9971 >>0066

Google Suspends Partial Business with China’s Huawei after Trump Blacklist


Google suspended some business with China’s Huawei following President Trump’s blacklist of the company.


Huawei is not pleased with President Trump’s decision.


Breaking: Google Suspends Partial Business with China’s Huawei after Trump Blacklist

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft May 19, 2019


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Google suspended some business with China’s Huawei following President Trump’s blacklist of the company.


Huawei is not pleased with President Trump’s decision.


Engadget reported:


Huawei was already facing serious trouble following the Trump administration’s de facto ban, but it might get considerably worse. Reuters sources claim Google has suspended transactions with Huawei that require transferring proprietary hardware and software, hobbling much of its smartphone business outside of China. It “immediately” loses access to future OS updates beyond the Android Open Source Project, according to the insider, and upcoming phones would have to go without official apps like the Google Play Store and Gmail.


The company is still “internally” discussing which services are going away, the source said. Google would cut off all tech support and collaboration for Android and services, however.


We’ve asked Google for comment. If accurate, though, the suspension would represent a serious blow to Huawei’s mobile efforts. Although this shouldn’t dent the company’s Chinese business much (it can’t use Google apps in the country), it depends on access to Google apps to remain competitive with devices like the P30 Pro.

Anonymous ID: 5a1e8c May 19, 2019, 6:48 p.m. No.6539759   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9778 >>9799

Bank of America Predicts Immortality Will Be Next Hot Investment


If there’s anyone you can trust the future with, it’s the straight shooting, salt-of-the-earth folks that run our financial institutions. You know, the ones with the honest faces. It’s true. You can trust major banks completely and unreservedly. That is, you can trust them to do one thing and one thing alone: get the money. Sort of like how you can always trust an alligator to be an alligator, and why you shouldn’t ferry scorpions across rivers. As the future gets weird, figuring out what’s what is going to get even harder than it is now. Despite that, we’ll always be able to count on the banks to be alligators. Or something like that. The point is that when there’s a lot of big talk about seemingly impossible—or at least too good or weird to be true—developments, a good metric of whether it’s nonsense is if the big money cares or not. One tall tale of the future that’s being thrown around lately is immortality, which sounds at least too weird to be true. Yet it seems that Bank of America believes that immortality and life extension is both possible and profitable.


According to CNBC, Bank of America, one of the largest US investment banks, believes that the life extension and immortality industry will be worth a cool $600 billion by 2025. In a letter to clients, Bank of America analysts Felix Tran and Haim Israel wrote that they believe big name companies like Alphabet and Novartis are on the verge of “bringing unprecedented increases to the quality and length of human lifespans,” and that humans will soon enjoy healthy lives far past the age of 100. They write:


“Medical knowledge will double every 73 days by 2020 vs. every 3.5 (years) in 2010, and genomic sequencing costs have fallen 99.999% since 2003. This has enabled a new frontier in precision medicine to further extend life expectancy, heralding a ‘techmanity’ (technology meets humanity) revolution.”


I could be down with that, as long as we outlaw stupid words like “techmanity.” There’s no way I’m dealing with that for half a millennium.

Anonymous ID: 5a1e8c May 19, 2019, 7:03 p.m. No.6539854   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9863 >>9882 >>0006

The bible will be deemed anti-Semitic and banned if we don't stop the madness


The Talmud is anti-gentile and professes to rape children and kill gentiles with impunity.


Where's the anti-gentile laws?


Noahide World Order!


The more you know!