People waking up to the jewish subversion that's been selling our Country out to China in an effort to destroy America? pic related.
So fucking original, kike.
You know David's boyfriend was the KIKE, James Alefantis - who coincidentally rapes kids?
The world will be better when you subverting mother fuckers are dead.
^^^ Go fucking READ IT you stupid mother fucker. Goddamn I hope you die very soon.
You are the scum of the earth.
Will you still be saying that when he's swinging from a rope for treason?
Not everything is about the pedo agenda. Some of it is nuclear/energy/oil.
Sheep love to be sheep.
how about you fuck off back to your faggy little kikebook group.
for fucks sake.
The absolute projection.
Fuck your satanic yahovah bullshit.
Hmmm…if Jesus was a jew then why aren't Christians called jews?
shit, let's just go one step further and say jesus didn't even exist.
>it's a fact you moran
Were YOU fucking there, you asshole mouth breather? na, you weren't nigga. Fuck off.
I don't operate on your shitty, narrow 2,000 timeline.
nigger can't even /s
Horee fuck…anybody else feel like ripping this newfag a new asshole?
fucking MORAN…go to bed, you got school tomorrow.
try harder to push your shitty religion onto someone who actually gives a fuck, you fucking loser. go chop off some moar baby dicks in the name of "religion".
oh yes, you totally got me shlomo..I'm totally a fucking kike.
where did the all the niggers come from tonight? is plebbit shut down or something?
riiiiiiight…your logic is right where your head is..straight up your ass.
subversive jew who points at jewish crimes…makes totes 1000% sense…in a kike's mind.
kek, poor Nigel…guess anyone who criticizes jews is evil nahtzees..maybe just start calling the jews anti-humanists since they criticize the rest of the world.
just another zionist jew…can only imagine if a white person did this.