A planted narative. You sound like th eDoctor's.
I would think it is nuts also. If you ever get it, I hope you don't, you will understand how insane this weird shit is.
Some talk crazy crazy when discusssing it.
I am simply telling you I HAVE weird shit that comes out of my skin, skin sores and lesions, super itchy scalp, sores blled a lot occasionaly and takes months to heal and just pop up a few inches away.
THERE are really insane stries PLANTED arounbd this sickness……to DISCCREDIT it as it is very real.
THE SAME way they discrdit Q movement because it too is real.
I have been with Q since December 2017, I am on the boards daily hours at times.
I have had many notables.
I am just telling you guise somehting I am dealing with that is highly relatable to everyhting we dig on.
YES, some of the shit that you will read is a fake narrative to discredit, I do not disagree.
The dr's saying we all suffer from DOP should be abig red flag for any real anon.
If you cannot beleive what I am posting, I cannot convince you.
I am not telling lies, I am telling you what is really occuring IN and on ME for 5 years since April 2014.
I know it sounds nuts…..that is why it is so frightening and many commit suicide as even thier families won't beleive it, even though they see it with their own eyes…..skin all tore to shit.
We all know Q is legit..but unbeleivers.
Take a minute and try to understand this skin shit is the same.
Sounds like fantasyland……..but yoet it IS REAL.
Just like many don't want to beleive QAnon, but you've seen too much, so have I. WE know it, Q is for real.
I really wish this skin shit was crazy made up…….for 5 long years and fucked up skin and other ailments……..if only it was made up.
If only it is not happening to me and my health……if only.
There is no PLAN to cure this, unlike the ills we see with Q crumbs………they have it handled…trust the plan.
Now if only some one in Q team will take this skin epidemic seriously and help us..