Anonymous ID: e7c820 May 19, 2019, 10:34 p.m. No.6541066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1145 >>1371 >>1570 >>1619 >>1628


Getting sauce on that list would be gold.....


Ok, did a little digging.

I've got to baker in a few minutes, but if you--or other anons--want to do a digg, start here:


>>6540569 Study finds that many MSM journalists have a direct working relationship with antifa


Graphic is from the twitter thread above. Don't see Elle yet but if you can get the actual STUDY, that would have a lot more info.

Anonymous ID: e7c820 May 19, 2019, 10:54 p.m. No.6541154   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Finally got time to read your post more throughly and see that your already refer to this study about journalists which was just posted.

( >>6540569 )


But there's a lot moar on the twitter thread I referenced. That's scatterplot of journalists is just part of it.

Is this where the list of antifa journalists comes from or is that something separate (or older)?

Anonymous ID: e7c820 May 19, 2019, 11:01 p.m. No.6541178   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Looked at the stuff. Suggestion: Digg on the company or companies that produce these and their CEO, etc. The pics are weird but I don't see injuries, etc. Get a little more substance and then repost. o7

Anonymous ID: e7c820 May 19, 2019, 11:58 p.m. No.6541359   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1369 >>1443


Anon wanted to post something about website that was discussed about this time a few days ago. Got into a whole shitshow about whether it's ok for anons to set up a website to make notable posts more accessible to others.


Now I don't know whether it's a good idea or not, but I thought it deserved a hearing and civil discussion. But there was a lot moar heat than light.


Think questions like these deserve a fair discussion, without accusations of name-fagging and fame-fagging whenever anyone supports any venture (or people) who aren't anon.


Q regularly links to Q followers who aren't on this board, but on Twitter, etc. When he said, "be careful who you follow," about a year ago, it was a pointer to Jerome Corsi (and maybe Alex Jones). But Q never said all non-anon platforms were "paytriots" etc.


But notice how the list of potential betrayers has gradually gotten longer and longer over the past eight months or so, making anons jumpy about an increasingly long list of Q followers who appear to be linked to bad people or orgs.


Is being "anon" really more virtuous than non-anon? In real life, we are all non-anons. And also "paytriots" in a sense because we all have to work for a living and many of us have worked for DS outfits like Amazon, Microsoft, etc. Some of us still do.


No one is perfect. There are people who follow Q who have unpleasant personalities, who make mistakes, who gets into feuds with others, who do stupid things, etc. But the list of actual people Q has pointed to as problematic is pretty short. And some of what is said could be disinformation, you never know.


We always extol the value of logic on this board. But when it comes to personalities, that logic sometimes goes out the window–especially when exploited by shills, as it always is.


I don't know the solution. All I know is that UNITY is what wins. Tolerance for a wide variety of opinions will allow us to grow, intolerance will do the opposite. Blessings upon all anons, o7.

Anonymous ID: e7c820 May 20, 2019, 12:04 a.m. No.6541371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1376


Notes @460

>>6540881, >>6540959, >>6540963 The Origins of the Deep State in North America Part 3

>>6540901 400+ African Migrants Storm French Airport to Demand Asylum

>>6540932, >>6540935 Anon on Iran since they are in the news a lot lately

>>6540970 Moar on how British spy chiefs were briefed about dossier months before he even knew it existed

baker change

>>6540973 planefag report

>>6540982, >>6540988, >>6541010, >>6541066 Elspeth Reeve & Lani Levine DIGG

>>6541185, >>6541186 Resignations this weekend

>>6541286 Former CIA chief Brennan to brief Dems on Iran, sources say


Got moar notable noms? Call 'em out, anons, kitchen is open for business

Anonymous ID: e7c820 May 20, 2019, 12:46 a.m. No.6541441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1570 >>1619 >>1628

EU on the Brink: Salvini labels European elections a matter of ‘Life and Death referendum’

By Alice Scarsci

Sat, May 18, 2019


MATTEO SALVINI urged Italian citizens to back his right-wing party at the upcoming European elections to allow him to “take back the keys of our own home”, as he labelled the vote a matter of “life and death”.


The anti-immigration interior minister of Italy issued a plea to Italian citizens ahead of the European elections, taking place in the Mediterranean country on May 26. Mr Salvini said it was particularly important to make his party, Lega, the strongest one within the European Parliament to make sure the country’s priorities will be heard in Brussels. During a rally, Mr Salvini said: “You must help us to get to Europe as the first European party, Lega must be the strongest European party, so we can get there and take back the keys of our own home.” …………

Anonymous ID: e7c820 May 20, 2019, 1:01 a.m. No.6541461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1504 >>1535


Thanks for the info. I also have some projects here but am still learning the ropes. I think that's what the anons are trying to do with this website that's similar to what you describe. For some reason, it was very controversial with anons (shills?). I suspect these anons are much like yourself, trying to figure out how to collect material in a way that it becomes available to moar people.


I've set up websites too and can imagine a pretty cool one with info from QResearch. Potential to help people to see that 8chan is not a bunch of crazies. Don't know really the details tho not my project.


'''I have a practical question for you. I set up the Information Warfare thread, which is currently locked (anchor icon). Is that what you're talking about when you refer to a thread that won't fall off the catalog? Mgmt put a bump-lock on thread.

Is that the same thing?

Do you know? I don't want that thread to fall off the catalog either. But not an 8chan expert, just a pretty intrepid digger on propaganda, espec. used against QResearch.'''

Anonymous ID: e7c820 May 20, 2019, 1:33 a.m. No.6541537   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1557


Agree that anything productive is sauced based proofs, my background is scientific.


QResearch is primarily a raw intel site, so far as diggs go, I think. It is difficult to, for example, to function as an investigative journalist here as a result. For one cannot develop a reputation for being a trustworthy source, because of anonymity. Also hard to work in teams on a sustained basis because there is no way to communicate on a ongoing basis. So: can we really "be the news" given these limitations? IDK. What does Q really mean when he makes this statement?


Do you know the answer about the locking of the info warfare thread? A primary concern right now.

Anonymous ID: e7c820 May 20, 2019, 1:51 a.m. No.6541569   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1592


Don't care about identity itself, just the ability to get things done, communicate. But your observation that this is an inaugural vessel is interesting. For that purpose, the current setup may be the best possible. Timing is everything.


No anons do not rest. I don't. People are drawn here for the purposes of a mission.


Re: We are the news.

Have read and pondered many times. It's perfectly ambiguous, kek. Could mean many things, but since it's getting close to end of bread, I won't speculate too much at the moment. Baking awaits.


Re thread locking: I asked meta, they think it belongs on tumblr. I'm not a blogger, tho, but a digger. It's resource material. I use for diggs constantly, hope it serves others as well.

Anonymous ID: e7c820 May 20, 2019, 1:52 a.m. No.6541570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1572 >>1574


Notes @640, slololo last call

>>6540881, >>6540959, >>6540963 The Origins of the Deep State in North America Part 3

>>6540901 400+ African Migrants Storm French Airport to Demand Asylum

>>6540932, >>6540935 Anon on Iran since they are in the news a lot lately

>>6540970 Moar on how British spy chiefs were briefed about dossier months before he even knew it existed

baker change

>>6540973 planefag report

>>6540982, >>6540988, >>6541010, >>6541066 Elspeth Reeve & Lani Levine DIGG

>>6541185, >>6541186 Resignations this weekend

>>6541358, >>6541429 Former CIA chief Brennan to brief Dems on Iran, sources say

>>6541008 Former Uggs salesman guilty of being Hezbollah ‘sleeper’ agent—helped them plan future attacks on NYC

>>6541441 Salvini labels European elections a matter of ‘Life and Death referendum’

>>6541499 New Ukraine President Zelenskiy says he is dissolving parliament

>>6541533 Bongino's recent podcast on collusion investigation ("It's over"): with anon summary & related article

>>6541540 Misc updates on "AustriaGate"


Anything missing anons?

Anonymous ID: e7c820 May 20, 2019, 2:04 a.m. No.6541583   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1588 >>1603


It is really the way reality works, what people mean when they say "you create your own reality." But it's a shock the first time you experience it. There is another piece, tho, which is that there is the possibility of asking for the best thing to happen, which will be unknown until it unfolds. Adventures in consciousness, kek. Enjoy.

Anonymous ID: e7c820 May 20, 2019, 2:13 a.m. No.6541589   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1593 >>1596 >>1619 >>1628


Russia Grinds Out Wins In Europe

Europe is finally coming to its senses five years after the coup in Kiev started what is now the new Cold War between Russia and the West.


The first part of Russia’s win comes from Italian leader Matteo Salvini. Speaking for the under-represented in European politics, Salvini declared this week, “I continue to believe that we don’t need sanctions. The issue of their removal unites all decent people.“


Salvini is tackling, head-on, the European political establishment in this week’s European parliamentary elections. And his raising the issue of lifting sanctions on Russia imposed over the reunification with Crimea is a massive attack on them.


It means that Salvini is looking at using the extension of sanctions as a bargaining chip this summer. He is threatening to veto any extension with words this strong on the eve of an election.


The second victory for Russia, however, is far more significant. The Council of Europe has finally agreed to restore Russia’s voting rights after suspending them over the unification with Crimea.


This was a major bone of contention between Europe and Russia, who suspended their budget payments to the CoE in 2017. The deadline for dealing with their non-payment was coming up next month…….

Anonymous ID: e7c820 May 20, 2019, 2:17 a.m. No.6541593   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Just use your common sense and stay grounded, and you'll be fine. "It" doesn't go haywire, but you can go a little haywire if you stay too much up in your head. "Don't worry, be happy."

Anonymous ID: e7c820 May 20, 2019, 2:20 a.m. No.6541600   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1605


Power-grabbing is a loser's game. There's no lack of power to be had, it's just that some people love to have moar than everybody else. Because it's fun for them. For a while. Then then go into Comey-land……

Anonymous ID: e7c820 May 20, 2019, 2:24 a.m. No.6541604   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Best place to ask a baking question is here, there's also some threads in /comms/ but I always got better quicker answers on the board because this is where bakers hang out.


BTW, do you actually have a question?

Anonymous ID: e7c820 May 20, 2019, 2:36 a.m. No.6541617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1619 >>1628


North Korea must secure independence or face “miserable fate”: Rodong Sinmun

North Korea’s continued adherence to the principle of national independence will be “fateful” in deciding its future in the face of pressure imposed by “hostile forces,” the country’s ruling party daily the Rodong Sinmun stressed in a rare special article on Monday.


The article highlighting the importance of the “line of independence” — to which the newspaper devoted the entirety of its front page — echoed a policy speech delivered by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un on April 12 at the opening session of the DPRK’s 14th Supreme People’s Assembly (SPA).


In that speech, the Rodong Sinmun said Monday, the leader had “re-defined the construction of powerful socialist country adhering to the revolutionary line of independence and self-reliance as the resolute policy line of the party and the state.”


The newspaper said the issue of holding fast to the independence line became a “more and more pressing demand” at a time when “tyranny stalks.”


North Korea’s current struggle for national independence “takes place in an environment fundamentally different from the last century,” it continued.


“Today, independence becomes the fateful issue of dying or surviving under the double, triple-layered pressures imposed by hostile forces. It is also a serious issue of giving up the feat of constructing the powerful country halfway or finishing it to the end.”


The North Korean people would have been forced to accept a “miserable fate worse than death” if the party had taken a step back from the path of independence, the Rodong continued.


“The lesson of some countries including Iraq and Libya clearly shows that no matter how they ingratiate themselves with great powers, they eventually end up with facing bloody upheaval and the national ravages,” the Rodong said………

Anonymous ID: e7c820 May 20, 2019, 2:38 a.m. No.6541619   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>6540881, >>6540959, >>6540963 The Origins of the Deep State in North America Part 3

>>6540901 400+ African Migrants Storm French Airport to Demand Asylum

>>6540932, >>6540935 Anon on Iran since they are in the news a lot lately

>>6540970 Moar on how British spy chiefs were briefed about dossier months before he even knew it existed

baker change

>>6540973 planefag report

>>6540982, >>6540988, >>6541010, >>6541066 Elspeth Reeve & Lani Levine DIGG

>>6541185, >>6541186 Resignations this weekend

>>6541358, >>6541429 Former CIA chief Brennan to brief Dems on Iran, sources say

>>6541008 Former Uggs salesman guilty of being Hezbollah ‘sleeper’ agent—helped them plan future attacks on NYC

>>6541441 Salvini labels European elections a matter of ‘Life and Death referendum’

>>6541499 New Ukraine President Zelenskiy says he is dissolving parliament

>>6541533 Bongino's recent podcast on collusion investigation ("It's over"): with anon summary & related article

>>6541540 Misc updates on "AustriaGate"

>>6541587, >>6541589 Russia Grinds Out Wins In Europe

>>6541614, >>6541609 Google cuts ties with Huawei

>>6541615, >>6541617 North Korea must secure independence or face “miserable fate”: Rodong Sinmun

Anonymous ID: e7c820 May 20, 2019, 2:48 a.m. No.6541624   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1628


24 ISIS prisoners are killed by security forces after sparking jail riot that claimed the lives of three guards and five inmates in Tajikistan


Three guards and 29 inmates were killed in a high-security prison in Vakhdat


The riot, instigated by inmates armed with knives, broke out on Sunday evening


Tajikistan's Justice Ministry said security forces then killed 24 ISIS militants….



Anonymous ID: e7c820 May 20, 2019, 2:49 a.m. No.6541628   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>6540881, >>6540959, >>6540963 The Origins of the Deep State in North America Part 3

>>6540901 400+ African Migrants Storm French Airport to Demand Asylum

>>6540932, >>6540935 Anon on Iran since they are in the news a lot lately

>>6540970 Moar on how British spy chiefs were briefed about dossier months before he even knew it existed

baker change

>>6540973 planefag report

>>6540982, >>6540988, >>6541010, >>6541066 Elspeth Reeve & Lani Levine DIGG

>>6541185, >>6541186 Resignations this weekend

>>6541358, >>6541429 Former CIA chief Brennan to brief Dems on Iran, sources say

>>6541008 Former Uggs salesman guilty of being Hezbollah ‘sleeper’ agent—helped them plan future attacks on NYC

>>6541441 Salvini labels European elections a matter of ‘Life and Death referendum’

>>6541499 New Ukraine President Zelenskiy says he is dissolving parliament

>>6541533 Bongino's recent podcast on collusion investigation ("It's over"): with anon summary & related article

>>6541540 Misc updates on "AustriaGate"

>>6541587, >>6541589 Russia Grinds Out Wins In Europe

>>6541614, >>6541609 Google cuts ties with Huawei

>>6541615, >>6541617 North Korea must secure independence or face “miserable fate”: Rodong Sinmun

>>6541616 Reminder: US "spy boss" James Clapper in NZ on secret visit March 2016

>>6541622, >>6541624 24 ISIS prisoners are killed by security forces after sparking jail riot


baking soon, hurrah made it through another graveyard bread!!