Good dig on the European connection to Iran. I want to add to your analysis by bringing in another dimension to this.
Iran has a military arm known as the IRGC (the one we recently labelled as a terrorist organization), which is mostly a large special operations/purpose branch that deals with clandestine operations and things of the sort. Within the IRGC is a smaller force called the Quds force which specifically acts externally (for the most part, anyway).
To try to draw a quick picture of what the Quds force is, they train, arm, and fight alongside Iranian proxies. In the last few years the Quds have been responsible for the survival of groups such as the Houthi's in Yemen, Hezbollah, and groups within Iraq and Syria. They've not only trained individuals on how to fight, but also armed them with some fairly powerful weaponry to include long range rockets, such as Katushya's and others within the Fateh-110 family. This is frightening because the Quds force (Iran) has essentially been able to convert rabble groups into semi-conventional forces, and because of this we have seen events such as rockets fired from Yemen at Riyad, and other destabilizing events.
If Iran we're to be attacked, Quds would increase proxy activity immebsely and attempt to strike us and allies from the side. However, that would only work so long as the Quds forces had logistics to continue the fight. After the initial conflicts and Iran is more or less thwarted, Quds would no longer be able to supply, train, or even fund these proxy groups. In short time after an Iranian defeat, we would see the destruction of the Houthi's, Hezbollah, and groups within Syria (and potentially Iraq as well). After these groups are gone, there comes a form of stability in the middle east.
So for the Trump team, and I hate to say this since I don't advocate violence, a war with Iran would be a double-whammy win. Not only would it throw a wrench into the machine of bad actors in Europe, but it could potentially stabilize the middle east and provide enough breathing room for countries to put themselves back together again.
As for stability, the Persians would be able to put Iran back together again. It would likely be controlled by more moderate parties that presently exist in majority though.
The Quds force
Iranian proxies