@realDonaldTrump has picked up Bigly on Twitter Threads.
@realDonaldTrump has picked up Bigly on Twitter Threads.
Last of @realDonaldTrump's Tweets is this remark, which any of us that are working the Twitter trenches has experienced when creating Threads, Twitter Fupt Duck his Thread leaving out Tweets!
It's a Thread! Something POTUS has just begun to experiment with really, & it was to have had 7 Tweets. He experienced one of the common issues that any of us that create Threads on Twitter do, their censorship coding or a manual effort was made to censor @realDonaldTrump. This is a commonality we face when doing the same. Often ending in hours being consumed, hence his reticence in a re-due. The frustration Tweet, which came after the Thread's creation, is now Deleted.
It's a Thread!
He sent out 7 & Twitter posted 5.
No Delta here!
It's Twitter's new coding & @realDonaldTrump experimenting with Thread creation.
He either needs a teacher, at this point, or he will have to suffer thru, by trial & error, until he figures out how to work the new coding.
Twitter wants at least 2 Tweets to start or U don't get the Thread options.
Then, U start to create Threads & all of a sudden U've got ^-8_01 Tweets & U attempt to postโฆ
The system, either due to coding errs or by design goes tilt & the end result is Fupt! That's what happened to POTUS this morning.
No Deltas! Coding!
Err! ==6-8-10
Not how Twitter function works now that the new coding has been released.
There's a delay that occurs, if Ur under the Twitter microscope, & U've created a Thread, especially one with more than 2 or 3 Tweets. When U hit the 5 Tweet threshold, w/o Tweeting the string out, Ur going 2be hit with a delay prior 2post. It may even simply vaporize the effort. The Deleted Tweet may have had an intentional timestamp effort, but it was a singular effort. Remember, his complaint was that his 7 Tweet Thread only shows 5 Tweets.