I predict Q being a lying kike
Still havtn been proven wrong
I predict Q being a lying kike
Still havtn been proven wrong
Can you tell it to fuck off for me
I have no interest in its plans or Its pawn Q or trumps plans
I just want to be left alone
As i dont really give a fuck what happens to any of you
Who gave donald fucking jew the right to ruin my life and spy on me
Ivanka has big ass jew titties
And she a fucking satanist so shes not even hot
Like god cares or has ever been involved here
Tfw the cia has to watch me be a weaboo faggot
More like satan
if god cared would the world be like this
A hellhole where only the most stupid or most evil are happy ?
I think not
Daily reminder the general public deserves what it gets
Cattle dont have rights
I dont care if god is technically me
God doesnt even remotely give a fuck about anyone
The god of this world only cares about his food
Aka yahweh the pretender
Im not on anyones side faggot
Due to how shit the rest of you are i only care about myself
Some of my family
And animals
What a fucking surprise
Guess the public isnt as stupid as i thought play stupid games win stupid prizes kikeotus
Turns out shitting on your base doesnt get you reelected
Congress kikes need to do their job and impeach potus on grounds of being an agent of israel and the illuminati bloodlines
Hes commited treason to israel multiple times
Oy vey goyim talk to god aka the voice we create with our tech inside your head
If you dont bow to yaweh our larp god well torture you again
And i view them as fertilizer
All trump has left is faggot normie boomers who vote for every israel first kikepublican
The actual base that supported him is gone
Turns out shitting on,your base doesnt pay off
Hell probly cheat to win tho
Did i say you could speak cattle ?
Some cia nigger watching,this board please heart attack me
Jew world is too boring
Thats gay only jews make those and they dont normally turn out well
I cant wait till everyone else finds out they controm reality
Theres no help out there rip
Worse than,that
Trump is openly doing things and getting away with them that obama couldnt ahve done cuz so many people fell for the trump psyop
Why even care if our guys in there right?
Theyve made things 10x worse under him and his base eats it up
Ranting until Q turns off the govenment mind control
1 dedicate autist who wants his life back can eat alot of bread
If im gonna be forced to watch Q play games and fuck us over i might as well just go back to hedonism
Theres no change coming so might as well enjoy the last decade of "freedom"
Look i know you Q tards are incapable of looking at things that dont fit thw Q fantasy world but you can literally go on fox news and there will be 2 news stories about his kikery
Who the fuck is toilet boy
>>>6543356 (You)
>And yet you post AGAINST the ONE you know?
>Think Brother.
Go suck yahwehs dick faggot
Worshipping yahweh is like a cow worshipping us