Anonymous ID: d69c92 May 20, 2019, 11:04 a.m. No.6543812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3903 >>4069

Scottish Tory Councillor’s Home and Car Firebombed, He Believes it Was Politically Motivated


The home and car of Scottish Tory Councillor Graeme Campbell was firebombed on Monday, in what he believes was an attempt to murder him over politics.


The attack took place while Campbell’s wife Fiona and 18-year-old son were asleep in the home.


A local councillor has described the horror of his home and car being targeted in a petrol bomb attack:


— STV News (@STVNews) May 20, 2019


The family was alerted to their car being on fire by a neighbor, shortly before it spread to the house.


“I then went down and the person said my car was on fire and the car was just an inferno,” Campbell told STV News. “The fire has spread to the front of the house. The front of the garage has gone. The next door neighbour’s house has also taken some damage. I’m just devastated by this.”


Campbell believes that the only explanation for the bombing is his political work.


“It’s shocking someone is trying to murder us,” he said. “When someone bombs your car you know someone is basically trying to kill you.”


“Another 15 minutes and we would have been dead if we hadn’t got the fire brigade, who were incredible,” Campbell added. “I’m totally disgusted because it could only have come from my work as a councillor.”


“I’m not surprised. I’m angry more than surprised. I’ve got an idea that it’s linked to a case I’ve been involved in as a local councillor, a planning case for the last 18 months,” he said. “There has been sadly another constituent had their car burnt out back in 2018.”

Anonymous ID: d69c92 May 20, 2019, 11:07 a.m. No.6543836   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hundreds of “Black Vest” Migrants Seize Terminal in Paris Airport: “France does not belong to the French!”


Yesterday, hundreds of undocumented migrants took control of Terminal 2 of the Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris France. Approximately 500 migrants seized the terminal.


“France does not belong to the French! Everyone has a right to be here!” one person can be heard yelling into a loudspeaker.


The protest was organized by the migrant support group “La Chapelle Debout,” which said their members call themselves “Black Vests.”


The group comes amid the country’s months-long “Yellow Vests movement” over tax reforms; French citizens are required to carry yellow vests in their vehicles for emergencies. (source)


A quick-thinking person took video, which has been widely shared across Twitter.


#Update: Just in – Video of the moment these 400 African illegal immigrants stormed in the terminal of the Charles de Gaulle Airport in #Paris. #France


— Sotiri Dimpinoudis ❁‏ (@sotiridi) May 19, 2019


Here’s some follow-up video.


#Breaking: Just in – Reports that undocumented immigrants are protesting in the Charles de Gaulle Airport in #Paris right now and won't let people board their flights until they meet and talk with with the prime minister Édouard Philippe of #France, Riot CRS police on the scene.


— Sotiri Dimpinoudis ❁‏ (@sotiridi) May 19, 2019


Migrants warn it won’t stop here.


The organized group released an official statement and warned this will not be the last effort such as this.


In an official statement, the group asked to meet with Prime Minister Edouard Philippe over the country’s asylum policy and the leaders of Air France. They demanded that the airline “stop any financial, material, logistical or political participation in deportations.”


Later Sunday, an Air France delegation met with the group, a member told local newspaper Le Parisien.


A migrant who took part in the protest warned it wouldn’t be the last.


“We have targeted Air France, and other actions will follow,” he told the paper. (source)

Anonymous ID: d69c92 May 20, 2019, 11:08 a.m. No.6543843   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3903 >>4069

"Completely Unprecedented": Ecuador Gives Julian Assange Belongings To US Government


In a move slammed as "completely unprecedented," Ecuador has started giving the United States the personal possessions of WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange.


Assange's lawyer, Aitor Martinez, said the move was "completely unprecedented in the history of asylum," adding "Ecuador is committing a flagrant violation of the most basic norms of the institution of asylum by handing over all the asylee's personal belongings indiscriminately to the country that he was being protected from."


Ecuador's foreign minister, José Valencia, authorized the seizure of Assange's manuscripts, legal papers, medical records and electronic equipment earlier this month.


Wikileaks' Editor-in-Chief, Kristinn Hrafnsson, said in a statement that there was "no doubt" that Ecuador had "tampered" with the belongings it had sent to the US.


The US is seeking Assange's extradition from the UK over his alleged role in the release of classified military and diplomatic material by Wikileaks in 2010. -BBC


Assange, 47, is accused of participating in one of the largest-ever leaks of government data, as well as a charge of conspiracy to commit computer intrusion in the US for allegedly helping whistleblower Chelsea Manning infiltrate government computer systems - which could land him in prison for up to five years. Separately, Assange may face a move to extradite him to Sweden on revived rape allegations - for which he sought refuge in Ecuador's embassy in 2012, where he remained until his arrest on April 11.


While the rape charges were dropped in 2017, on Monday prosecutors renewed their request to hold Assange on suspicion of raping a woman in 2010 at a WikiLeaks conference in Stockholm.


Swedish deputy director of public prosecutions, Eva-Marie Persson, said in a statement a request had been filed with the Uppsala district court to have Assange detained in his absence.


She added that once the court had granted the request, she would then ask British authorities to transfer Assange to Sweden. -BBC


Assange is currently serving a 50-week sentence in Belmarsh prison for skipping his extradition order.

Anonymous ID: d69c92 May 20, 2019, 11:11 a.m. No.6543865   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3903 >>4069

'Reminds of Israeli political strategist Tal Silberstein' - Austrian Chancellor on tape scandal


Following Austrian Vice-Chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache’s resignation amid a corruption scandal, Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has hinted that Israeli political strategist Tal Silberstein may have orchestrated the debacle.


Strache resigned on Saturday, one day after a video surfaced in German outlets showing the vice-chancellor discussing a quid-pro-quo agreement with a woman presented by the media as a niece of a Russian oligarch, filmed in Ibiza in 2017. Chancellor Sebastian Kurz quickly condemned Strache’s alleged misdeeds, and called for snap elections.


However, both Strache – who heads Austria’s Freedom Party, the junior coalition partner to Kurz’s Austrian People’s Party – and Kurz both alleged dirty tricks were afoot.


Strache called the surreptitiously recorded tape a “targeted political assassination,” and Kurz compared the scandal to a “dirty campaign” waged against him in 2017 by Austria’s Social Democrats, via political adviser Tal Silberstein.


Speaking to German tabloid Bild on Sunday, Kurz again dropped Silberstein’s name.


“Concerning the methods, this strongly reminds me of Tal Silberstein, the campaign aide of the SPÖ (Social Democrats) in 2017,” Kurz said. “He used similar methods all across the world.”

Similar Methods


Kurz’s first run-in with Silberstein occurred during Austria’s general election two years ago. Well on track to becoming Austria’s youngest-ever leader at the time, Kurz was hit with allegations that his supporters ran websites churning out racist content and conspiracy theories. As well as the sites purporting to be from his supporters, another hit-site called “The Truth About Sebastian Kurz” alleged that the center-right leader was secretly working in the service of billionaire liberal financier George Soros.

Anonymous ID: d69c92 May 20, 2019, 11:13 a.m. No.6543874   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3903 >>4069

"Overwhelming Military Response Needed": Graham Urges Trump "Stand Firm" On Iran


Here we go again — just as tensions seemed to be calming going into the weekend, with Trump distancing himself from some of the more out-front escalatory rhetoric from hawks like Bolton within his own administration last Friday, leave it to who else but Senator Lindsey Graham to ramp things up again. "We must deliver an overwhelming military response," he tweeted in reference to Iran.


Following Saudi claims last week that Iran was behind a Houthi drone attack out of Yemen which targeted an ARAMCO pumping station and pipeline, and after the alleged "sabotage" attack on Saudi and other tankers near the Strait of Hormuz, Graham said early Monday it was "clear" that Iran has "attacked pipelines and ships of other nations" over the past weeks.


Interestingly, again we find Bolton pushing this narrative, per Graham's tweet: "Just received a briefing from National Security Advisor Bolton about escalating tensions with Iran. It is clear that over the last several weeks Iran has attacked pipelines and ships of other nations and created threat streams against American interests in Iraq."


And further appearing to acknowledge President Trump's reluctance to let the hawks drag him into yet another useless and futile regime change war in the Middle East, Graham urged, "Stand firm Mr. President".


So now it appears the hawks are waging a full frontal assault to goad the president into war, as even a statement from Iran's foreign minister acknowledged earlier in the day.


"The fault lies with the Iranians, not the United States or any other nation. If the Iranian threats against American personnel and interests are activated we must deliver an overwhelming military response. Stand firm Mr. President," Graham stated in a follow-up tweet.

Anonymous ID: d69c92 May 20, 2019, 11:14 a.m. No.6543887   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3903 >>4069

Classy: Los Angeles politicians involved in a late-night brawl at upscale resort during seminar on how to handle public crises


Several Los Angeles politicians were reportedly involved in a late-night brawl that took place at an upscale California resort Saturday, according to the Los Angeles Times.


The politicians were reportedly attending a seminar on how to handle public crises.

What are the details?


Los Angeles-area government officials converged in Indian Wells to discuss public crises, according to the outlet.


A brawl broke out early Saturday morning, however, and resulted in at least one person being knocked unconscious.


The Times reported that at least seven people were involved in the fracas. A spokesperson for the Riverside County Sheriff's Department told the outlet that those seven people were "involved in an altercation and physical battery." Police reportedly questioned the public officials, but received pushback from uncooperative witnesses.


KTLA-TV reported that authorities attempted to identify those people involved in the brawl, but noted that "none of them were cooperative."


One eyewitness told the Times that it was a "hectic scene."


Commerce Mayor John Soria told the Times, "I want to be clear in condemning the violent behavior from the individuals who initiated these assaults. Once additional information is available, I intend to call on my council colleagues to take appropriate action regarding any individuals that represent the City of Commerce who were involved in the incident."


Soria explained that City of Commerce Councilman Leonard Mendoza and Mayor Pro Tem Ivan Altamirano were exchanging words at one point before the all-out brawl.


California GOP delegate Allen J. Wilson shared a disturbing image about the melee on Twitter, writing, "Update: Commerce Councilman Leonard Mendoza allegedly assaulted by Council colleague Ivan Altamirano at last night's Contract Cities Conference in Indian Wells."


In Wilson's tweet, a man can be seen lying on the floor, drops of blood staining the tile floor beneath him.

Anonymous ID: d69c92 May 20, 2019, 11:16 a.m. No.6543894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4008

City Steals Elderly Man’s Home for Having a Cluttered Yard, Fines Him $60,000


Norco, CA — Ron Mugar never committed a crime, never harmed anyone, yet he’s found himself in the middle of a government-sponsored thievery ring designed to separate citizens from their money. Now, Mugar is currently facing an uphill battle against thieving bureaucrats in his city who are attempting to rob him through immoral and unconstitutional legislation.


Because the city of Norco, California assumes the right to tell people what they can and can’t have on their own property, Mugar was targeted by predatory bureaucrats over minor ‘code violations.’ According to the city, Mugar had too much stuff in his yard. The city claimed this stuff was an imminent danger to the community and so they went after him. In reality, however, no one was in danger, and when the city asked him to clean up his yard, Mugar did just that. But it was too late.


Mugar became a victim of what the Institute for Justice refers to an increasingly common practice in California called “health and safety receiverships.”


“Traditionally, receiverships allow a city to take temporary ownership of a property to fix an imminent danger to a community, like a structurally unsound building. The owner then would receive a bill for the work done. The bill is attached to the property in the form of a property lien. If the homeowner cannot pay the bill, the receiver can sell the property,” IJ reports.


The organization points out that these receiverships are now being used in a predatory manner to enforce even the most minor code violations. The city of Norco has hired law firms like Dapeer, Rosenblit & Litvak LLP, who go after people like Mugar in an attempt to steal their property to rake in millions.


When the city takes temporary ownership of property and then charges the homeowner for work they didn’t consent to having done, many times, the homeowner is unable to pay for it. At this point, the city takes full ownership of the property and flips the house, making huge profits in the process.


Just to defend himself from these thieves, Mugar was forced to use all of his life savings to pay for an attorney to fight the city and to clean up his property. Luckily, this successfully won him his home back after the city stole it. However, last November, likely angry at the fact that they’d been beaten, the city sued Mugar for attorneys’ fees to pay the law firm that helped them try to steal his home.

Anonymous ID: d69c92 May 20, 2019, 11:17 a.m. No.6543898   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3903 >>3922 >>3951 >>4069

Germany spent record €23 BILLION on refugees and migrants in 2018 – report


Germany spent a record €23 billion ($25.65 billion) last year to integrate more than a million refugees at home and “fight the root causes of migration abroad,” according a government report.


Describing the circumstances as “extraordinary,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel rolled out the welcome mat to over a million migrants in 2015, at the height of the Syrian refugee crisis. Although arrivals have dropped sharply since then, the German government’s spending has not.


The federal government spent €23 billion on integrating those migrants in Germany and keeping more hopeful entrants outside the European Union, according to a Finance Ministry report seen by Reuters. The spending represents an increase of nearly 11 percent since the previous year.


Of this sum, €7.9 billion was spent on measures aimed at keeping more potential arrivals out of the EU and improving living conditions in their home countries. Although Merkel has defended her decision to welcome migrants to Germany, the government spent 16 percent more on keeping them out last year than it did in 2017.


Merkel’s cabinet is expected to discuss the cost of integration on Wednesday. Speaking at a rally in Berlin last week, Merkel told a crowd of immigrants, and young people born to immigrants, that “our country must be a country of immigration and of integration.”


Merkel’s staunch defense of immigration has angered the German right wing, including the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, which four years after its founding became the third-largest party in the German Parliament in 2017.


“This is a costly welcome party at the expense of citizens,” AfD parliamentary leader Alice Weidel said in response to the government’s spending on migrants.

Anonymous ID: d69c92 May 20, 2019, 11:19 a.m. No.6543904   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3917 >>3974 >>3978 >>3985 >>3993 >>4069

Meadows Says Declassification Of Russia Probe Documents Is ‘Right Around The Corner


North Carolina Republican Rep. Mark Meadows said important documents relating to the origins of the counterintelligence investigation into President Donald Trump’s campaign will be released soon on Monday.


The House Oversight Committee member responded to the former committee chair Trey Gowdy’s comments that the FBI possibly withheld “game-changing” evidence regarding the origins of the Russia probe. Meadows said he agreed with Gowdy that former Trump campaign associate George Papadopoulos was being taped and recorded by FBI informants and that the unreleased transcript was never released to the FISA court, in an appearance on Fox News.


“[Gowdy] has seen documents that actually I have not seen,” Meadows said. “But we have come to the same conclusion and that is, indeed, George Papadopoulos was actually taped and recorded,” saying the documents would expose exculpatory information on the question of possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.


“I think the delay is over,” Meadows continued. “I think the president is serious. I’ve spoken to him recently and I think declassification is right around the corner and hopefully the American people will be able to judge for themselves.”


Meadows also said he and Papadopoulos have spoken about the possible declassification that if Trump declassifies records, “the American people will be astonished to see not only was it going on and the president was right, he was actually taped and recorded but other than that, he was not colluding with the Russians and they knew this very early on. So that could be the game changer that [Gowdy] was referring to.”


Gowdy and Meadows did not have a specific timeline for the release of the documents, but Meadows says it is “right around the corner.”

Anonymous ID: d69c92 May 20, 2019, 11:21 a.m. No.6543920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3963 >>4069

UK home secretary wants closed hearing to keep MI5 security breaches secret from public and media


British Home Secretary Sajid Javid has applied for a secret hearing at the high court to prevent the public and media from finding out about the nature of “serious” surveillance safeguards breaches committed by M15.


Javid has requested that the court hold a “closed material procedure” which would exclude both the media and public, to look into the failures by the intelligence agency in its handling of material intercepted under warrant, the Guardian reported.


The home secretary said in a written parliamentary statement last week that MI5 had reported compliance risks “within certain technology environments used to store and analyse data, including material obtained under the Investigatory Powers Act.”


The court heard on Monday that MI5’s compliance issues were ongoing and human rights organization Liberty said last week that the breaches were so serious that the Investigatory Powers Commissioner’s Office (IPCO) sent a group of inspectors to MI5 to investigate.

Anonymous ID: d69c92 May 20, 2019, 11:26 a.m. No.6543943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3968

Farage Suspects Remain Nexus Funded by ‘Lots of George Soros’s Money’


EXETER, United Kingdom — At a rally where Nigel Farage implored campaigners to be “happy warriors” in the final days of the EU election campaign, the Brexit Party leader invited scrutiny of the foreign funding of the anti-Brexit campaign.


Speaking during a cross-country day of rallies, Mr Farage told Breitbart London closer scrutiny of the funding of Remain-supporting campaign groups would likely reveal “lots of George Soros’s money”, among other sources.


The funding of anti-Brexit campaigns by the Hungarian billionaire and convicted insider trader is a matter of record, with 2018 reports noting Mr Soros’s donations to just one of the dozens of groups in the Remain nexus hitting £800,000.


A spokesman for Mr Soros’s Open Society Foundations (OSF) non-governmental organisation said at that time that the money was going to pay for a “campaign for a meaningful vote on the final Brexit proposal.”


As well as funding anti-Brexit groups through his OSF organisation, Mr Soros has also taken a personal interest in Brexit negotiations, meeting privately with arch-Remainer and Iraq War architect Tony Blair and the European Commission at the Davos summit earlier this year. While the details of the meeting were heavily redacted in a Commission report, the EU Observer news site reported at the time they were said to have revolved around working to prevent the United Kingdom from leaving the European Union.

Anonymous ID: d69c92 May 20, 2019, 11:29 a.m. No.6543962   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4069

Los Zetas Cartel Dumps Bodies at Mexican Border State Police HQ near Texas


PIEDRAS NEGRAS, Coahuila – Authorities are on high alert after a team of cartel gunmen dumped five bodies outside a police building and attacked a group of local officers.


The violence began on Saturday in San Juan Sabinas when gunmen with the Cartel Del Noreste (CDN) faction of Los Zetas left an SUV filled with five dead bodies outside the Coahuila State Investigations Police building. As the gunmen left the scene, they shot numerous times at the building.


Law enforcement sources consulted by Breitbart News revealed that the victims were from a local family involved in the production and sale of pork sausage. Three of the victims were identified as José López, wife Margarita Hernandez, and son Eduardo Lopez. The fourth victim is believed to be a relative and the fifth was an employee of the family business. Authorities said the victims were all been beaten and shot to death before their bodies were placed inside the SUV.


Around the same time, CDN gunmen shot a local police commander and his two aides outside Piedras Negras. Law enforcement sources revealed to Breitbart News that the victims were Nava Police Commander Saul Heriberto Morones and aides Saúl Elías Zea and Hiram Perez.

Anonymous ID: d69c92 May 20, 2019, 11:37 a.m. No.6544023   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4043 >>4069

UK advises British-Iranian nationals not to travel to Iran


LONDON (Reuters) - Britain advised all citizens holding dual British and Iranian nationality on Friday to avoid travelling to Iran, saying they faced an unacceptably higher risk of arbitrary detention and mistreatment compared to other nationals.


The advice came after Iran said on Monday it had sentenced an Iranian woman, who worked for the British Council cultural agency, to 10 years prison for spying for Britain.


Iranian security services might be suspicious of other people with British connections, including those linked to institutions based in the UK, Britain’s Foreign Ministry said,


“Dual nationals face an intolerable risk of mistreatment if they visit Iran,” Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt said in the statement.


“Despite the UK providing repeated opportunities to resolve this issue, the Iranian regime’s conduct has worsened. Having exhausted all other options, I must now advise all British-Iranian dual nationals against travelling to Iran.”


Hunt also said he needed to caution Iranian nationals living in Britain, who returned to Iran to visit family, that they might be perceived to have personal links to British government institutions.


The warning came amid heightened tensions between Iran and the West, with Hunt saying on Thursday that Britain agreed with the United States that Tehran posed an increased threat.


It also follows a long-running row over the fate of British-Iranian aid worker Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe who was arrested in April 2016 at a Tehran airport as she headed back to Britain. She was later jailed for five years after being convicted of plotting to overthrow Iran’s clerical establishment.


“The dangers (dual nationals) face include arbitrary detention and lack of access to basic legal rights, as we have seen in the case of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, who has been separated from her family since 2016,” Hunt said.

Anonymous ID: d69c92 May 20, 2019, 11:40 a.m. No.6544035   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Candace Owens: Big Tech Trying to ‘Subvert a Mass Awakening’


Pundit and black conservative activist Candace Owens blasted big tech bias after Breitbart News’ exclusive story that she has been placed on a list of “hate agents” maintained by Facebook.


Yesterday, a source at Facebook exclusively spoke to Breitbart News about the “hate agents” list, which includes a number of prominent recently-banned individuals including Paul Joseph Watson, Laura Loomer, and Alex Jones.


A Facebook spokeswoman confirmed the existence of the list, but denied that Candace Owens has been investigated. The spokeswoman also emphasized that a recent seven-day ban of Owens was a mistake and has been reversed.


“More and more Americans are waking up to, and rejecting the fantastical ideology of the Left. What we’re seeing now are social media companies that are desperate to help subvert a mass awakening” Owens said in a comment to Breitbart News.


“Facebook is attempting to manufacture a virtual reality for the Democrats by silencing voices that run counter to their Party mission, which is to get rid of President Trump and to turn America into a socialist country.”


Breitbart’s source at Facebook was able to obtain a partial screenshot of the spreadsheet before the current owner of the discussion group began locking people out in response to the internal leak.


The partial screenshot reveals that Owens’ name is indeed on the list, along with the instruction for Facebook employees to “look into” her “after we’re done with the above designation analysis.”


The spreadsheet also appears to track with Owens has or is associated with any “affiliated hate entities.”