Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 11:58 a.m. No.6544158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4370 >>4522 >>4567 >>4721 >>4837 >>4919

‘We won’t be complicit’: Italian dock workers refuse to load Saudi arms ship over Yemen war


Italian unions have refused to load cargo onto a Saudi ship carrying weapons, in protest against Riyadh’s war on Yemen. The dock workers have gone on strike, refusing to work until the ship leaves port in Genoa.


While the Saudi Arabian ship, the Bahri-Yanbu, was expected to leave for Jeddah by the end end of the day, it seems the delivery might end up being rather late. After unsuccessful attempts to have the ship barred from docking in Italy altogether, it was greeted by banners and a protests as it arrived in port Monday.


Workers were joined by human rights campaigners who oppose stocking the ship over fears the supplies will be used against the civilian population in Yemen. The demonstrators held signs opposing the war and arms trafficking.


“We will not be complicit in what is happening in Yemen,” union leaders said in a statement. Port officials have acknowledged that the generators that protesters fear may be used for military purposes have been blocked from being brought on board, but say some non-critical goods will still be loaded. Union leaders are scheduled to meet with the port’s prefects to discuss the impasse.


The ship was loaded with weapons in Belgium, but successfully blocked from picking up additional arms at a French port as a result of a similar protest.


The UN describes the four-year-long Saudi-led war as the worst humanitarian disaster in the world today, with the death toll expected to top 230,000 by the end of the year. Italy’s 5-Star movement, a part of the government’s ruling populist-leaning coalition, has fought to end the government’s arms deals with the Saudi kingdom for years.

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, noon No.6544172   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4522

Mossad Psychic Friends Network Strikes Again


The Trump administration’s war hawks couldn’t have asked for a more docile casus belli than the Katyusha rocket that landed a mile outside the US embassy in Baghdad’s American-occupied Green Zone on Sunday night, sparing persons, property, and the pride of a president who must have begun to doubt whether the mounting tensions between the US and Iran had any basis in reality at all – or whether the deliberately vague “credible intelligence” on the Iranian “threat” supplied by the Mossad was not a trick to convince the US to take out Israel’s last regional rival.


The plucky little rocket injured no one, and the launcher that fired it was immediately recovered by Iraqi security services in a canal in East Baghdad, which Israeli media breathlessly reported is “home to Iran-backed Shiite militias.” Authorities found no clues as to who had fired the rocket, but a narrative trap was clearly being laid. “Non-emergency” US government personnel had been safely bundled out of the Iraqi embassy by the State Department last Wednesday, supposedly due to an “imminent threat” from Iran, and even Exxon-Mobil had interrupted its plunder of Iraq’s resources, pulling 30 engineers off a Basra oil field as a “temporary precautionary measure.”


Despite its apparent futility as an offensive measure, the lonely rocket fulfills the purposefully broad criteria set forth by “Rapture Mike” Pompeo earlier this month when he warned that any attacks on “US interests or citizens” by “Iran or its proxies” would be met with a “swift and decisive” response. In a “coincidence” that should surprise no one, the malignant manatee followed those remarks with a statement celebrating Israel’s National Day and promising to “work toward a safer, more stable, and more prosperous” – and presumably depopulated of all those pesky Persians – “Middle East.”


Trump met with Bolton and other members of his cabinet on Sunday night to discuss the strike. While the State Department made ominous noises, its statement officially found no responsibility as yet; the president, however, had apparently made up his mind who to blame, and Bolton made up his mind decades ago.


It’s unlikely this will be the last provocation. Despite an “emergency” visit from Pompeo to Baghdad earlier this month in which he paid lip service to Iraqi “independence” while warning “any attack by Iran or its proxies on American forces in Iraq would affect the Iraqi government too,” Iraqi ambassador to Russia Haidar Mansour Hadi has said in no uncertain terms that Iraq will not allow the US to use it as a staging ground for an invasion of Iran. A few people would presumably have to die or be kidnapped before the Iraqis permit their country to be used as a launchpad for World War III by someone whose idea of international diplomacy is basically “that’s a nice sovereign nation you got there – sure would be a shame if we had to invade it a third time.” Though with 5,000 American troops still stationed in Iraq nearly a decade after Obama supposedly ended that war, the second invasion never really finished.

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 12:01 p.m. No.6544182   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4370 >>4522 >>4567 >>4721 >>4837 >>4919

Ford says it's going to lay off 7,000 people worldwide


Ford is cutting 7,000 white-collar jobs, or about 10% of its salaried staff worldwide, as part of a cost-cutting effort it says will save the company about $600 million a year.


Ford says workers will begin to be notified of cuts starting Tuesday, and the terminations will be completed by the end of August. About 2,400 of the jobs cuts are in North America, and 1,500 of the positions were eliminated through a voluntary buyout offer.


The move is an effort to cut bureaucracy within the company and flatten the management structure in addition to its desire to cut costs, according to a letter CEO Jim Hackett sent to employees Monday morning.


Ford's layoffs are similar to white-collar job cuts rival General Motors announced in November, but GM's cuts were deeper. GM eliminated about 8,000 non-union jobs , or 15% of its salaried and contract workers. It also closed five North American factories as part of that announcement.


Ford has been making cuts over the past several months as part of a massive restructuring that is expected to cost thousands of jobs across the globe. The company committed last year to spending $11 billion to reshape its business, hoping to boost sales overseas and modernize its fleet of vehicles by focusing more on electric and autonomous driving tech.


But Ford has been slow to give details of how it will spend the $11 billion and what jobs might be cut as part of the restructuring of the business. It has said it will close three plants in Russia , one factory in Europe and another in Brazil. But it has said the moves announced so far represent only about $1 billion of the $11 billion restructuring it plans to do.

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 12:02 p.m. No.6544189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4203 >>4522

REPORT: Iran War "rollout" a "disaster" says top Israeli Rabbi


According to sources, a top Israeli Rabbi close to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said the Iran War "rollout" by the Trump Administration was a "total disaster." The Rabbi reportedly named Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Adviser John Bolton as the "culprits" in their "ineptitude in getting America involved in the war." New plans are now underway to "shift the narrative" and "rebuilt trust" in the American media by positioning them as "seemingly antiwar." A new false flag scenario is being put together so that "next time this happens Americans will get on board."

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 12:04 p.m. No.6544191   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4370 >>4522 >>4567 >>4721 >>4837 >>4919

France threatens journalists with jail time for exposing use of French arms in Yemen


French journalists could face up to five years in prison and be fined up to $83,000


France has threatened three French journalists with potential jail time for using secret documents to reveal the country's involvement in the Yemen civil war.


In a series of reports published in April, investigative journalists from Disclose and Radio France revealed the number of French arms sold to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.


The documents, authored by France's Directorate of Military Intelligence (DSGI), showed that senior French officials had lied about the role of French weapons in the Yemen War.


Following the publication of the reports in April, Disclose's co-founders Geoffrey Livolsi and Mathias Destal and Radio France journalist Benoît Collombat were asked to attend a hearing at the DSGI headquarters in Paris.


The three journalists refused to reveal their sources after being questioned by the DSGI on the origin of the document, their work and posts on Facebook and Twitter.


The journalists used the hearing to defend press freedom and how it was in the public interest to publish details from the leaked DSGI document.


Press Freedom has been protected for more than 130 years under the Press Law of 1881, which gives journalists the right to keep sources confidential.

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 12:06 p.m. No.6544204   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4251 >>4370 >>4522 >>4567 >>4721 >>4837 >>4919

Russia, China to Open Arctic Sea to Trade, Cutting Asia-Europe Shipping Route by 5,000 Miles


Speaking at China’s second Belt and Road conference in Beijing featuring 37 heads of state, Russia President Vladimir Putin unveiled the intention to unite Russia’s Northern Sea Route with China’s Maritime Silk Road. This announcement should come as no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention to the close strategic friendship between both countries since the 2015 announcement of an alliance between the Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union and Belt and Road Initiative. This extension of the Maritime Silk Road represents a powerful force to transform the last unexplored frontier on the Earth, converting the Arctic from a geopolitical zone of conflict towards a new paradigm of mutual cooperation and development.


Putin gave a speech at the BRI forum on April 26 stating:


“the Great Eurasian Partnership and Belt and Road concepts are both rooted in the principles and values that everyone understands: the natural aspiration of nations to live in peace and harmony, benefit from free access to the latest scientific achievements and innovative development, while preserving their culture and unique spiritual identity. In other words, we are united by our strategic, long-term interests.”


Weeks before this speech Russia unveiled a bold plan for Arctic development during the conference Arctic: Territory of Dialogue on April 9-10. This bold plan ties to the “Great Eurasian Partnership”, not only extending roads, rail and new cities into the Far East, but also extending science and civilization into a terrain long thought totally inhospitable. At this Arctic conference, China and Russia signed the first scientific cooperation agreement together setting up the “China-Russia Arctic Research Center” as a part of the Polar Silk Road.

The BRI’s Success So Far


The Belt and Road Initiative has already won over much of Africa as BRI-connected rail, ports, and other infrastructure are providing a breath of fresh air to nations long held hostage by IMF/World Bank conditionalities. Pakistan and much of Southwest Asia are also increasingly on board the BRI through the growing China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. Seventeen Arab states consolidated 8 massive BRI infrastructure projects between April 15-16 and much of Latin America has also joined with hundreds of billions of dollars of infrastructure projects. Italy embraced this new BRI framework on March 23, and Greece joined the Central and Eastern European nations of the 16+1 alliance on April 9th. The Eurasian Economic Union is now in the final stages of a long planned economic treaty between China and the Russian-led economic block. Although America has been invited to the BRI on many occasions since its 2013 inception, no positive response has been permitted by the NATO-Deep State power structures manipulating the west.


While China’s activity in the Arctic is only manifesting now, its Arctic Strategy began many years ago.

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 12:08 p.m. No.6544213   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4295 >>4522

Flip Side To 'Stopping' Terrorist Content Online: Facebook Is Deleting Evidence Of War Crimes


Just last week, we talked about the new Christchurch Call, and how a bunch of governments and social media companies have made some vague agreements to try to limit and take down "extremist" content. As we pointed out last week, however, there appeared to be little to no exploration by those involved in how such a program might backfire and hide content that is otherwise important.


We've been making this point for many, many years, but every time people freak out about "terrorist content" on social media sites and demand that it gets deleted, what really ends up happening is that evidence of war crimes gets deleted as well. This is not an "accident" or such systems misapplied, this is the simple fact that terrorist propaganda often is important evidence of war crimes. It's things like this that make the idea of the EU's upcoming Terrorist Content Regulation so destructive. You can't demand that terrorist propaganda get taken down without also removing important historical evidence.


It appears that more and more people are finally starting to come to grips with this. The Atlantic recently had an article bemoaning the fact that tech companies are deleting evidence of war crimes, highlighting how such videos have actually been really useful in tracking down terrorists, so long as people can watch them before they get deleted.


In July 2017, a video capturing the execution of 18 people appeared on Facebook. The clip opened with a half-dozen armed men presiding over several rows of detainees. Dressed in bright-orange jumpsuits and black hoods, the captives knelt in the gravel, hands tied behind their back. They never saw what was coming. The gunmen raised their weapons and fired, and the first row of victims crumpled to the earth. The executioners repeated this act four times, following the orders of a confident young man dressed in a black cap and camouflage trousers. If you slowed the video down frame by frame, you could see that his black T-shirt bore the logo of the Al-Saiqa Brigade, an elite unit of the Libyan National Army. That was clue No. 1: This happened in Libya.


Facebook took down the bloody video, whose source has yet to be conclusively determined, shortly after it surfaced. But it existed online long enough for copies to spread to other social-networking sites. Independently, human-rights activists, prosecutors, and other internet users in multiple countries scoured the clip for clues and soon established that the killings had occurred on the outskirts of Benghazi. The ringleader, these investigators concluded, was Mahmoud Mustafa Busayf al-Werfalli, an Al-Saiqa commander. Within a month, the International Criminal Court had charged Werfalli with the murder of 33 people in seven separate incidents—from June 2016 to the July 2017 killings that landed on Facebook. In the ICC arrest warrant, prosecutors relied heavily on digital evidence collected from social-media sites.

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 12:10 p.m. No.6544216   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4328 >>4522

US Gov’t Trained ISIS Commander — Did It ‘Burn’ Him Later?


After his death was announced by ISIS in 2016, the name Abu Omar al-Shishani has largely faded from news reports regarding Iraq and Syria. However, at one time, one of the top commanders of ISIS was known throughout the geopolitical community. In 2015, the US State Department even offered $5 million as a reward for information leading to his capture.


However, for all the alleged desire to capture or kill Shishani on the part of the United States, it was the United States who trained him as a matter of record when he was fighting against the Russians in Chechnya and again during the Georgian war.


In an article from September, 2015 entitled, “One of ISIS’ top commanders was a ‘star pupil’ of US-special forces training in the country of Georgia,” Jeremy Bender wrote for Business Insider,


Aside from ISIS’ ‘caliph’ Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Georgian ex-commando Omar al-Shishani might be the most recognizable and popular of the powerful militant group’s leaders.


Sporting a recognizable red beard and happy to pose for photos, Shishani has acted as a very public face for some of ISIS’ most notorious successes.


It was Shishani who posed with the stolen US Humvees that ISIS had seized from Mosul and brought back into Syria.


And it was Shishani who had led successful ISIS military campaigns throughout Syria as well as a blitz through western Iraq that put the group within 100 miles of Baghdad.


These military successes are not simply the result of any innate military capabilities. Instead, Shishani spent years conducting military campaigns against the Russians, first as a Chechen rebel and then as a soldier in the Georgian military. During Shishani’s four years in the military, from 2006 to 2010, his unit received some degree of training from American special forces units.


“He was a perfect soldier from his first days, and everyone knew he was a star,” an unnamed former comrade who is still active in the Georgian military told McClatchy DC. “We were well trained by American special forces units, and he was the star pupil.”


“We trained him well, and we had lots of help from America,” another anonymous Georgian defense official told McClatchy about Shishani. “In fact, the only reason he didn’t go to Iraq to fight alongside America was that we needed his skills here in Georgia.”


In 2008, when Russia and Georgia briefly went to war over the Georgian breakaway province of South Ossetia, Shishani reportedly was a star soldier. Although Russia quickly won the war, Shishani and his special forces unit caused asymmetrical damage to the invading Russian forces, including the wounding of the Russian commander of the 58th Army.

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 12:15 p.m. No.6544244   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4522

Air defense force repels terrorist attack on Hmeymim Airbase


The terrorists launched six projectiles from the Idlib de-escalation zone on the Russian airbase


MOSCOW, May 20. /TASS/. Terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra (outlawed in Russia) tried to attack Russia’s Hmeymim Airbase in Syria with a multiple launch rocket system. The air defense alert force repelled the attack and destroyed the target, the Russian Defense Ministry told journalists on Monday.


"On the evening of May 19 terrorists from Jabhat al-Nusra tried to attack the Russian airbase Hmeymim with a multiple launch rocket system. At about 20:00 on Sunday the terrorists launched six projectiles from the Idlib de-escalation zone on the Russian airbase. The air defense alert force destroyed all the projectiles," the Defense Ministry said.


The ministry said that no destruction or victims were reported at the Hmeymim Airbase and that it continues to operate in a regular mode.


"The Russian reconnaissance force urgently detected the specified terrorists’ multiple launch rocket system on the western outskirts of the community of Kafr Nabl in the Idlib Governorate. The Russian Aerospace Force destroyed the specified terrorist target in a pinpoint attack," the Defense Ministry reported.


The Russian air defense systems also detected two unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) approaching Hmeymim from the north and northeast. "The air defense alert force of the Russian airbase destroyed all UAVs at a considerable distance from the airbase," the ministry said.


The ministry noted that despite the total ceasefire since May 18 by the Armed Forces of the Syrian Arab Republic, Jabhat al-Nusra’s terrorists in the Idlib de-escalation zone continue provocations and attacks.

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 12:19 p.m. No.6544269   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4309 >>4522

Plea Deal in Arson-Murder Case of Israeli Settlers Epitomizes Apartheid “Justice”


The miscarriage of justice in the case of Israeli settlers in the Duma arson-murders, in which an entire family was burned to death, epitomizes Israel’s Apartheid “Justice” system.

by Miko Peled


REGIONAL COURT, LYDD, PALESTINE – A plea deal has been reached in the case of one of two Israeli settlers who were charged in the arson-murder of the Dawabsheh family in July 2015.


Saad Dawabsheh, 31, his wife Reham, 27, and their 18-month-old son Ali were killed in the attack when settlers set their home in the village of Duma on fire. Their older son, who was four-years-old at the time, was the sole survivor of the attack and sustained severe burns on over 60 percent of his body.


The main suspects were Amiram Ben-Uliel and Elisha Odes, two young men who are part of a violent gang that goes by the name of “The Hills Youth.” Their sole purpose is to instill terror in the civilian Palestinian population. Odes’ identity has been kept hidden until recently because at the time of the murder he was still minor. Recently his identity was revealed in an article in Hebrew, and he is shown speaking in this video, where the gang members talk about their experience with the authorities. They are also responsible for attacks that receive the title “Price Tag.”


The suspects were tortured


According to the deal, Odes was released to house arrest and the murder charges against him were dropped. He is still facing charges in relation to three other ideologically motivated incidents, including the torching of a Palestinian taxi in Kafr Yussuf; the burning of a warehouse in Aqraba; and vandalism in Beit Safafa, in Jerusalem. He has refused to plead guilty to membership in the Jewish terrorist group known as Hamered (The Revolt).


The State Prosecutor is expected to request that the teen serve five years in prison for his crimes, yet his attorney, Adi Kidar, is expected to file for an immediate release given that he has already served three years in remand.


Citing the “extreme violence” used on his client, Odes’ attorney said that, “the court criticized the Shin Bet [Israeli secret police]” and that he hopes his client might eventually be able to lead a normal life. He added that he wishes his client will one day be allowed to “share the horrors he endured in his interrogation.”

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 12:20 p.m. No.6544274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4405 >>4522

Media Setting Up Iran as New ‘Threat’ That Must Be Confronted


The Washington Post editorial’s headline (5/14/19) had the US “drifting” toward war with Iran—another example, as analyst Nima Shirazi quipped, of the “world’s superpower somehow having no agency over its own imperialism.”


If we can still call things “surreal,” that would describe watching corporate media do the same things they did in the run-up to the Iraq War, things they later disavowed: the credulous repetition of administration claims about the supposed threat; the reliance, for interpretation of “intelligence,” on officials with well known records for manipulating intelligence; the stenographic reporting of ‘troubling’ actions by the enemy state, that later have to be walked back.


A May 13 New York Times piece led with the statement that Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan had “presented an updated military plan that envisions sending as many as 120,000 troops to the Middle East should Iran attack American forces or accelerate work on nuclear weapons, administration officials said.” As researcher Derek Davison reminds, in a piece for LobeLog (5/14/19), there is, as the Times has acknowledged on other occasions, no evidence that Iran is working on nuclear weapons, at whatever pace.


Later, the piece says:


Some senior American officials said the plans, even at a very preliminary stage, show how dangerous the threat from Iran has become. Others, who are urging a diplomatic resolution to the current tensions, said it amounts to a scare tactic to warn Iran against new aggressions.

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 12:21 p.m. No.6544286   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4522

Widodo Wins in Indonesian Presidential Election - Official Tally


Incumbent Indonesian President Joko Widodo won country's election with 55.5 percent of votes against 44.5 percent for his challenger, retired General Prabowo Subianto, the election commission's official count said early on Tuesday, cited by Reuters.


Subianto has lost the Indonesian presidential election to Widodo for the second time, as they already faced each other in 2014.


Indonesia held general election on 17 April, during which, for the first time in the history of the country, people simultaneously elected the president, the vice president and members of the national parliament and local legislative bodies.

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 12:25 p.m. No.6544317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4368 >>4522

“The AngloZionist Empire: a hyperpower with microbrains and no cred left”


Last week saw what was supposed to be a hyperpower point fingers for its embarrassing defeat not only at Venezuela, which successfully defeated Uncle Shmuel’s coup plans, but also at a list of other countries including Cuba, Russia, China and Iran. It’s is rather pathetic and, frankly, bordering on the comically ridiculous.


Uncle Shmuel clearly did not appreciate being the laughingstock of the planet.


And as Uncle Shmuel always does, he decided to flex some muscle and show the world “who is boss” by…


… blockading the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, DC.


But even that was too much for the MAGA Admin, so they also denied doing so (how lame is that!?)


Which did not prevent US activists of entering the embassy (legally, they were invited in and confirm it all).


Now the US Secret Service wants to evict the people inside the building.


So much for the CIA’s beloved “plausible deniability” which now has morphed into “comical deniability”.


If you think that all this sounds incredibly amateurish and stupid – you are 100% correct.


In the wonderful words of Sergei Lavrov, the US diplomats have “lost the taste for diplomacy“.


But that was not all.


In an act of incredible courage the US, which was told (by the Israelis, of course!), that the Iranians were about to attack “somewhere”, Uncle Shmuel sent two aircraft carrier strike groups to the Middle-East. In a “daring” operation, the brilliant USAF pilots B-52 bombers over the Persian Gulf to “send a message” to the “Mollahs”: don’t f*ck with us or else…


The “Mollahs” apparently were unimpressed as they simply declared that “the US carriers were not a threat, only a target“.


The AngloZionists apparently have also executed a false flag operation to get a pretext to strike Iran, but so far this seems to have gotten rather little traction in the region (so far – this might change).


Cont. from images:

And you can be darn sure that the Iranians will show much more staying power than the imperialists, if only because they will be fighting in defense of their country, their faith, their liberty, their friends and their families. To expect the Iranians to cave in or surrender in any way would be the most stupid notion anybody could entertain.


Could they really be THAT stupid in Washington DC?


I don’t know.


But what I do know is this: any such attack will be extremely costly and very, very dangerous. Obviously, the Neocons don’t give a rats ass about costs, financial or human. They just want war, war, war and more war (remember McCain’s “bomb, bomb, bomb – bomb, bomb Iran“?). But the Neocons are only a tiny fraction of the US ruling elites (even if the most powerful one) and my hope is that the sane elements will prevail (which, indeed, they have so far).


As for right now, we are still okay. But if the US actually beings sending large forces to the Middle-East, then all bets are off.

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 12:43 p.m. No.6544430   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4567 >>4721 >>4837 >>4919

Stephen Herbits Testimony — ‘Clare and Sara Asked Me to Do Things That Were Improper’


The following is a report on the testimony of Stephen Herbits, 77, who was a witness for the government on May 16, 2019 – on the 7th day of the trial of Keith Alan Raniere.


Herbits was examined by Assistant US Attorney Mark Lesko.


He was asked to describe his career. In short, Herbits testified that he worked on the staff for House of Representatives, the United States Senate, and the Pentagon. He is a lawyer. He also worked in the White House after Nixon resigned and Ford became president to help with the transition.


He worked for Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld as special assistant to the secretary [essentially chief of staff] for the last year of the Ford administration.


He later worked for Edgar Bronfman Sr., Chairman and CEO of the Seagram’s Corporation. Bronfman was a multiple billionaire. Herbits was employed with Seagram’s for 20 years, until June 1997. He was executive vice president of Seagram’s when he retired from the company..


After he retired from Seagram’s, he did consulting work through his own company. Bronfman later asked him to work on the Presidential Advisory Committee on Jewish assets in the United States. He went back to the Pentagon after 9/11. Then he went back to work for Bronfman [and the World Jewish Congress – which Bronfman was president of] in the fall of 2004. From January of 2005 until the fall of 2007 Herbits was Secretary General of the World Jewish Congress. Edgar Bronfman died in 2013.


Mark Lesko questioned Herbits. During the examination, the name Keith Raniere is only mentioned once. Much of the examination concerns Herbits’ relationship with Clare and Sara Bronfman and what they wanted him to do for Nxivm.


More in link:

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 12:44 p.m. No.6544440   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4522


Gillibrand: Georgia's Heartbeat Abortion Law Is 'Against Christian Faith'

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 12:53 p.m. No.6544533   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4545 >>4557

White House to Block Former WH Counsel Don McGahn’s Testimony to House Judiciary Committee


The White House is expected to block former White House counsel Don McGahn from testifying about obstruction of justice events related to the Mueller investigation.


The White House may claim McGahn is immune from testifying because he is a former advisor to the President — The Justice Department will later release a legal opinion on McGahn’s subpoena and immunity, according to Reuters.


Mr. McGahn was requested to appear before the House Judiciary Committee on May 21st and previously defied a House Judiciary subpoena that requested a trove of documents.


Last month House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) subpoenaed former White House counsel Don McGahn to publicly testify May 21.


Nadler said that Don McGahn is a “critical witness to many of the alleged instances of obstruction of justice and other misconduct described in the Special Counsel’s report.”


According to Mueller’s report, President Trump asked Don McGahn to supposedly lie about reports that he ordered him to fire Mueller. Mueller was never even fired and Trump insists he never said anything like that to McGahn, but Nadler and the Dems are pursuing him anyway.


“The Special Counsel’s report, even in redacted form, outlines substantial evidence that President Trump engaged in obstruction and other abuses,” Nadler previously said. “It now falls to Congress to determine for itself the full scope of the misconduct and to decide what steps to take in the exercise of our duties of oversight, legislation and constitutional accountability.”


“His [McGahn’s] testimony will help shed further light on the President’s attacks on the rule of law, and his attempts to cover up those actions by lying to the American people and requesting others do the same,” Nadler said last month.


Nadler threatened Trump officials who defy subpoenas with hefty fines or contempt charges.


“We’ve subpoenaed McGahn. We’re expecting him to show up on the 21st, and if he doesn’t he will be subject to contempt, unless he has a court order telling him he can’t, which I don’t think he would get,” Nadler said earlier this month.

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 12:56 p.m. No.6544559   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How Central-Bank Interest-Rate Policy Is Destabilizing Banks


Broadly speaking, banks operate under the concept of maturity transformation. Banks take short-term – less than one year – financing vehicles, such as customer deposits, and use that to finance long-term – more than one year – returns. These returns range from the most commonly understood loans, such as auto loans and mortgages, to investments in equity, bonds and public debt. Banks make money on the interest spread between what they pay to the owners of the money and what is earned from the operations. Banks also make money on other services, such as wealth management and account fees, though these are relatively small compared to the maturity transformation business.


In terms of assets, the primary asset a bank holds is the demand deposit, also referred to as the core deposit. These are your everyday savings and checking accounts. Banks also sell Wholesale Deposits, such as CDs, have shareholder equity and also can take out debt, such as interbank lending. As these assets are owned by someone else, each of them demands a return for the use of those assets. These are part of the costs of operation for a bank. There are also more fixed operating costs, such as employees, buildings and equipment that must also be financed.


So, a bank will take assets and formulate loans on them. Like most of the world, the US operates on a fractional reserve system, one where banks originate loans in excess of the deposits on-hand. Take a look at the balance sheet of a large regional bank, 5/3 Bank, for example. For the 2018 fiscal year, 5/3 reported non-capital assets of $94 billion and a deposit base of $108 billion. However, the cash and cash equivalent component of these assets stood at $4.4 billion, or just 4% of demand deposits. It is critical, then, that the bank convinces those depositors to keep their deposits with 5/3 and not request a withdrawal. Doing so would collapse the bank as it's unable to quickly make good on any withdrawal request greater than 4% of the deposit base. To do this, the bank pays the depositor interest on the deposit.

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 12:59 p.m. No.6544582   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yeah jpost says hamas didn't agree also


but the post is still notable as it explains thing very accurately

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 1:08 p.m. No.6544640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4685

Important message from Israel


After lengthy discussions with the Mossad, Unit 8200, team 8 and various other agency we can conclusively say:


We didn't do it! Anything you thought you saw or read didn't actually happen and we sure as HELL haven't infiltrated and co-opted every government WW………….Oh and we are kinda like God's so you need to worship us only and be our slaves or we'll chop your head off!

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 1:10 p.m. No.6544651   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Venezuelan Opposition Envoy Meets DoD, State Dept Officials in DC - Reports


Carlos Vecchio, opposition leader Juan Guaido's envoy to the US said in a message on Twitter that the talks held at the State Department had been "very positive".


"We continue to advance", Vecchio said, but offered no further details.


Cumpliendo con el mandato del Presidente @jguaido anunciamos que ya fue realizada la reunión pautada para hoy junto al Departamento de Estado y el Pentágono de los EEUU para discutir todos los aspectos de la crisis de Vzla. Muy positivo. Seguimos avanzando.

— CARLOS VECCHIO (@carlosvecchio) 20 мая 2019 г.


Carlos Vecchio said in letter — which is dated 11 May — Guaido has formally requested the support of US military forces in the ongoing political and humanitarian crisis inside the South American country.


The situation in Venezuela has been tense since January when opposition leader Juan Guaido proclaimed himself an interim president. Washington and its allies endorsed Guaido and called on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro to step down.


Russia, China, Turkey and numerous other countries have said they recognize President Nicolas Maduro as the only legitimate head of state in Venezuela.


Maduro has called Guaido a US puppet and accused the United States of orchestrating a coup in Venezuela to effect a forced change of government and claim the country’s resources.

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 1:16 p.m. No.6544710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4718 >>4756 >>4813 >>4869

Trump: ”We do have a military industrial complex.. they do like war”


Trump @19:20 – Military Industrial Complex does not want to leave Syria, wants more wars.


Is this the first time that any President openly admited that he cant do something that he wants to do, because huge business lobby group is not allowing him to do it?


At least that is how I interpreted his words.

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 1:18 p.m. No.6544723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4761 >>4837 >>4879 >>4919

Senator proposes strict Do Not Track rules in new bill


Online advertising has become more invasive than ever, and Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) announced today that he plans to introduce a bill that would create a Do Not Call list but for data tracking.


Hawley’s Do Not Track Act would, if approved, allow people using an online service to opt out of any data tracking that isn’t necessary for that particular service to properly work. It would create a national list that would provide people with an option to block any secondary data tracking and penalize companies that continued to collect unnecessary data.


“Big tech companies collect incredible amounts of deeply personal, private data from people without giving them the option to meaningfully consent,” Hawley said. “They have gotten incredibly rich by employing creepy surveillance tactics on their users, but too often the extent of this data extraction is only known after a tech company irresponsibly handles the data and leaks it all over the internet.”


Hawley’s bill is similar to a draft do-not-track bill published by DuckDuckGo CEO Gabriel Weinberg earlier this month, who presented it as a way to rein in the power of targeted advertising. “People are fed up with Big Tech’s privacy abuses and are actively seeking out ways to protect themselves,” Weinberg said in a statement. “This bill finally closes this Do Not Track loophole while still taking advantage of the signal’s preexisting technical implementation and mainstream consumer adoption.”

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 1:20 p.m. No.6544748   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Venezuela’s Maduro proposes early elections for opposition-held National Assembly


Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has proposed holding early elections to restock the National Assembly, currently headed by opposition leader and self-declared interim president Juan Guaido backed by US.


Maduro has issued similar calls before, announcing support for an early election in February of this year. If elections are not held before then, Venezuelans will vote on the makeup of the National Assembly next year.


In 2017 the body saw its powers somewhat limited after the establishment of the Constituent Assembly, entirely staffed with Maduro loyalists, in 2017. The two legislatures have functioned in parallel since.

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 1:45 p.m. No.6544961   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tom Fitton: Weissmann Sent Email to Yates Claiming He Was in "Awe" of Her Lawlessness

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 1:46 p.m. No.6544967   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Microsoft’s Xbox to censor ‘toxic’ comments…


As Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and other social platforms come under fire for enabling hateful speech, Microsoft is stepping up to thwart toxic comments among its 63 million Xbox live users.


Gaming is not Microsoft’s highest-priority market — cloud infrastructure and productivity applications are more crucial to its business — but the segment generated 10% of the Microsoft’s revenue last quarter. And the company is continuing to invest in its Xbox business as it moves away from other consumer markets, like wearables and music streaming. Microsoft needs to make sure Xbox players don’t hear or see content that might turn off users, or scare younger players away.


Microsoft is making these moves after the ascent of the Gamergate controversy, which led to people harassing and making threats against women.


The changes follow Microsoft’s recent update to its Xbox “community standards” for gameplay, which pointed out several practices that aren’t acceptable. Now it’s taking that a step further with moderation tools.


“This summer, we are empowering our official Club community managers with proactive content moderation features that will help create safe spaces for fans to discuss their favorite games,” Microsoft’s executive vice president of gaming, Phil Spencer, said Monday. “We plan to roll out new content moderation experiences to everyone on Xbox Live by the end of 2019.” Xbox Live has 63 million monthly active users, and the service includes groups where people can post content and submit comments, along with chat rooms.

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 1:47 p.m. No.6544974   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rep. Justin Amash Has Personal Business Interests in China


On Saturday Trump-hating GOP Rep. Justin Amash tweeted out that President Trump should be impeached.


In fact, Mueller’s report identifies multiple examples of conduct satisfying all the elements of obstruction of justice, and undoubtedly any person who is not the president of the United States would be indicted based on such evidence.


— Justin Amash (@justinamash) May 18, 2019


The RINO Republican likes to hurl attacks at the Republican president.


Rep. Amash worked for his family’s business Tekton Tools after graduating from college and before becoming a US representative.

The Washington Post reported:


The Michigan congressman was born in Grand Rapids and raised in Kentwood, Mich., by a Palestinian Christian father and a Syrian Christian mother. He attended college and law school at the University of Michigan and briefly worked at his family’s business, Tekton Tools, which makes handheld implements, such as screwdrivers.


He served one term in the state House in Lansing before he was elected to Congress in 2010. There, he allied with hard-line conservatives to form the House Freedom Caucus, whose members have mostly fallen in line with Trump.


In 2010 Rep. Amash’s Democratic challenger cut ads accusing Amash and his family of owning factories in China.


In response Amash told MLive:


The family’s company has staff in China to “facilitate trade” and “make sure we get what we’re looking for,” but said it has no manufacturing plant there.


According to his financial disclosure forms, Amash is a co-owner of Dynamic Source International, a Chinese company that supplies Michigan Industrial Tools Inc., his father’s Wyoming-based business.


Dynamic Source International is based in YUHANG DISTRICT HANGZHOU ZHEJIANG CHINA.


The Conservative Treehouse has more on Justin Amash’s Chinese business interests.

Anonymous ID: b4e529 May 20, 2019, 1:49 p.m. No.6544989   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pompeo to Iraq: Stand with US against Iran or move aside


US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned Iraqi leaders that if they are not going to stand with the US against Iran, then they should stand aside, AP reported.


Pompeo’s message came last week as he met with Iraqi leaders to discuss the mounting tension between Washington and Tehran.


The news agency said the message was relayed to it by two Iraqi officials who refused to be named, pointing out that Pompeo’s visit to Baghdad came as intelligence had received information about Iranian threats to US interests in the Middle East.


“There are fears that Baghdad will get caught again in the conflict between Washington and Tehran after recovering from the effects of its war on the Islamic State,” the news site reported, in reference to Daesh.


“The big question is how Iraqi leaders will deal with [their] national interests in a country where loyalty to external powers is widespread at the expense of their own nation,” Iraqi political analyst Watheq al-Hashimi said. “If the state cannot put these [Iranian-backed militias] under control, Iraq will become an arena for an Iranian-American armed conflict.”


Last week, Baghdad’s ambassador to Russia told reporters that Iraq will not allow the US to use its territory for military operations against Iran.


He said that Baghdad would use its position to act as a mediator and that his country “does not want a new devastating war in the region.” He added that he hoped “nothing will happen.”