Anonymous ID: 04ce37 March 13, 2018, 1:23 p.m. No.654668   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4684 >>4690 >>5160



NEWFAGS, NORMIES & those who collect info. This is a compilation of actors, living & dead, in the saga. It does NOT include the corrupt G. H. W. Bush, entire W. J. Clinton & G. W. Bush admins. Some of W. J. Clinton’s gang got scooped up because they were imbedded with HRC’s Staff & BO’s admin. Of these 104 names, 4 are dead and 3 are good guys, the Beck’s & Ortel. So that’s 97 high power and/or high profile names that may (or may not) have a sealed indictment. But as Q mentioned – imagine these people being swept up all at once? Look at the big dog’s net worth. Most, if not all of us, would be okay with that – but the general population would freak. Anyway, it’s obviously NOT comprehensive and void of intricate detail – but a good overview of who’s hanging out there and still in play – which is the entire field because NO ONE has been taken down.


AB = ANDRE BALAZS - CEO of André Balazs Properties including the Standard Hotels, net worth 700-million, ties to ADAM SCHIFF

AS = ADAM SCHIFF - U.S. Representative for California's 28th congressional district, net worth 1.74-million, 63% more than the average member of Congress

AS = AL SHARPTON - American civil rights activist / White House adviser for President Barack Obama, net worth 5-million.

AS = ALEXANDER SOROS – American liberal philanthropist - George Soros youngest son

AS = ANTONIN SCALIA – former SCOTUS, died of “natural causes” RUTH BADER GINSBURG tweeted about winning a bet, JOHN PODESTA tweeted about “wet works” at the Vineyard

AC = ANDERSON COOPER – CNN News Anchor – CIA Operative

AC = ASH CARTER – Obama Secretary of Defense

AG = ALBERT R. GRACE JR – Cofounder Loop Capital Markets


AM = ANDREW McCABE – Former Deputy Director FBI

AP = ANTHONY PODESTA – Lobbyist, Podesta Group Founder – John Podesta’s brother

AT = PRINCE ALWALEED BIN TALAL - Saudi businessman, billionaire, investor, philanthropist, net worth 17.5-billion

AW = ANDREW WEISSMANN - Since 2015 he has been the chief of the criminal fraud section of the U.S. Department of Justice

AW = ANTHONY WEINER – disgraced Democratic congressman who resigned New York's 9th congressional district seat, married to HUMA ABADIN

BG = BILL GATES JR – Billionaire Founder of MicroSoft, net worth 78.7-billion

BG = BILL GATES SR – Father of Jr, one time Director of Planned Parenthood

BO = BARAK HUSSEIN OBAMA – 44th President of the Unites States, community organizer, made 20-million dollars after arriving in DC

BO = BRUCE OHR - former United States associate deputy attorney general, contacted Christopher Steele, author of the fake Trump–Russia dossier, commissioned by Fusion GPS, where his wife worked.

BP = BILL PRIESTAP - assistant director of the FBI Counterintelligence Division, married to SABRINA MENSCHEL

BR = BILL RICHARDSON - 30th Governor of New Mexico from 2003 to 2011, Ambassador to the United Nations and Energy Secretary under Clinton (Traveled to NK w/ Eric Schmidt in January of 2013)

BS = BERNIE SANDERS – US Senator from Vermont, lost conceded 2016 democratic primary to HRC, purchased $575k lake-front home in North Hero, Vt after primary., made 1-million in 2016.

BW = BERANTON WHISENANT – US Attorney “suicided” 5/24/17, see: https://

Anonymous ID: 04ce37 March 13, 2018, 1:24 p.m. No.654684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4692 >>4695 >>4772 >>5160



CC = CHELEA CLINTON – daughter of 42nd POTUS & HRC, married to MARC MEZVINSKY

CF = CLINTON FOUNDATION – see Charles Ortel web-site for extensive research & documentation of CF corruption http://

CG = CARL GHATTIS - executive assistant director of National Security Branch, leads the FBI's operations and intelligence efforts involving all national security matters

CH = CHUCK HAGEL – Obama Secretary of Defense

CM = CHERYL MILLS - deputy White House Counsel for President Bill Clinton, Chief of Staff to Hillary Clinton during her whole tenure as Secretary of State

CR = CECILE RICHARDS – resigned President of Planned Parenthood (PP), according to Forbes the annual revenue for PP is 1.4-billion

CS = CHRISTOPHER STEELE - founding director of Orbis Business Intelligence, British intelligence officer with the Secret Intelligence Service MI6 from 1987 until 2009

CS = CHUCK SCHUMER – Senior Senator from NY, current Senate Minority Leader

DB = DAVID BROCK - American liberal political operative, founded media watchdog group Media Matters for America & Shareblue, ex-boyfriend of James Alefantis

DB = DONNA BRAZILE - Democrat strategist, campaign manager, analyst, DNC chair 7/16 – 2/17, suggested replacing HRC w/ JOE BIDEN in light of rigged primary - scared by Seth Rich murder

DD = DONNIE DEUTSCH – Ad Exec, CNBC Talk Show Host, net worth 200-million

DK = DAVID KRAMER - Senior Director Human Rights & Human Freedoms at McCain Institute, used 5th Amendment to avoid testifying before House Intelligence Committee about Trump dossier Russian sources

DP = DIANE PRIMO - IntraLink Global Founder and Chairman, married to QUINTIN PRIMO

DWS = DEBBIE WASSERMAN SHULTZ - U.S. Representative for Florida's 23rd congressional district, former DNC Chair - BERANTON WHISENANT “suicided” in her District

DR = DAVID ROTHSCHILD - He is a member of the Rothschild family, the youngest of three children of Victoria Lou Schott (born 1949) and Sir Evelyn de Rothschild

DR = D SHIVAKUMAR – resigned PEPSICO CEO – fetal tissue via abortion clinics in food - https://

EH = ERIC HOLDER - 82nd Attorney General of the United States from 2009 to 2015

EM = EARNEST MONIZ - former Secretary of Energy under U.S. President Barack Obama from May 2013 to January 2017 and was Under Secretary of Energy from 1997 to 2001 under Clinton.

EM = ELON MUSK - South African-born Canadian American business magnate, businesses subsidized by US Gov’t, net worth 20.7-billion

ER = EVELYN DE ROTHSCHILD - British billionaire financier, and a member of the Rothschild family.

ES = ERIC SCHMIDT – Executive Chairman of Google from 2001 to 2017 and Alphabet Inc. from 2015 to 2017 (Traveled to NK w/ Bill Richardson in January of 2013) net worth 14-billion

ES = EDWARD SNOWDEN - former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) employee

FC = FRANK M. CLARK JR - President of Board of Education of The City Of Chicago, Executive VP & Chief of Staff Exelon Corporation since August 1, 2004 & Chairman from 2004 to 2005

FG = FRANK GUISTRA - Canadian businessman, mining financier. Uranium One absorbed by a company run and co-owned Giustra – a 100-million dollar Clinton donor, net worth ~1-billion

GS = GEORGE SOROS – Billionaire Hungarian-American investor, philanthropist, political activist – funded BLM, Antifa, Syrian Migration into Europe & Clinton, McCain, Schiff campaigns , net worth 8-bilion

GS = GLENN SIMPSON - journalist worked at The Wall Street Journal until 2009, co-founded Fusion GPS, Fusion GPS hired CHRISTOPHER STEELE author of the fake Trump–Russia dossier

HA = HUMA ABADIN - vice chair of Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign, wife of disgraced NY 9th District Rep ANTHONY WEINER, direct / family ties to Muslim Brotherhood

HF = HEIDI FLEISS – renown madam, ties to Playboy Mansion & CHUCK SCHUMER – implicates underage girls filmed with politicians / business manates @ Mansion unknowingly for blackmail

HRC = HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON – former First Lady of US 1993 to 2001, junior U.S. Senator from NY 2001 to 2009 and 67th US Secretary of State 2009 to 2013

IA = IMRAN AWAN - Pakistani-American information technology worker. He worked as a shared employee for Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives. At the time of his arrest in July 2017

IW = IRIS WEINSHALL- Chief Operating Officer of The New York Public Library, former commissioner of the New York City Department of Transportation – wife of CHUCK SCHUMER

JA = JAMAL AWAN - information technology worker. He worked as a shared employee for Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives – hired by DEBBIE WASSERMAN SHULTZ

Anonymous ID: 04ce37 March 13, 2018, 1:25 p.m. No.654692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4700 >>4706



JA = JAMES ALEFANTIS - owns two restaurants in Washington, D.C.: pizzeria Comet Ping Pong, and Buck's Fishing & Camping, in 2012, GQ named him one of the 50 most powerful people in D.C.

JA = JULIAN ASSANGE - founder of WikiLeaks – platform where JOHN PODESTA, HRC, HA, AW & DNC e-mails were / are posted demonstrating elite pedophilia & DNC corruption

JB = JARED BECK – Beck & Lee Law Firm, husband of Elizabeth Lee Beck – threatened by DWS for probing into DNC – “suicides” PETER W. SMITH & BERANTON WHISENANT Jr. have them on edge

JB = JEFF BEZOS – billionaire CEO of, owner Washington Post, net worth 124-billion, AMAZON ECHO used as CIA info / data / spy collection (same for Google Home)

JB = JENNIFER MARIE BROWN – wife of JAKE TAPPER who’s favorite restaurant in D.C. is pizzeria Comet Ping Pong

JB = JOHN BRENNAN - Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from March 2013 to January 2017 - In 1976, he voted for Communist Party USA candidate Gus Hall in the presidential election;

JB = JOE BIDEN - 47th Vice President of the United States from 2009 to 2017. A member of the Democratic Party, he represented Delaware as a U.S. Senator from 1973 to 2009

JC = JAMES COMEY – seventh Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from September 4, 2013 until his dismissal on May 9, 2017

JC = JAMES CLAPPER - former Director of National Intelligence

JC = JASON CHAFFETZ - served as the U.S. Representative for Utah's 3rd congressional district, from 2009 until 2017 – suggested in Strzok/Page texts as being compromised

JC = JULIAN CASTRO - served as the 16th United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under President Barack Obama

JD = JACK DORSEY a.k.a. @JACK - co-founder and CEO of Twitter, net worth 3.4-billion, has a team collecting dick pics at twitter – implicating a cache of child porn – teen DM’s etc.

JD = JAMIE DIMON - Chairman, CEO, and President, of JPMorgan Chase, the largest of the big four American banks, net worth 1.3-billion

JE = JEFFREY EPSTEIN - American financier & registered sex offender, convicted of soliciting underage girl for prostitution, served 13 mo in prison, lives on Little Saint James Island in the US Virgin Islands.

JJ = JEH JOHNSON - fourth United States Secretary of Homeland Security 2013 to 2017

JJ = JESSIE JACKSON - American civil rights activist, has an estimated net worth of $10 million.

JK = JOHN KERRY - 68th United States Secretary of State from 2013 to 2017, Massachusetts US Senator from 1985 to 2013, 2004 Democrat nominee for President, net worth ~750-million

JK = JOHN KOSKINEN - 48th IRS commissioner

JL = JACK LEW - 76th United States Secretary of the Treasury, serving from 2013 to 2017. He served as the 25th White House Chief of Staff from 2012 to 2013

JM = JILL McCABE – wife of ANDREW McCABE, received a total of $675,288 from two entities associated with McAuliffe, one - the Clinton Foundation – for failed State Senate run

JM = JOHN McCAIN - senior United States Senator from Arizona since 1987. He was the Republican nominee for President of the United States in the 2008 election, net worth ~100-million

JN = JANET NAPOLITANO - 21st Governor of Arizona from 2003 to 2009 and United States Secretary of Homeland Security from 2009 to 2013

JP = JOHN PODESTA - served as White House Chief of Staff to Bill Clinton from 10/20/98 to 01/20/99 & Counselor to Barack Obama from 1/1/14 to 2/13/15 & HRC’s 2016 campaign mgr.

JP = JAY ROBERT PRITZKER - American venture capitalist, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and private business owner based in Chicago, net worth 3.5-billion, brother of PENNY PRITZKER


JR = JEFFREY L. ROTHSCHILD - He is a member of the Rothschild family.

JR = JOHN W. ROGERS JR. – CEO of Ariel Capital Management

JS = JANE O’MEARA SANDERS – American social worker, college administrator, wife of Bernie Sanders, presently under federal investigation for Bank Fraud

JS = JONATHAN SOROS - founder and chief executive officer of JS Capital Management LLC, a private investment firm, son of GEORGE SOROS

JS = JOE SCARBOROUGH - served in the US House of Representatives 1995 to 2001 as Republican for 1st district of Florida. Host of MSNBC Morning Joe, engaged to co-host MIKA BRZEZINSKI

JT = JAKE TAPPER - Chief Washington Correspondent for CNN – married to JENNIFER MARIE BROWN

JT = JUSTIN TRUDEAU - 23rd and current Prime Minister of Canada since 2015 and Leader of the Liberal Party since 2013

JW = JUDICAL WATCH – Patriot Organization

JZ = JEFF ZUCKER - current president of CNN. He previously served as president and CEO of NBC Universal, net worth ~30-million

Anonymous ID: 04ce37 March 13, 2018, 1:26 p.m. No.654700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4705 >>4752



KE = KLAUS EBERWEIN – Haitian Gov’t official slated to testify against Clinton Foundation found dead in Miami just before hearing.

KS = KATHLEEN SEBELIUS - 21st United States Secretary of Health and Human Services from 2009 until 2014 and the 44th Governor of Kansas from 2003 to 2009.

LB = LISA BARSOOMIAN – wife of ROD ROSENSTEIN - works for R. Craig Lawrence, attorney represented Robert Mueller 3 times, James Comey 5 times, Barack Obama 45 times, Kathleen Sebellius 56 times, Bill Clinton 49 times and Hillary Clinton 17 times between 1991 and 2017

LB = LLYOD BLANKFEIN - CEO and Chairman of Goldman Sachs, net worth 1.1-billion

LDS = LYNN FORESTER DE ROTHSCHILD - American-British businesswoman who is the chief executive officer of E.L. Rothschild, supporter of HRC’s 2016 Presidential campaign, net worth ~673-million

LL = LOIS LERNER – former director of the Exempt Organizations Unit of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

LL = LORETTA LYNCH - 83rd Attorney General of the United States, appointed by President Barack Obama in 2015 to succeed Eric Holder

LM = LESLIE MOONVES - Chairman of the Board, President, and Chief Executive Officer of CBS Corporation, net worth ~700-million

LP = LEON PANETTA - served in several positions, Secretary of Defense, Director of the CIA, White House Chief of Staff, Director of the Office of Management and Budget, & U.S. Representative from California.

LP = LISA PAGE - a United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent removed from Mueller's team investigating Trump Admin Russian Collusion

LS = LAURA SILSBY a.k.a. LAURA GAYLER - New Life Children’s Refuge operative in Haiti charge with child trafficking,

LS = LAWRENCE SUMMERS – Chief Economist World Bank (1991–93), US Treasury Secretary, 1999–2001, director of National Economic Council for Obama (2009–2010) net worth btwn 17 & 39-million

MA = MARINA ABRAMOVIC - Serbian performance artist, Satanic witch, Hollywood & DC “Spirit Cooker” w/ties to Rothschild, Podesta Brothers, Clintons et al

MB = MIKA BRZEZINSKI – co-host of MSNBC Moring Joe, daughter of the late diplomat and political scientist Zbigniew Brzezinski

MF = MICHAEL FROMAN - U.S. Trade Representative from 2013 to 2017

MM = MARC MEZVINSKY - American investment banker and co-founder of the now-defunct hedge fund Eaglevale Partners, husband of CHELEA CLINTON, net worth ~15-million

MW = MAXINE WATERS - U.S. Representative for California's 43rd congressional district, $174k/annual salary – owns 4.5-million home

MZ = MARK ZUCKERBERG - co-founder Facebook, chairman and CEO; net worth is estimated ~$72.4 billion as of February 14, 2018 – Facebook facial recognition tech used by CIA

NO = NELLIE OHR – wife of BRUCE OHR, works at Fusion GPS a commercial research and strategic intelligence firm that hired CHRISTOPHER STEELE author of the fake Trump–Russia dossier

NP = NANCY PELOSI - Minority Leader US House of Representatives since 2011, representing California's 12th congressional district net worth $29.35 million

OD = OLEG DERIPASKA - Russian oligarch and philanthropist net worth 6.6-billion

PM = PETER MUNK - Hungarian-born Canadian businessman and philanthropist founded and chairs Barrick Gold, net worth as of 2014: 27.4-billion

PP = PENNY PRITZKER – 38th US Secretary of Commerce under Obama, net worth 2.8-billion, sister of JAY ROBERT PRITZKER

PS – PETER W. SMITH - investment banker, financier of 93’ Trooper gate story, AK troopers accuse Bill Clinton of sexual dalliances while he was Governor of Arkansas – suicided 5/14/17

PS = PETER STZROK - a United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agent removed from Mueller's team investigating Trump Admin Russian Collusion

Anonymous ID: 04ce37 March 13, 2018, 1:26 p.m. No.654705   🗄️.is 🔗kun



QP = QUINTIN PRIMO – Chairman & CEO of Capri Capital Partners LLC, net worth 300-million

RB = RICHARD BRANSON - English business magnate, investor and philanthropist, net worth 5.1-billion

RE = RAHM EMANUEL – Bill Clinton advisor, Illinois 5th District US Rep, Obama WH Chief of Staff, 44th Mayor of Chicago, net worth 11-million

RG = ROBERT GATES - 22nd United States Secretary of Defense from 2006 to 2011

RBG = RUTH BADER GINSBURG - Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, net worth 28-million – sent “bet tweet” about ANTONIN SCALIA’s death.

RI = ROBERT IGER – CEO of The Walt Disney Company – parent company of ABC

RM = ROBERT MUELLER – former Director of the FBI current special consul over Russian Collusion investigation

RR = ROD ROSENSTEIN – Deputy Attorney General for the Department of Justice

RR = ROBERT RUNCIE - Broward County Public Schools, ties to Sheriff SCOTT ISRAEL, brother of James Runcie – CEO of Federal Student Aid – resigned to avoid testifying on improper payments

SC = STEVEN CHU - Secretary of Energy from January 21, 2009, to April 22, 2013

SI = SCOTT ISRAEL – Broward County Sheriff, Clinton Supporter, in DWS District, Broward County Sheriff Dept. "investigated" KLAUS EBERWEIN "suicide" & BERANTON WHISENANT “suicide.”

SM = SABRINA MENSCHEL - President & Chief Operating Officer of Nardello & Co, married to Bill Priestap,

SP = SAMANTHA POWER - United States Ambassador to the United Nations from 2013 to 2017

SR = SANDY REYNOLDS - co-founder of Loop Capital Markets, IntraLink Global's Senior Vice President of Global Business Development

SR = SETH RICH - employee of DNC fatally shot D.C. – Q implicates DWS ordered [187] hit job, JOHN PODESTA e-mail threatens to make example of leaker, JA offered reward for his killer

SR = SUSAN RICE - 24th United States National Security Advisor from 2013 to 2017, net worth 20-million

SY = SALLY YATES – appointed United States Deputy Attorney General by Obama, resigned under Trump

TC = TERRY McAULIFFE - 72nd Governor of Virginia from 2014 to 2018. Has raised $275 million for Clinton's causes.

TG = TIMOTHY GEITNER - 75th United States Secretary of the Treasury under President Barack Obama from 2009 to 2013

VJ = VALERIE JARRETT - Advisor to BO, Assist for Public Engagement & Intergovernmental Affairs, born in Shiraz, Iran - got start in Chicago politics 87’ JW FOI shows fam ties to communist

WJC = WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON – 42nd POTUS, see/ Google “Clinton Cash” & CHARLES ORTEL http://

Anonymous ID: 04ce37 March 13, 2018, 2:32 p.m. No.655276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5288



People – especially government & military types – have been communicating in code since forever. This is no coincidence. It’s a bomb that’s been dropping since 1977 - - - eventually it will land on everyone.