Q said keep resignation list updated, here's an up-to-date graphic for the Trump admin.
Here's a big ass list of ceo resignations since June 2017, not sure if the pic will show up great…
A little bit about evil Transitional Corporations:
"When you look at the shareholders of the largest corporate military contractors, media companies, technology companies, patent holders, Internet companies, telecommunications companies, you find Vanguard.
Vanguard is a notorious warlord corporation that is owned by banks and a network of corporations who are all interconnected.
Trump is up against warlord brokers and bankers who own 43,000 transnational companies which comprise 60% of the world’s income.
The top 1,300 transnational companies generate about 20% of the world’s income, and 80% of the ownership of the top 1300 corporations is in the hands of 737 corporations world-wide. Of those 737 corporations, 147 corporations directly own 40% of the income.
These corporations in turn own industry, oil, weapons, perpetual military contracts, pharmaceuticals, food, telecom, IT and the other profitable companies – especially war related.
Essentially, these elite corporations own each other through shared stock and investments."
https:// aim4truth.org/2017/12/29/corporate-transnational-warlord-pirates-are-on-the-run/
anyone know where the full video is from todays speech?