Anonymous ID: c1270a May 20, 2019, 1:50 p.m. No.6544999   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5211

USS Lincoln, USS Kearsarge conduct joint operations in Persian Gulf


May 20 (UPI) – The aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln and amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge conducted joint operations with their strike groups in the Persian gulf last week amid rising tensions with Iran. The two strike groups, along with the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit from Camp Leguene, N.C., worked together on Friday and Saturday as members of the Fifth Fleet, the U.S. Navy said in a news release Sunday.


Last week, the Nimitz-class carrier left the Mediterranean Sea and sailed through the Red Sea to the Gulf of Oman. The Lincoln strike group was supposed to go to the region but was deployed earlier in response to credible threats from Iran.


"The exercises and training we are doing with Amphibious Squadron Six, the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit and USS Kearsarge are aimed towards increasing our lethality and agility to respond to threats, and deterring destabilizing actions in this important region," Rear Adm. John Wade, commander of Carrier Strike Group 12, said in the news release. The joint training was designed to improve operational tactics in several warfare areas, including air-to-air training, steaming in formation and maneuvering, and establishing joint communications for command and control environment, the Navy said.


Super Hornets from the Abraham Lincoln participated in an air combat training exercise with AV-8B Harriers from the Kearsarge, a Wasp-class amphibious assault ship. The Super Hornets simulated opposing forces, allowing the Harriers a "rare chance to train with a capable and stealthy adversary," according to the Navy.


I'd never had a chance to train with Harriers before," Lt. Cmdr. Michael Scott, a pilot with Carrier Air Wing 7 operations who led the exercise. "We also had the Harriers receive gas from our airborne F/A-18 mission tanker – something that rarely happens. It was pretty neat to see the Harrier up close in the air." Lincoln's Super Hornets, as well as Harriers and attack helicopters from the Kearsarge, conducted a joint close air support exercise, which "provided a unique training opportunity as it joint multiple types of tactical aircraft that do not typically operate together." The Maritime Raid Force conducted visit, board, search and seizure training, as well as a fast-roping exercise with helicopters and the Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS Bainbridge.


CH-53E Super Stallion helicopters from the Kearsarge completed deck landing qualifications on the Lincoln and Bainbridge, and MV-22 Ospreys landed on the Lincoln flight deck. "This tactical fluency across platforms allows us to efficiently traverse any waters uncontested and readily employ our military assets anywhere, at any time, as demonstrated through this interoperability between Kearsarge and the carrier strike group," said Capt. Jason Rimmer, commanding officer of Kearsarge.


Last week, two Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyers, the USS McFaul and USS Gonzalez, entered the Persian Gulf and will join the Lincoln group. The USS Leyte Gulf, a Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser, already is part of the Lincoln group. The Lincoln, which will transfer to its new home port of San Diego when the current deployment has concluded, replaced the USS John Stennis in the region, and The Kearsarge will be replaced by the USS Boxer, which left San Diego on May 1. The USS Arlington amphibious transport dock ship and a Patriot surface-to-air missile battery have been moved to the Middle East, as have four B-52 bombers.


Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan told a Senate Appropriations Defense subcommittee two weeks ago there was "very, very credible" intelligence that Iran was preparing to attack U.S. forces or interests in the region. The U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations connect the Mediterranean and the Pacific through the western Indian Ocean and three strategic choke points.

Anonymous ID: c1270a May 20, 2019, 2:04 p.m. No.6545100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5211

U.N. study: Corruption still a problem in reformed Afghanistan


May 20 (UPI) – Amid peace talks between the United States and Afghanistan leaders, the United Nations mission in the war-scarred nation said in a study Monday sustained efforts are still needed to weed out corruption there. The report by the U.N. Assistance Mission in Afghanistan said corruption is impacting all aspects of Afghan life and eroding public trust in the government. It recommends building on past reforms and leveraging the public's help.


"Fighting corruption remains a truly fundamental necessity in Afghanistan," U.N. special representative Tadamichi Yamamoto said in a statement. "The United Nations welcomes the progress Afghanistan has made, but all Afghan institutions, along with every segment of society, must persevere in their efforts to advance integrity, accountability and transparency in the country." The passage of whistle-blower laws and efforts to make public information more accessible could help build public trust, the study concluded. Afghanistan has shown progress in recent years due to anti-corruption efforts – moving up last year to No. 172 out of 180 nations on the Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index. It was No. 177 the year before.


Monday's report said corruption is a cyclical problem and the public has grown impatient after new laws and strategies have failed to produce results. "Corruption undermines rule of law and opens the door to more crime, creating a viscous cycle that' fosters a culture of impunity," Yamamoto said. "Even more importantly, corruption puts at risk prospects for peace, as a negotiated settlement for Afghanistan's future must be based on integrity and justice."


The U.N. Convention Against Corruption is the only legally-binding universal anti-corruption instrument. Most U.N. member nations have adopted it, including Afghanistan in 2008.


Anonymous ID: c1270a May 20, 2019, 2:09 p.m. No.6545134   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5141

House Speaker Pelosi awarded Profile in Courage Award


May 20 (UPI) – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's crusade to expand healthcare earned her the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award Sunday in Boston. President John F. Kennedy's daughter Caroline presented the California Democrat with the award after a short speech, in which she said Pelosi is "consistently acting in service of our highest principles and our most vulnerable citizens." The John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum hosted the event. Pelosi's efforts to spearhead the Affordable Care Act showed she could put "national interest above her party's interest to expand access to health care for all Americans and then, against a wave of political attacks, leading the effort to retake the majority and elect the most diverse Congress in our nation's history," the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum said in a statement.


"I'm totally at a loss for words. I'm speechless. I'm overwhelmed by the honor of it all," Pelosi said. "Courage is in the DNA of America. Courage, and the optimism & hope that go with it, which are shaping spirits of the American experience," she added in a tweet.


Another tweet referenced one of Kennedy's famous lines. "In my public life, I have seen leaders who understood that their duty was not to do what was easy, but what was right – especially when my colleagues had the courage to support the Affordable Care Act," she tweeted. Previous Profile in Courage award recipients include former Presidents Barack Obama and Gerald Ford, Arizona Sen. John McCain and Georgia Rep. John Lewis.

Anonymous ID: c1270a May 20, 2019, 2:16 p.m. No.6545188   🗄️.is 🔗kun

South Korea to buy SM-2 missiles from U.S. in $313.9M sale


May 20 (UPI) – The South Korean military was approved to purchase $313.9 million in missiles from U.S. manufacturers, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency announced. The Republic of Korea was approved to buy up to 94 rounds of SM-2 Block IIIB Standard medium-range surface-to-air missiles and 12 MK97 MOD 0 guidance sections, equipment used to aim the missiles, DSCA said on Friday. Technical assistance, training, technical data and related logistic support is included in the price tag, the agency said in a release announcing approval from the State Department and notification of Congress of the sale.


"The proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security objectives of the United States by meeting the legitimate security and defense needs of on the of the closest allies in the INDOPACOM theater," DSCA said. "The ROK Navy intends to use the SM-2 Block IIIB to supplement it's existing inventory. The proposed sale will provide a defensive capability while enhancing interoperability with U.S. and other allied forces," the agency added.


In 2017, South Korea announced its intention to equip itself with more missiles to counter any threat from North Korea. The South's then-newly elected President Moon Jae-in called for the relaxation of limits on its missile arsenal after North Korea launched an intercontinental ballistic missile 2,200 miles into space. Its warhead landed near the Japanese island of Hokkaido, and analysts quickly calculated that the demonstrated range of that test shot could reach Los Angeles and perhaps as far as Chicago or New York.

Anonymous ID: c1270a May 20, 2019, 2:28 p.m. No.6545263   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5269 >>5277 >>5279

Trump loses lawsuit challenging subpoena for financial records


(Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Monday ruled in favor of a U.S. House of Representatives committee seeking President Trump’s financial records from his accounting firm, dealing an early setback to the Trump administration in its legal battle with Congress. U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta in Washington also denied a request by Trump to stay his decision pending an appeal.


Last Tuesday Mehta heard oral arguments on whether Mazars LLP must comply with a House of Representatives Oversight Committee subpoena. Mehta said at the time that financial records from Trump’s long-time accounting firm would be part of a “proper subject of investigation” by Congress, appearing to side with Democratic lawmakers seeking more oversight of the president. It was the first time a federal court had waded into the tussle about how far Congress can go in probing Trump and his business affairs.


Trump is refusing to cooperate with a series of investigations into issues ranging from his tax returns and policy decisions to his Washington hotel and his children’s security clearances. Trump’s lawyers argued that Congress is on a quest to “turn up something that Democrats can use as a political tool against the president now and in the 2020 election.” Mehta’s ruling will almost certainly be appealed to a higher court.


The House Oversight Committee claims sweeping investigative power and says it needs Trump’s financial records to examine whether he has conflicts of interest or broke the law by not disentangling himself from his business holdings as previous presidents did. Lawyers for Trump and the Trump Organization, his company, last month filed a lawsuit to block the committee’s subpoena, saying it exceeded Congress’ constitutional limits.


Mehta was appointed in 2014 by Democratic former President Barack Obama, who was often investigated by Republicans in Congress during his two terms in office. Mazars has avoided taking sides in the dispute and said it will “comply with all legal obligations.”

Anonymous ID: c1270a May 20, 2019, 2:35 p.m. No.6545305   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5427 >>5430

General Dynamics wins $497 million U.S. defense contract: Pentagon


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - General Dynamics Electric Boat won a $497 million U.S. defense contract, the Pentagon said on Monday. The contract, which modified a previously awarded contract, is for a submarine industrial base development and expansion in support of Columbia-class fleet ballistic missile submarines, as well as the nuclear shipbuilding enterprise, the Pentagon said in a statement.

Anonymous ID: c1270a May 20, 2019, 2:55 p.m. No.6545447   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5464

Exclusive – Parscale: President Trump Needs Your Help to Counter Big Tech Censorship Deniers


The White House is asking Americans to share their personal stories of censorship and bias on social media. Predictably, liberals don’t seem interested in believing these victims. The appeal was announced on Wednesday and includes a tool to monitor Big Tech censorship. This is welcome news for conservatives and anyone concerned about the trend of censorship by the giant social media and search engine companies. It’s proof positive that Donald Trump is very serious about stopping the suppression of conservative speech on social media, as he alluded to in a recent tweet, when he said, “Social Media & Fake News Media, together with their partner, the Democrat Party, have no idea the problems they are causing for themselves. VERY UNFAIR!”


The mainstream media response to the new White House initiative, however, expressed precious little concern over the notion that the tech oligopoly is abusing its power over ordinary Americans, instead trying to gaslight us by implying that social media censorship is all in our heads. I wasn’t surprised. That’s been the fake news’s consistent stance throughout Big Tech’s campaign to banish voices on the right from the modern public square and shift the terms of the debate in favor of their Democratic allies. Luckily, after years of ever-tightening censorship against conservatives and Trump supporters, that narrative is so transparently false that it’s impossible to take seriously.


Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, and other social media platforms have become the essential forum for political debate. The gradual disappearance of popular right-leaning personalities and accounts from these platforms over the past three years is hardly just some big coincidence. In the beginning, when their terms of service were still minimal, vague, and ill-defined, the social media giants used overblown accusations of “harassment” to justify banning conservatives while still clinging publicly to their founding ethos of free speech. One preliminary study by Dr. Richard Hanania showed that 21 out of 22 prominent people suspended by Twitter in recent years were Trump supporters. Now, the social media companies increasingly inject politics into their rules and decisions for monitoring their platforms, banning people not for any tangible violation, but for having “dangerous” ideas — or, as was the case for Michelle Malkin, censoring users for merely speaking in support of people who have “dangerous” ideas.


Big Tech has tried to pass off some of its rule changes as politically neutral, such as when they began mandating the far-left’s new gender ideology, as well as banning those who dare refer to biological males as “he,” including prominent conservative scholars — and even socialist feminists who choose to observe traditional binary genders. Other changes, they admit, are purely political, such as banning “white nationalism” at the behest of left-wing groups that openly apply that same label to the President and his supporters. We have mountains of direct evidence that Big Tech is seeking to swing political debate in this country leftward. We know from conscientious whistleblowers that Big Tech employees discuss censoring conservatives in the coarsest terms. Just this week, we learned that a Google subsidiary is working closely with the disgraced Southern Poverty Law Center to create automated artificial intelligence tools to reduce “toxicity” in online comments.


Despite the best efforts of the left, the existence of Big Tech bias and censorship is beyond debate. Even honest Democrats like Tulsi Gabbard recognize that. Twitter founder and CEO Jack Dorsey certainly does, admitting, “I don’t think we can be this neutral, passive platform anymore.”