Anonymous ID: d0bbca May 20, 2019, 1:53 p.m. No.6545024   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A serious question for Q that I would love to see them ask President Trump:


Since the greatest TREASON previously committed against the American people was done by a democrat controlled House, Senate and with a democrat President, (1913) what steps will President Trump take to make sure that after 2020 when there will be a Republican controlled House, Senate and Presidency that the dangers of total governance will be noted and fought against?







Anonymous ID: d0bbca May 20, 2019, 2:06 p.m. No.6545114   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6543843 /pb notables


Hmmm. So if I had some information that was vital to say…debunk and identify crimes and criminals in a specific country and due to circumstances there was no way I could get that information to whom it is that needs that information, how could I go about doing it? I can't go anyplace and nobody of import in relation to the information can meet with me; I know I am being taped and bugged, what do I do?


Here's an idea; place the vital information in a semi-secret location within my belongings, go through the orchestrated exercise of being arrested and removed from my belongings and then placing me in a safe location. Have the owner of where I was take possession of all articles within their legally-owned premises and then have those possessions that include the vital information, given openly and with much fanfare to the very people most needing this information.


I could easily inform the intended recipients of the location of the information through say…holding up a specific book to the cameras that will be milling about to record the "event."


Hindsight - always a pleasure with which to play in any sandbox.