Sup ya'll
It's a great book, full of truth and goodness.
I'm sorry to hear that. One day I hope things will be different. Somehow the USA needs to break away from the current economic model which does nothing but impoverish 99.9% of it's citizens for the benefit of the 0.1% who the the disposable and large amounts fiat currency to game the current financial system.
>who the the disposable and large amounts fiat currency to game the current financial system.
who have the significant amounts of $$$ to game the current financial system via stocks and other investments.
>HAHAHAHA!!! Yes, all this system has done is created the largest and wealthiest middle class in history. Some people are so stupid it hurts.
Wasn't that the non-fiat currency system till USA switched over from the dollar to oil in the 60s? It's been a slow downhill ride for the middle class since then.
Just wait till you see what happens to the "middle class" when millenials and genZ get even older.
Did ya have kids?