>>6546733 (lb)
Keep in mind that Trisha Anderson is married to Charles Newman, a lawyer in the Obama White House (National Security Council).
>>6546733 (lb)
Keep in mind that Trisha Anderson is married to Charles Newman, a lawyer in the Obama White House (National Security Council).
>>6546808 (lb)
Q says NSA tipped off a local report.
Question: How would NSA know about it if it was just a "chance" meeting?
Answer: Impossible. Not a chance meeting, and NSA knew either through spying or a tipoff in USSS or FBI.
If Comey was telling the truth about what Lynch told him (call it a matter), then he should be royally PISSED at finding out that LL was lying to Congress. Could get interesting.
OTOH, if Comey was lying about what LL said, then LL SHOULD HAVE BEEN PISSED at Comey. Instead, transcript shows her answers are blah. She is not pissed, which means she is likely lying.