>"spam deletions"
>content they didn't like
why are you attacking these "4 or 5 bakers" specifically when many, if not most, anons complain about the spam under the dough post regularly? bakers can't control what anons complain about and how do you know who's a baker and who's anon?
>"checks" by staff
BV's used to check bakers all the time, what's the big deal? they stopped doing that so bakers went back to the pastebin check system, which was also something that used to be done often. how is that suddenly "gatekeeping" the bake when it's been done since last year? the main reason this is happening is because we had a shill baker livestreaming the bake. a little extra vigilance is healthy and good for the board. the response the BV's had was to spam prolapse porn, which did nothing about the problems and got one of them fired. this is a workable solution at least, if not a perfect one. what solution are you suggesting? what is your end goal, if you're not shilling? you want the bakers to stop posting their pastebins? there are bakers with pastebins from 2017. have you been bitching about it this entire time or did you just start now? if bakers lose the ability to ID each other what prevents shills from taking over and baking? or is that your end goal? you want shills to be able to run free here with no checks?
>shill for more control of the board
projection much?