Anonymous ID: 22843c May 21, 2019, 2:29 a.m. No.6549396   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9419



If you pray and/or engage in grassroots activity (other than here!) I'd like to let you know about some California legislation that could have an impact on your life. SB276 is bill, likely to be voted on soon (maybe today) that would strip physicians of authority to make medical decisions to issue vaccine exemptions. The decision would go to the State (who doesn't examine children, or respect scientific evidence of vaccine harms). Senator Richard Pan is a doctor who has pushed this bill as well as gotten PASSED SB277 which denies parents and families religious exemption from vaccine requirements. Several medical organizations have come out against the political interference in medical practice and there is a grassroots effort to ask these organizations to stand against SB276. There is one California doctor, a doctor Stoller who is facing criminal investigation plus the search of his confidential medical records for the supposed crime of issuing too many medical exemptions. If SB276 passes you can expect to see other states try to follow this lead. Remember Trump pausing his speech THREE times last night to let a doctor attend to rally attendees needing medical assistance? America is calling on her doctors to care for PATIENTS not to adhere to mandated medicine! Please note that the information I received about this issue came through a group founded by Zen Honeycutt called "Moms across America". When the mothers get involved this sh&% just got real. Please pray for citizens to be able to decide on their own or in consultation with a physician of their choice, what gets INJECTED into their child's body.

Anonymous ID: 22843c May 21, 2019, 4:15 a.m. No.6549584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9616



I want to revisit the death of Daniel Best, the former Pfizer executive who died after joining HHS in a role designed to help lower prescription drug costs. This death attracted a lot of attention back in November of 2018, enough so that Snopes had to run a piece "debunking" the idea that because he died of blunt trauma ruling the death a "suicide" was suspicious! We have MASSIVE vaccine mandates in the pipeline as well as efforts to lower prescription drug costs. These trajectories are likely to collide soon. It should be obvious to anons that pharmaceutical companies are willing to buy politicians such as Richard Pan of California in order to enforce draconian and tyrannical vaccine mandates. This is because pharmaceutical companies know that due to the generation of expensive auto-immune diseases, allergies and cancers vaccines are a pipeline to massive profits. They first profit off of the liability free vaccine itself then when a person becomes chronically ill they are hooked on pharmaceuticals FOR LIFE. I don't believe we will see any sincere move by pharmaceutical companies to lower prices until we restore body autonomy to US citizens. This means that a vaccine should only ever be about protecting the RECIPIENT from an infectious illness and should only ever be administered with INFORMED CONSENT. Since massive evidence is accumulating that pharmaceutical company vaccine products are NOT properly tested at all (for sauce see the Children's Health Defense web site) it means that EVERY vaccine dose administered requires the recipient to participate in an undisclosed and risky EXPERIMENT, completely denying us our Constitutional rights and our rights under the Nuremburg Code. Why am I mentioning the death of Daniel Best? An on line "rumor" I have learned of suggests that Mr. Best was "suicided" after finding out about an Argentine plan to combine official state ID with vaccine records. Imagine if you could not travel without "documenting" to the government that you had received a series of unlawful, unconstitutionally implemented toxic injections? Imagine if those injections were DESIGNED to give you lupus, cancer, thyroid problems, Type 1 diabetes, etc. I don't think pharmaceutical companies will lower prices until they cannot inject us at will with vaccines.