Anonymous ID: 2ddc67 May 20, 2019, 11:10 p.m. No.6548976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8987 >>9009


>>6548597 lb (see notables)


keep in mind these are wounded animals, desperate for their own survival and have been cornered with nowhere to run.


they will say, do anything to save themselves, indeed, these are not normal human beings, they've been compromised some time ago and their allegiance isn't with the good.


take anything (((they))) say with a grain of salt, the good guys have all their comms, there's no way out for their crimes save the ultimate sacrifice, which would be surprising for these cowards.

Anonymous ID: 2ddc67 May 20, 2019, 11:35 p.m. No.6549051   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9064 >>9141



the greatest show on earth anon, right here in front of us. sadly, the American people have allowed this criminal and disgusting element to penetrate our highest offices in our land.


i don't believe most have any idea the magnitude of what's going on behind the curtain. in some ways we don't either, but i believe we have a broad imagination and with all the Qteam drops, the comms on q//research, the knowledge base alone with the rise of high tech media is immense.


even greater for our dear Patriots who've secured their place in security agencies and other bureaucratic departments, who love America, have, with surgical devised a plan to 'legally' expose to the public the overwhelming evidence of crimes committed by these horrible specimens of humanity.


that deep seated ache I've had for decades in my gut that something was horribly wrong is beginning to be soothed by this massive operation.


i suppose i am overwhelmingly grateful and full of gratitude to be a small part of history fight for our individual liberty and freedoms my frens.


just happy that I've lived long enough to witness it. indeed, we are Q and I believe those of us that have participated and have made a stand should be proud that we've answered the call to help save our great nation.