Anonymous ID: 6af4f1 May 21, 2019, 1:58 a.m. No.6549348   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I posted pic related earlier and it got some interest so I wanted to tell anons what happened after I posted.

I went out and met some people, folks I don't talk to about personal matters, and I opened up to them, in a genuine way, about what I'm going through. And in each and every case, it led to a beautiful mirroring situation, sharing, a give and take of reality and love. I walked away from each conversation having forged a deeper bond with someone I hadn't connected with yet.

It's scary to open up to someone but that's how we must come together. To those who said that Q/The Great Awakening has destroyed your relationships, please remember that when God closes one door, He opens another, but that you must exercise your free will to walk through it. That's what being human is about. 4-6% LOST FOREVER, remember? If you're living in a situation that harms you, you have the free will to remain… but also the free will to walk away. We walked away from elitist parties and corrupt politicians; now we have to work on ourselves and leave behind the things that drag us down.

God wins. If God is Love, then Love wins. Because love is something that two people share for one another, one party must first open their heart… and the other's will follow, or not. That's where their free will enters the picture, and that's when you learn what kind of person they are.