Anonymous ID: 977379 May 21, 2019, 1:25 a.m. No.6549311   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9327 >>9340 >>9345 >>9347 >>9378


How is this for some truth, or perhaps just poop.


We are born with the gift of free will, we grow into it. In our behaviour we can choose to be in alignment with free will or not and the quality of any society is determined by its collective behaviour, cause and effect.


If people really want to live in a free society then people must understand the following statement and any man made laws that exist must be in alignment with it: If you violate the free will of another or support such by proxy, you forfeit your own. There's probably a better way to write that but I'm stupid so whatever.


Now based on my observations so few, even self proclaimed awake people understand this. When the masses in their philosophy of wilful ignorance support the evil that goes on every day all I can see is a people who do not understand how the effect of their behaviour ripples throughout society. The system is setup to reinvest your 'contributions' into evil horse shit which then makes everyone an accomplice in the slavery of themselves and others. If you ask me this is one of the fundamental reasons why the world is so messed up, we surrender our free will to evil cunts who use it to do evil and because we do it willingly in many cases, we consent to evil and then wonder why we get evil.


Living in a truly free world requires that the people behave in a way that respects and also defends the free will of not just themselves but those around them. It is not just a natural moral right, it becomes an obligation, the price of freedom if you like. I don't think any man made fiction can change this because free will is as natural as breathing, it is intrinsic to life on Earth as a human being. If you try to behave this way in the current system you will be punished.


I can envision a world where the people are free to do as they please, to make their contributions on their own terms as long they do not violate the free will of others to do so. Imagine a world where when evil does occur, the entire community comes down hard to ensure swift and accurate justice. Such a place would be a hostile environment for anyone considering crime.


Now if there is no truth in what I just wrote then I guess I'm taking crazy pills.