Anonymous ID: ad6bb3 May 21, 2019, 1:40 a.m. No.6549332   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9362

What's that about a military industrial complex?


Chapter I: The War on Terror is a Fraud

"In the mid-'80s, if you remember… Saudi Arabia and the United States were supporting the Mujahideen to liberate Afghanistan from the Soviets. He [Osama bin Laden] came to thank me for my efforts to bring the Americans, our friends, to help us against the atheists. Isn't it ironic?" – Prince Bandar bin Sultan of Saudi Arabia, on Larry King Live.


In 2009, a series of events occurred that ought to have raised questions in the press. First, the United States began a troop surge in Afghanistan designed to deliver the final blow to the Taliban insurgency. Then the United States provided a $7.5 billion aid package to Pakistan.


Around the same time, the Carnegie Foundation published a study which revealed a majority of Pakistan aid goes to the intelligence agency ISI and the military. The problem with these three events is that earlier in the year, U.S. officials revealed to the New York Times that the ISI was funding the Taliban, and was responsible for providing direct assistance and helping with some of their strategic strikes.


The press did cover these stories, but independent of one another. Not one media institution connected the dots that the United States was actively funding the harm that its armed forces were simultaneously fighting. Following the official narrative of the war, it certainly doesn't make any sense that the United States was indirectly prolonging the quagmire.


Perhaps such mistakes are the inevitability of a bloated war bureaucracy, or that U.S. officials simply didn't realize the connection. Unfortunately, a collection of evidence points to a more sinister explanation:

the UNITED STATES* and its allies have been deliberately proliferating radical Islam for decades, only to later spend trillions fighting the enemy they created, thus generating huge war profits for Wall Street moguls.


*a private federal corporation

Anonymous ID: ad6bb3 May 21, 2019, 1:52 a.m. No.6549345   🗄️.is 🔗kun





In order to have choice, you must first free yourself from the narrative matrix. Only then can you choose.

Perhaps you will choose to fight to free others.

Anonymous ID: ad6bb3 May 21, 2019, 3:02 a.m. No.6549436   🗄️.is 🔗kun



One way or another he seems to be communicating FFs and, therefore has foreknowledge. The question is what is the mechanism for creating the code and who controls it.


How did that code get turned into actionable intelligence resulting in a bust at a specific location?

Anonymous ID: ad6bb3 May 21, 2019, 3:15 a.m. No.6549465   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Good for you anon, I'm with you.


We have to learn to talk to authorities man-to-man and hold them accountable with a claim as necessary. Common law still exists, training right here:

Karl Lentz - First 56 audio clips combined


Operate in private, not in commerce. PO stops me he will get a notice of claim (for unlawfully detaining and interfering with a man transporting his private property), instead of a drivers license.

Anonymous ID: ad6bb3 May 21, 2019, 3:21 a.m. No.6549477   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Did your pager go off or something telling you to get to work clown?


Why do you care that anons care about who's running this clown show called our reality? Are you butt-hurt that you're going to lose your paycheck and might hang for taking it in the first place?