Anonymous ID: af4d55 May 20, 2019, 11:34 p.m. No.6549046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9073 >>9087

the ancient mystery religions were always for the elite, of which the proto-caananite's learned of first through the ancient city of the sea peoples, tyre, and through their neighbors the hittites, and later through the babylonian captivity (which at that point had only remnants left from the more pure source of the sumerians). The ancient mystery group of the sea peoples moved their base of operation post alexander's destruction to where the etruscans had been, and eventually established rome as a statification of the occult schools, but for the elite, while the plebs and absorbed barbarians were mostly allowed to keep their polytheism, the real occult was conducted by a select few and in secret (mithras one example) When the post captivity Canaanites began to rebel, seeing themselves as a rival keeper of the ancient mysteries, there was much bloodshed, and eventually the elite of both got together in order to create a way to pacify the majority of the populace while maintaining the passing down of the esoteric rites. They did so by together inventing the majority of the non-torah bible, with hidden meanings only understood by the initiates and a message of pacification to control the population. Constantine waited ten years after the battle had already been recorded in the annals until a meeting with the pharisees where he told the historian to rewrite his account of the battle to further use his demi-godhood to re-enforce the plan. The Canaanite group continued on in the land of the ancient hittites as the khazars, (and the hittites are the clue that they indeed are of the blood!), while the roman group split mostly due to the order of the sea peoples moving into and founding Venice, causing strife with primarily the genovese. The venetians became the center of (((them)) first due to being the first to use their strategic location and dominance of the seas to control money systems, and were the primary instigators of the crusades, the sacking of constantinople, and the creation of a mobile international money system through the templars. The templars then fled to both switzerland and scotland, while the primary power of the occultic venetians moved to the netherlands. as the geneovese occult solidified in rome, It was their influence in the ears of henry the 8th among others that caused the split and reformation, and they took over england finally once they installed william of orange, by force making alliance with the scottish rite templars and the order of druids (an ancient occult order in itself)and their empire became two pronged eventually in the british and dutch east india companies (City of London… Londinium… Roman occult everywhere with sprinkling of venetian for a reason!) Now due to the split there stood two primary centers of (((they)) power… the Roman popified mystery schools (switzerland germanetc) and the combination of the venetian mystery schools (dutch, english, scottish and french) (hapsburg history etc). They warred and colluded, often the former, until finally the venetian/roman black nobility and the guelph saxe coburgs elite were all united under one matriarch… Queen Victoria…


to be continued…

Anonymous ID: af4d55 May 20, 2019, 11:46 p.m. No.6549087   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9089 >>9102 >>9110


all of the world wars were due to the unification and consolidation plans laid out by Victoria (mrs john brown), then followed out by her son Edward the 7th. Edward the 7th was post-humously psyoped to be an incompetent nincompoop, but was far from it, setting up the triple entente, setting up his cousin the keiser and his cousin the tszar, the latter largely in revenge for foiling their 1860's plot to divide and conquer the US by using their freemason networks to create the kkk and instigate the civil war while they ammased troops near the mexican border. The tszar was approached and said to join the plan, but he said no and sided with the US, send two fleets of ships, one to SF bay and one to NY bay in 1863 with orders to attach anyone who attacked the US. So while the rest of the european all inter-related geulph etc nobility was allowed to mostly peacfully give all power the the titular head of the black nobility (the better name for (((they)))), they brutally executed the tszar's family in revenge and to warn other royals from trying to do something similar ever again. Edward the 7th used his man, Earl grey (yes the tea) who used his lackey, "col" edward house, to control woodrow wilson, who got elected on not taking us into the war (not to mention presided over the implementation of (((their))) monetary system as the federal reserve and the required matching unconstitutionally ratified 16th amendment for the tax system), during which the guardians of the papal treasures (Bauers/Redshields) were promised palestine in return for pulling the US into the war, which they did….

Anonymous ID: af4d55 May 20, 2019, 11:56 p.m. No.6549112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9147


bingo, as part of the pacification program, the docile savior (the warrior king will come someday!)


people will not be free until they break free of religion


better put by diderot:


mankind will not be free till the last king is hung with the guts of the last priest

Anonymous ID: af4d55 May 21, 2019, 12:01 a.m. No.6549122   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Mexico was the south american extension of the empire wars between france/spain. Don't forget the english monarchy was essentially german. This was in the 1860's, they sold the french that they could have the western coastal territories after selling lousiana (the brits tried to take it back but jackson, pirates, marines, hatian militiamen, and local militiamen whipeed the redcoats asses!!!)

Anonymous ID: af4d55 May 21, 2019, 12:05 a.m. No.6549131   🗄️.is 🔗kun

the story of the post ww2 setup can be summarized as this:


creation of the new enemy, communism


just like after that, the creation of the new enemy, terrorism


they are playing us because we have the military might, so by infiltrating the DepState and advisor positions they essentially are using us as their war dogs


they will turn on us when they are done

Anonymous ID: af4d55 May 21, 2019, 12:09 a.m. No.6549146   🗄️.is 🔗kun

beware the false saviors, and especially enemy of my enemy is my friend traps!!!



Anonymous ID: af4d55 May 21, 2019, 12:14 a.m. No.6549157   🗄️.is 🔗kun

hiding in plain sight, a rabbit hole for those with open eyes