Anonymous ID: e4db86 May 21, 2019, 4:36 a.m. No.6549616   🗄️.is 🔗kun


GW vets were the canaries in the coal mine.

Eddington a CIA analyst wrote a book about the fukery (as did others) but it got swept under rug in everyone's euphoria and willingness to disbelieve facts.

During GW many things were happening: 1) working out wireless coms/tech for later rollout of cellular services ($$$), 1st GPS devices broad field test and 3) what level of toxic load can the human body handle with max-vacs. Check it!

Anonymous ID: e4db86 May 21, 2019, 5 a.m. No.6549644   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Here’s a story before this jumped up and bite them in the ass (check date).


It was later discovered that she had spent months after her kidnapping at a seedy hotel called Club Verde – just four blocks from the town hall.

She said: “Lots of people know about this. Even people I know were pointing and saying, ‘she was there’ and ‘she was there too. We saw her at night’. But they said they weren’t looking well. They seemed drugged and men were abusing them.”


Not that I’m a big fan of catholic fags but this had to suffice as shit is getting memory holed like a mother!


The already rampant criminal network in Mexico and South America, in addition to dealing drugs, has taken to abducting children and adults in order to murder then and harvest their vital organs. The lucrative, underground business of livers, lungs and eyes to the highest bidder fuels this grisly economy.


fukin yuk!