Anonymous ID: e75abd May 20, 2019, 11:11 p.m. No.6548979   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9012 >>9092 >>9151 >>9345

After so many years of lies from our education system, our leaders, our media, I’m left with a lot of lingering questions about how I should be living. Let’s just say, we’ve all had terrible guidance so far.


Which is prompting me to think about some of the choices I make. I think I can be bit self-destructive as I seek relief from my racing thoughts. The Cabal lays so many traps for us, so I just want to minimize their opportunities to make things harder than they already are. The Cabal definitely made it easy for us to be the masters of our own undoing. It’s a minefield out there!


I’m assuming Q must have spent years understanding humanity’s spiritual purpose. To win a spiritual war, surely you have to be very clear about what it means to be God’s imperfect children.


Maybe the answer is simple: everyone’s divine path is his own, as long as he follows it with loving intentions, AND WITH THE BENEFIT OF TRUTHFUL KNOWLEDGE, not deception. That might be a good start, at least.