Anonymous ID: 020c49 May 21, 2019, 6:01 a.m. No.6549835   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9839 >>9901 >>0220 >>0388 >>0446

Nunes “Likely” to Send Another Criminal Referral Over Steele Meeting with State Dept


by Team Bongino

May 21, 2019

Ranking House Intelligence Committee member Congressman Devin Nunes (R-CA) said it was “likely” he would send another criminal referral to the Department of Justice relating to a meeting between the State Department and anti-Trump dossier author, Christopher Steele.


Speaking to Fox News yesterday, the Washington Examiner reports that Nunes said notes from State Department official Kathleen Kavalec about her October 2016 meeting with Steele were withheld from the House Intelligence Committee during its investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential election.


“It’s likely now, as we do our investigation as to why we didn’t get this information that we’ve just been discussing from the State Department two years ago when we should have received it, there could be another referral coming on obstruction a congressional investigation,” he said.


Matt Palumbo of detailed the contents of Kavalec’s notes last week:


The State Department’s Deputy Assistant Secretary Kathleen Kavalac interviewed Steele on October 11th, which she chronicled in handwritten notes that were later typed and given to the FBI. Thanks for a Freedom of Information Act request from ‘Citizens United” these notes were unearthed. In those notes, Kavalec detailed Steele’s story of how Russians constructed a “technical/human operation run out of Moscow targeting the election” that recruited emigres in the United States to “do hacking and recruiting.”


Steele also said that “Payments to those recruited are made out of the Russian Consulate in Miami,” which leads Kavalec to make a note that “there is no Russian consulate in Miami.” That’s only the first comment Kavalec must have seen as damaging to Steele’s credibility.


Kavalec made note of comments that indicated Steele was speaking to the media (a cardinal sin for those working with the FBI, and a violation of his confidentiality agreement. It’s interesting that Steele was eventually fired by the FBI for speaking to the press, but not until after they got the FISA they wanted)….


Kavalec also made note of Steele’s obvious political motivations, noting that Steele’s client (Fusion GPS) “is keen to see this information come to light prior to the November 8 [the election].” She also noted that “Orbis [Steele’s firm] undertook the investigation into the Russia/Trump connection at the behest of an institution he declined to identify that had been hacked.



Anonymous ID: 020c49 May 21, 2019, 6:45 a.m. No.6550001   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0041

The devil is in the details during LL Congressional Testimony


….So let me follow with these questions that are basically yes or no. I want to talk about the spring, summer, and autumn of 2016. Carter Page, at the time, was suspected of being a Russian asset; George Papadopoulos had told the Australian ambassador that Russians had Hillary emails; Paul Manafort had been named Trump campaign manager; Michael Flynn was Trump's chief national security adviser and foreign

67policy adviser; and just yesterday, had a continuance in his sentencing. One thing that all of these persons had in common was that each was the subject of a FISA court investigation, which we now know, and all were directly connected to Trump. As Attorney General, you had the authority to oversee FISA application process. Is that correct?


Ms. Lynch.Yes.




Anons is there more than one false narrative FISA applications/affidavits out there? THOUGHTS ANONS?




pages 66-69 LL lynch Congressional hearing.

Anonymous ID: 020c49 May 21, 2019, 6:54 a.m. No.6550049   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Clear Brady Violations, good chance prosecutorial misconduct that is criminal in nature and if so Fruit of Poisonous Tree Doctrine takes hold and All convictions are overturned or vacated.



Anonymous ID: 020c49 May 21, 2019, 7:58 a.m. No.6550323   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0388 >>0446


>CIA agent John Lear


this is all I can find so far but no confirmed transcripts or copies.


These revelations by Lear tie in completely with the statements by last month by dying CIA agent Malcom Howard, who made a death bed confession that he was part of a highly classified operation that was tasked with blowing up World Trade Center Building 7. Speaking from a hospital bed, the New Jersey native says he was part of a cell of 4 CIA operatives who worked on a project dubbed “New Century” between May 1997 and September 2001 that was tasked with ensuring the successful demolition of WTC7, at a time, he says, the CIA

“was still taking orders from the top”.